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abonar la prima

English translation of abonar la prima

pay the premium

The phrase 'abonar la prima' in Spanish translates to 'pay the premium' in English. In financial and insurance contexts, a premium refers to the amount paid for an insurance policy or before certain services can be rendered. This phrase would commonly be used in discussions concerning financial transactions, business agreements, or insurance policies, where one party is required to 'pay the premium' or 'abonar la prima' before they can enjoy certain benefits or services.

Example sentences using: abonar la prima

Es necesario abonar la prima antes de que pueda comenzar su cobertura de seguro.

English translation of Es necesario abonar la prima antes de que pueda comenzar su cobertura de seguro.

It's necessary to pay the premium before your insurance coverage can begin.

This Spanish sentence is informing that the insurance premium must be paid up front before the insurance coverage can start. 'Es necesario' translates to 'it's necessary', conveying the obligation about the payment of the premium ('abonar la prima').

Cuando vas a abonar la prima de tu seguro de automóvil, puedes optar por realizar el pago mensual, trimestral o anualmente.

English translation of Cuando vas a abonar la prima de tu seguro de automóvil, puedes optar por realizar el pago mensual, trimestral o anualmente.

When you are going to pay your car insurance premium, you can choose to make the payment monthly, quarterly, or annually.

This example in Spanish is giving instructions on the different ways one can pay their car insurance premium. 'Cuando vas a' means 'when you are going to', which is introducing the event of paying the car insurance premium ('abonar la prima de tu seguro de automóvil').

Ella decidió abonar la prima de su seguro médico a más tardar el próximo mes.

English translation of Ella decidió abonar la prima de su seguro médico a más tardar el próximo mes.

She decided to pay her health insurance premium by next month at the latest.

This sentence is about a woman who decided when she will pay her health insurance premium. 'Ella decidió' means 'she decided', which here indicates the decision made about the time of paying the premium ('abonar la prima').

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