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ácido sulfúrico

English translation of ácido sulfúrico

sulfuric acid

The word 'ácido sulfúrico' in Spanish translates to 'sulfuric acid' in English. It is a strong and highly corrosive diprotic acid. It is often used in laboratories and industries for a variety of purposes, such as making fertilizers and detergents. Sulfuric acid has a notable importance in the field of chemistry due to its wide range of reactivity with different types of substances.

Example sentences using: ácido sulfúrico

El ácido sulfúrico es un componente clave en la industria.

English translation of El ácido sulfúrico es un componente clave en la industria.

Sulfuric acid is a key component in the industry.

In this phrase, 'ácido sulfúrico' is used in the context of industrial processes. Sulfuric acid is often used in many manufacturing applications, making it a 'key component in the industry'.

No debes tocar el ácido sulfúrico sin la protección adecuada.

English translation of No debes tocar el ácido sulfúrico sin la protección adecuada.

You should not touch sulfuric acid without proper protection.

This sentence uses 'ácido sulfúrico' to highlight safety procedures when dealing with hazardous materials. Without proper protection, touching sulfuric acid can cause harm, hence the advice given in this sentence.

El ácido sulfúrico se utiliza para hacer fertilizantes.

English translation of El ácido sulfúrico se utiliza para hacer fertilizantes.

Sulfuric acid is used to make fertilizers.

In this phrase, 'ácido sulfúrico' is used in a context related to agriculture. Sulfuric acid is a common component in the creation of fertilizers, providing necessary nutrients for plant growth.

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