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acidez de estómago

English translation of acidez de estómago

stomach acidity

The Spanish phrase 'acidez de estómago' translates to 'stomach acidity' in English. This term refers to a medical condition where stomach acid frequently flows back up into the esophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach. This backwash (acid reflux) can irritate the lining of the esophagus and might cause heartburn, a burning sensation felt in the chest just behind the breastbone that typically occurs after eating and spreads to the neck, throat, and jaw.

Example sentences using: acidez de estómago

La acidez de estómago a menudo puede ser un efecto secundario de ciertos medicamentos.

English translation of La acidez de estómago a menudo puede ser un efecto secundario de ciertos medicamentos.

Stomach acidity can often be a side effect of certain medications.

This sentence is explaining a health phenomena where certain medicine intake may cause stomach acid, a condition commonly known as heartburn.

Cuando como chile, siempre sufro de acidez de estómago.

English translation of Cuando como chile, siempre sufro de acidez de estómago.

When I eat chili, I always suffer from stomach acidity.

In this sentence, the person is describing how they personally experience stomach acidity or heartburn whenever they consume chili, which can be a common experience for some people due to the spiciness.

El estrés y la ansiedad pueden aumentar la acidez de estómago.

English translation of El estrés y la ansiedad pueden aumentar la acidez de estómago.

Stress and anxiety can increase stomach acidity.

This sentence is stating the impact that emotional states such as stress and anxiety can have on our physical health, particularly leading to increased stomach acid or heartburn.

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