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accidente leve

English translation of accidente leve

minor accident

The Spanish phrase 'accidente leve' translates to 'minor accident' in English. It refers to an incident or mishap that is less severe or serious, often implying little to no injury and minimal damage. It is typically used in contexts related to traffic accidents, workplace accidents, or other unfortunate events, where the consequences are not life-threatening or catastrophic. The term is relative and can vary based on the severity and perspective. Remember, 'accidente' means 'accident' and 'leve' translates to 'light' or 'minor' in English.

Example sentences using: accidente leve

Su coche sólo ha sufrido un accidente leve.

English translation of Su coche sólo ha sufrido un accidente leve.

Your car has only had a minor accident.

In this sentence, 'accidente leve' is used to describe a minor accident involving a car. It provides the information that the car has only been involved in a minor accident, not a major one, which could indicate minor damages or scratches.

Debido a un accidente leve, se retrasó el vuelo.

English translation of Debido a un accidente leve, se retrasó el vuelo.

Due to a minor accident, the flight was delayed.

Here, 'accidente leve' is used in the context of an air travel setting. It informs that a minor accident resulted in the delay of a flight. Such a minor accident could be a minor technical fault with the plane which was resolved, hence only causing a delay.

Ha tenido un accidente leve en la cocina mientras cocinaba.

English translation of Ha tenido un accidente leve en la cocina mientras cocinaba.

He had a minor accident in the kitchen while cooking.

In this example, 'accidente leve' characterizes a minor accident that happened in the kitchen context. It signifies that the person was involved in a minor mishap or incident while cooking, which typically implies minor burns or cuts.

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