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actividad callejero

English translation of actividad callejero

Street activity

The Spanish phrase 'actividad callejero' translates to 'street activity' in English. It refers to events or actions taking place on the streets such as street performances, night markets, street food, and more. It captures a vibrant part of urban culture where public spaces are used for various communal and individual activities.

Example sentences using: actividad callejero

La actividad callejero en Madrid es muy animada.

English translation of La actividad callejero en Madrid es muy animada.

The street activity in Madrid is very lively.

This sentence describes the vibrancy of street life in Madrid, attributing it an animated quality.

Después de la pandemia, la actividad callejero se redujo significativamente.

English translation of Después de la pandemia, la actividad callejero se redujo significativamente.

After the pandemic, street activity significantly reduced.

This sentence expresses the consequence of pandemic on the streets activity showing its significant reduction.

Prefiere el ajetreo y la actividad callejero a la tranquilidad del campo.

English translation of Prefiere el ajetreo y la actividad callejero a la tranquilidad del campo.

He prefers the hustle and street activity to the tranquility of the countryside.

This sentence illustrates a preference for the energy and activity of the streets over the peace of the countryside.

La actividad callejero proporciona una visión de la cultura local.

English translation of La actividad callejero proporciona una visión de la cultura local.

Street activity provides a glimpse into local culture.

This sentence suggests that street activities can convey local cultural aspects.

Podemos observar un aumento en la actividad callejero durante el festival.

English translation of Podemos observar un aumento en la actividad callejero durante el festival.

We can observe an increase in street activity during the festival.

This sentence states an increase in street activities during festival times.

English translation of La actividad callejero nocturna es un atractivo turístico popular.

Night street activity is a popular tourist attraction.

This sentence illustrates that street activities during night time can be attractive to tourists.

La actividad callejero en esta ciudad nunca se detiene.

English translation of La actividad callejero en esta ciudad nunca se detiene.

The street activity in this city never stops.

This sentence represents the continuous flow of street activities in a city.

Observando la actividad callejero puedes aprender mucho sobre la vida en la ciudad.

English translation of Observando la actividad callejero puedes aprender mucho sobre la vida en la ciudad.

By observing street activity, you can learn a lot about life in the city.

This sentence states that observing street activities can help someone understand city life better.

Pese a las regulaciones, la actividad callejero continúa floreciendo.

English translation of Pese a las regulaciones, la actividad callejero continúa floreciendo.

Despite regulations, street activity continues to flourish.

This sentence shows that despite of any restrictions, street activities manage to thrive.

La actividad callejero trae vida a la ciudad.

English translation of La actividad callejero trae vida a la ciudad.

Street activity brings life to the city.

This sentence demonstrates how street activities contribute to the liveliness of a city.

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