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actor mediocre

English translation of actor mediocre

mediocre actor

The term 'actor mediocre' in Spanish translates to 'mediocre actor' in English. This is used to describe an actor whose performance or acting skills are considered average or below average. It is not necessarily a definitive judgement, as acting skills can improve over time and subjective interpretations can differ.

Example sentences using: actor mediocre

En realidad, él es bastante talentoso, no un actor mediocre.

English translation of En realidad, él es bastante talentoso, no un actor mediocre.

In fact, he is quite talented, not a mediocre actor.

This sentence expresses a contrary opinion about the subject's acting abilities, stressing that the individual is not mediocre, but rather talented.

A pesar de ser un actor mediocre, llenó el teatro.

English translation of A pesar de ser un actor mediocre, llenó el teatro.

Despite being a mediocre actor, he filled the theater.

This sentence communicates that despite the actor's mediocrity, he managed to attract a large audience.

La crítica calificó su actuación de actor mediocre.

English translation of La crítica calificó su actuación de actor mediocre.

The critic rated his performance as a mediocre actor.

In this case, the sentence reveals that a critic gave a disappointing review of the actor's performance.

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