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Adiós para siempre

English translation of Adiós para siempre

Goodbye forever

This is a very strong and formal farewell, used when you do not expect to see the person again.

Example sentences using: Adiós para siempre

Después de la pelea, él dijo 'Adiós para siempre'.

English translation of Después de la pelea, él dijo 'Adiós para siempre'.

After the fight, he said 'Goodbye forever'.

You would use this phrase after a serious argument or dispute when you don't plan to see or talk to the other person again.

Adiós para siempre, mi viejo amigo.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, mi viejo amigo.

Goodbye forever, my old friend.

This phrase can be used when parting from an old friend and not expecting to see them again. It's an expression of acceptance and resignation.

Adiós para siempre, tierra natal.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, tierra natal.

Goodbye forever, homeland.

This phrase can be used when leaving your homeland or home country indefinitely or not expecting to return. It's a reflective and melancholic expression indicating a drastic life-change.

'Adiós para siempre', pensó antes de partir.

English translation of 'Adiós para siempre', pensó antes de partir.

'Goodbye forever', he thought before leaving.

This phrase indicates a solemn and serious commitment to the act of leaving and not returning. It's parting words to a location or a group of people.

Adiós para siempre, vieja vida.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, vieja vida.

Goodbye forever, old life.

This phrase is used when you’re making a major change in your life and will not return to your previous way of living. It could symbolize a positive change or a departure from a negative past.

Adiós para siempre, dulces recuerdos.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, dulces recuerdos.

Goodbye forever, sweet memories.

This phrase might be used in a context where you have to give up some cherished memories or when closing a significant chapter in your life.

'Adiós para siempre', escribió en la carta antes de salir.

English translation of 'Adiós para siempre', escribió en la carta antes de salir.

'Goodbye forever', she wrote in the letter before leaving.

This sentence could be part of a narrative where someone is writing a farewell letter, expressing their decision to leave forever.

Adiós para siempre, mis días de juventud.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, mis días de juventud.

Goodbye forever, my youth days.

This phrase is used to mark the end of a person's young or youthful times in life and taken as the starting point of a new age, or the process of maturing or aging.

Adiós para siempre, ciudad que me vio crecer.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, ciudad que me vio crecer.

Goodbye forever, city that saw me grow up.

This phrase expresses a final goodbye to a place that holds a personal significance to the speaker, in this case, a city where they spent a significant part of their life.

Adiós para siempre, mi amor.

English translation of Adiós para siempre, mi amor.

Goodbye forever, my love.

This sentence is used to bid farewell to a loved one when there is no intention or possibility of meeting again in the future. It's a serious and emotional sentence often used in heartbreak or death situations.

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