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acoso laboral(es)

English translation of acoso laboral(es)

harassment of workers

The Spanish term 'acoso laboral' refers to the phenomenon of persistent and repeated negative behaviour towards employees in the workplace. This may include situations such as undue pressure, intimidation, bullying, or any form of psychological abuse. Typically, it is an action or series of actions that distress, embarrass or threaten the employee, often leading to negative psychological, emotional and physical impacts. The English equivalent for 'acoso laboral' is 'workplace harassment'.

Example sentences using: acoso laboral(es)

El acoso laboral puede afectar gravemente la salud mental de una persona.

English translation of El acoso laboral puede afectar gravemente la salud mental de una persona.

Workplace harassment can severely affect a person's mental health.

This phrase highlights the negative impact that workplace harassment can have on an individual's mental well-being, emphasizing the seriousness of the issue.

Es importante denunciar el acoso laboral para proteger a los trabajadores.

English translation of Es importante denunciar el acoso laboral para proteger a los trabajadores.

It is important to report workplace harassment to protect workers.

This sentence stresses the necessity of reporting workplace harassment as a measure to safeguard the rights and well-being of employees.

La empresa tiene políticas estrictas contra el acoso laboral.

English translation of La empresa tiene políticas estrictas contra el acoso laboral.

The company has strict policies against workplace harassment.

This example indicates that the organization acknowledges the problem of workplace harassment and has established clear policies to combat it.

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