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actuar al margen de la ley

English translation of actuar al margen de la ley

act outside the law

The Spanish phrase 'actuar al margen de la ley' translates to 'act outside the law' in English. This literarily means to engage in actions that are illegal or not recognized by legal authority or framework, basically doing things that are against the law. It can refer to a broad range of illegal activities, regardless of the intention or the context in which the actions are performed. It is a figure of speech often used in legal and justice system contexts.

Example sentences using: actuar al margen de la ley

Es su obligación no actuar al margen de la ley como un ciudadano responsable.

English translation of Es su obligación no actuar al margen de la ley como un ciudadano responsable.

It is your duty not to act outside the law as a responsible citizen.

The subject here is 'you' and it refers to the responsibility of each citizen to not break the law. The word 'obligation' is used to emphasize the importance of this duty.

Se le acusa de actuar al margen de la ley durante su tiempo como jefe.

English translation of Se le acusa de actuar al margen de la ley durante su tiempo como jefe.

He is accused of acting outside the law during his time as boss.

In this sentence, the subject is 'He'. 'He' is accused of behaving unlawfully during his tenure. 'During his time as boss' gives context to the duration when the illegal activities were allegedly carried out.

El gobierno debe actuar al margen de la ley si quiere mantener la confianza del público.

English translation of El gobierno debe actuar al margen de la ley si quiere mantener la confianza del público.

The government must act within the law if it wants to maintain public trust.

This phrase emphasizes the need for righteous behavior on part of the government. The key message is that the government should act lawfully to earn and keep the public's trust.

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