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abogado laboralista

English translation of abogado laboralista

labour attorney

The Spanish term 'abogado laboralista' refers to a profession in the legal field. This direct translation in English is 'labour attorney'. These professionals specialize in labour laws and regulations, primarily handling matters related to employee rights and focusing on issues of disputes between employers and employees. They may represent clients in court on cases involving workplace accidents, unfair terminations, or harassment issues among others. Moreover, they provide consultation and advise to individuals about their legal rights in the workplace.

Example sentences using: abogado laboralista

Mi amigo es un destacado abogado laboralista en la ciudad.

English translation of Mi amigo es un destacado abogado laboralista en la ciudad.

My friend is a prominent labor lawyer in the city.

In this sentence, the term 'abogado laboralista' is used to denote a labor lawyer, specifically one who is well-known or prominent in their city.

Como abogado laboralista, Manuel tiene muchos casos de derechos de los trabajadores.

English translation of Como abogado laboralista, Manuel tiene muchos casos de derechos de los trabajadores.

As a labor lawyer, Manuel has many workers' rights cases.

Here, 'abogado laboralista' is used to describe the profession of a person named Manuel, indicating he specializes in labor law and handles cases revolving around workers' rights.

Voy a contratar a un abogado laboralista para resolver mi conflicto laboral.

English translation of Voy a contratar a un abogado laboralista para resolver mi conflicto laboral.

I am going to hire a labor lawyer to resolve my labor dispute.

In this context, the ‘abogado laboralista’ is a professional being sought to assist or resolve a labor dispute or conflict, demonstrating their role in handling employment related issues.

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