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actuación pésima

English translation of actuación pésima

lousy performance

The Spanish phrase 'actuación pésima' translates to 'lousy performance' in English. In a sentence, it can refer to a notably bad or subpar display of skill or talent, often in fields such as theater, music, sports, or any other performance-based activities or tasks. This phrase is used to express critical disappointment or dissatisfaction with the level of performance.

Example sentences using: actuación pésima

Claramente, la actuación pésima no es aceptable para una producción de esta magnitud.

English translation of Claramente, la actuación pésima no es aceptable para una producción de esta magnitud.

Clearly, the terrible performance is not acceptable for a production of this magnitude.

This sentence highlights a judgment on a poor performance, specifically for a production of a high scale. The phrase 'actuación pésima' refers to a very bad performance.

La actuación pésima de la bolsa de valores hoy nos ha dejado sin palabras.

English translation of La actuación pésima de la bolsa de valores hoy nos ha dejado sin palabras.

The stock market's terrible performance today has left us speechless.

In this context, 'actuación pésima' is used to describe a poor performance, but this time it's referring to the stock market. It emphasizes the shock of the speakers regarding the stock market's poor performance.

A pesar de la actuación pésima, los actores recibieron aplausos de cortesía por parte de la audiencia.

English translation of A pesar de la actuación pésima, los actores recibieron aplausos de cortesía por parte de la audiencia.

Despite the terrible performance, the actors received polite applause from the audience.

This sentence demonstrates the term 'actuación pésima' in a scenario where the actors performed poorly in a play or show, but the audience clapped out of politeness. This shows that even with a terrible acting, people can still show common courtesy by applauding.

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