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adelantamiento prohibido

English translation of adelantamiento prohibido

prohibited advance

The Spanish phrase 'adelantamiento prohibido' translates to 'prohibited advance' in English. This phrase is often used in traffic or road signs indicating that overtaking or passing is not allowed in that particular area. It is crucial to understand and obey such instructions for safe and rule-abiding driving on roads. Essentially, 'adelantamiento prohibido' is a command to stay in your current position or lane and not to move ahead of the vehicle in front.

Example sentences using: adelantamiento prohibido

La señalización en la carretera indica claramente que el adelantamiento está prohibido en este tramo.

English translation of La señalización en la carretera indica claramente que el adelantamiento está prohibido en este tramo.

The signage on the road clearly indicates that overtaking is prohibited in this section.

This sentence is used in a scenario where the traffic signage on a particular stretch of road explicitly forbids the act of overtaking other vehicles, as in, the action 'adelantamiento' is 'prohibido'.

En esta carretera curvilínea, el adelantamiento está prohibido por seguridad.

English translation of En esta carretera curvilínea, el adelantamiento está prohibido por seguridad.

On this winding road, overtaking is forbidden for safety.

In this example, the prohibition ('prohibido') of overtaking ('adelantamiento') is stated as being for safety reasons due to the physical conditions of the roadway, in this case being winding or curved ('curvilínea').

El conductor ignoró que el adelantamiento era prohibido y fue multado por la policía.

English translation of El conductor ignoró que el adelantamiento era prohibido y fue multado por la policía.

The driver ignored that overtaking was forbidden and was fined by the police.

In this instance, the driver chose to disregard ('ignoró') that the action of overtaking ('adelantamiento') was prohibited ('prohibido'), resulting in the consequence of being fined by the police.

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