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English translation of acción


The Spanish word for 'action' is 'acción'. It is used similarly to how it's used in English. It can denote activity or movement, and it can also be used metaphorically, as in taking action on an issue. Just like in English, 'acción' is a versatile word in Spanish and can be used in many different contexts.

Example sentences using: acción

Estoy esperando tu acción.

English translation of Estoy esperando tu acción.

I'm waiting for your action.

'Acción' here refers to the conduct or initiative someone is expected to take, same meaning as in English.

La acción del medicamento fue rápida.

English translation of La acción del medicamento fue rápida.

The drug's action was quick.

In the medical field, 'acción' refers to the effect or influence a drug has in the organism.

La acción de la película fue emocionante.

English translation of La acción de la película fue emocionante.

The action of the movie was exciting.

This sentence is talking about the dynamic parts of a film, often reserved for moments of drama, suspense, or high energy.

El precio de acción ha aumentado hoy.

English translation of El precio de acción ha aumentado hoy.

The stock price has increased today.

In this context, 'acción' refers to a unit of share in a company's stock or ownership, commonly known as stocks in English.

Mis acciones hablan más que mis palabras.

English translation of Mis acciones hablan más que mis palabras.

My actions speak louder than my words.

The word 'acciones' is the plural form of 'acción' and it refers to the things that one does.

El juez tomó acción inmediatamente.

English translation of El juez tomó acción inmediatamente.

The Judge took action immediately.

The word 'acción' refers to activities done for a particular purpose.

La acción de la gravedad es constante.

English translation of La acción de la gravedad es constante.

The action of gravity is constant.

In this case, 'acción' is used in the context of physics to describe the effect gravity has on objects.

Aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra es una acción gratificante.

English translation of Aprendiendo a tocar la guitarra es una acción gratificante.

Learning to play the guitar is a rewarding action.

In this example, 'acción' means the act or process of doing something, in this case learning to play the guitar.

La acción humanitaria es esencial en times de crisis.

English translation of La acción humanitaria es esencial en times de crisis.

Humanitarian action is essential in times of crisis.

The term 'acción humanitaria' refers to measures taken to help people in times of crisis, such as natural disasters, famine, or war.

La conservación de la naturaleza requiere acción urgente.

English translation of La conservación de la naturaleza requiere acción urgente.

Nature conservation requires urgent action.

This phrase refers to the need for immediate measures or actions to preserve the environment.

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