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academia de idiomas

English translation of academia de idiomas

language academy

The Spanish phrase 'academia de idiomas' translates to 'language academy' in English. A language academy is an educational institution where you can learn different languages. These academies typically hire professional language educators and offer courses in various languages, often across beginner, intermediate, and advanced proficiency levels. The term 'academia de idiomas' is commonly used in Spanish-speaking nations to refer to such institutions.

Example sentences using: academia de idiomas

Estudiar en una academia de idiomas me ayudó a mejorar mi español.

English translation of Estudiar en una academia de idiomas me ayudó a mejorar mi español.

Studying at a language academy helped me improve my Spanish.

This phrase highlights the benefit of attending a language academy, indicating that the speaker's proficiency in Spanish has enhanced as a result.

La academia de idiomas ofrece cursos para todas las edades.

English translation of La academia de idiomas ofrece cursos para todas las edades.

The language academy offers courses for all ages.

This sentence emphasizes the inclusiveness of the language academy, showing that it provides educational opportunities for learners of every age group.

Me inscribí en la academia de idiomas para aprender francés.

English translation of Me inscribí en la academia de idiomas para aprender francés.

I enrolled in the language academy to learn French.

This example illustrates the speaker's decision to join a language academy with the specific goal of acquiring knowledge in the French language.

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