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actuar correctamente

English translation of actuar correctamente

act properly

The Spanish phrase 'actuar correctamente' translates to 'act properly' in English. The phrase is actually composed of two words 'actuar' meaning 'to act', and 'correctamente' meaning 'properly'. When these two words are used together they retain their individual meanings, thereby serving as a direct instruction or command, guiding someone to behave or handle things in the right or acceptable manner.

Example sentences using: actuar correctamente

Traté de actuar correctamente, pero cometí un error.

English translation of Traté de actuar correctamente, pero cometí un error.

I tried to act correctly, but I made a mistake.

This sentence is expressing regret over a mistake despite attempting to behave properly.

Debemos actuar correctamente para establecer un buen ejemplo.

English translation of Debemos actuar correctamente para establecer un buen ejemplo.

We must act correctly to set a good example.

This sentence is emphasizing the importance of behaving properly to set a good example for others.

No logró actuar correctamente bajo presión.

English translation of No logró actuar correctamente bajo presión.

He failed to act correctly under pressure.

This sentence is describing someone who was not able to behave appropriately when faced with stress or pressure.

Si quieres ser líder, tienes que actuar correctamente en todo momento.

English translation of Si quieres ser líder, tienes que actuar correctamente en todo momento.

If you want to be a leader, you have to act correctly at all times.

This sentence is stating that proper behavior is crucial for a person who desires to lead others.

Actuar correctamente puede ser difícil cuando las emociones están en juego.

English translation of Actuar correctamente puede ser difícil cuando las emociones están en juego.

Acting correctly can be difficult when emotions are involved.

This sentence is noting the difficulty of behaving appropriately when one's emotions are running high.

Para actuar correctamente, necesitamos entender las reglas.

English translation of Para actuar correctamente, necesitamos entender las reglas.

To act correctly, we need to understand the rules.

This sentence is asserting that understanding the guidelines or regulations is crucial for appropriate behavior.

El juez determinará si se actuó correctamente en este caso.

English translation of El juez determinará si se actuó correctamente en este caso.

The judge will determine if acted correctly in this case.

This sentence is suggesting the judge will decide whether proper actions were taken in this instance.

Creo que no actuaste correctamente en esa situación.

English translation of Creo que no actuaste correctamente en esa situación.

I think you didn't act correctly in that situation.

This sentence is expressing personal belief that the person didn't behave appropriately in a particular situation.

La maestra le enseñó a actuar correctamente en público.

English translation of La maestra le enseñó a actuar correctamente en público.

The teacher taught him to act correctly in public.

This sentence is referring to a teacher teaching a person about proper public behavior.

Espero que hayas aprendido a actuar correctamente después de este incidente.

English translation of Espero que hayas aprendido a actuar correctamente después de este incidente.

I hope you have learned to act correctly after this incident.

This sentence is expressing hope that a person has learned proper behavior after an unfortunate incident.

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