The Spanish translation for 'sometimes' is 'a veces'. It is used in essentially the same way as in English to denote something that does not occur at all times, but only on some occasions. For instance, 'Sometimes I go to the gym' can be translated into Spanish as 'A veces voy al gimnasio'.
Sometimes, I like to read books.
In this sentence, 'A veces' is used to indicate an activity that the speaker does occasionally, but not always. In English, it is translated as 'Sometimes'. The action 'me gusta leer libros' means 'I like to read books'.
Sometimes, they go to the movies.
Sometimes, I don't understand math.
'A veces' here is denoting that there are occasions when the speaker finds math difficult to understand. 'No entiendo las matemáticas' means 'I don't understand math'.
Sometimes, he/she needs help with homework.
In this sentence, 'A veces' is used to communicate that someone occasionally needs help with their homework. 'Necesita ayuda con la tarea' means 'he/she needs help with homework'.
Sometimes, I prefer coffee without sugar.
In this context, 'A veces' suggests variability in the speaker's coffee preferences. 'Prefiero el café sin azúcar' translates to 'I prefer coffee without sugar'.
Sometimes, my brother comes home late.
This sentence uses 'A veces' to express that the speaker's brother is occasionally late coming home. 'Mi hermano llega tarde a casa' means 'my brother comes home late'.
Sometimes, it's hard to wake up early.
'A veces' in this sentence states that waking up early is occasionally a struggle. 'Es difícil despertar temprano' means 'it's hard to wake up early'.
Sometimes, I forget to bring my bag.
Here, 'A veces' indicates that the speaker sometimes forgets to bring their bag. 'Me olvido de llevar mi bolso' translates to 'I forget to bring my bag'.
Sometimes, we eat pizza on Fridays.
In this sentence, 'A veces' is communicating that eating pizza on Fridays is an occasional habit. 'Comemos pizza los viernes' means 'we eat pizza on Fridays'.
Sometimes, it's hot in December.
'A veces' in this sentence shows that it is not always hot in December, but only on some occasions. 'Hace calor en diciembre' translates to 'it's hot in December'.