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actitud extraña

English translation of actitud extraña

strange attitude

The Spanish phrase 'actitud extraña' translates to 'strange attitude' in English. This phrase can be used to describe someone's unusual or peculiar behavior or demeanor. It can depict a person who is acting unusually or whose behavior is not normal or expected in a specific context or situation.

Example sentences using: actitud extraña

Su actitud extraña me dejó desconcertado.

English translation of Su actitud extraña me dejó desconcertado.

His strange attitude left me puzzled.

This sentence is stating that someone's strange behavior or demeanor left the speaker feeling confused or perplexed.

La actitud extraña de María llamó la atención.

English translation of La actitud extraña de María llamó la atención.

Maria's strange attitude drew attention.

Here the speaker tells us that Maria's unusual behavior aroused the interest or curiosity of others.

Me preocupa tu actitud extraña.

English translation of Me preocupa tu actitud extraña.

I worry about your strange attitude.

This expression is used to show concern about someone's unusual behavior.

El maestro notó mi actitud extraña durante la clase.

English translation of El maestro notó mi actitud extraña durante la clase.

The teacher noticed my strange attitude during class.

The sentence is describing a situation where the teacher has noticed the speaker's unusual behavior in class.

Su actitud extraña provocó muchos rumores.

English translation of Su actitud extraña provocó muchos rumores.

His strange attitude provoked a lot of rumors.

In this sentence, the person's unusual behavior has led to much speculation or gossip.

Hanna disimulaba su actitud extraña.

English translation of Hanna disimulaba su actitud extraña.

Hanna was hiding her strange attitude.

The sentence expresses that Hanna is attempting to conceal her unusual behavior or attitude.

La actitud extraña del gato indicaba una enfermedad.

English translation of La actitud extraña del gato indicaba una enfermedad.

The cat's strange attitude indicated sickness.

This sentence discusses that the pet's unusual behavior was a sign of potential health trouble.

Capto la actitud extraña de mi hermano.

English translation of Capto la actitud extraña de mi hermano.

I capture my brother's strange attitude.

This phrase means that the speaker noticed or understood his brother's unusual behavior.

La actitud extraña de Juan estaba fuera de lugar.

English translation of La actitud extraña de Juan estaba fuera de lugar.

Juan's strange attitude was out of place.

Here, the speaker expresses that Juan's unusual behavior was inappropriate or unsuitable for the situation.

Actitud extraña en público puede causar malentendidos.

English translation of Actitud extraña en público puede causar malentendidos.

Strange attitude in public can cause misunderstandings.

This sentence means that behaving unusually in public can lead to misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

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