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a menudo

English translation of a menudo


This one denotes frequented actions. It devoted the high rate of occurrence but it doesn't specify or must be regular like 'siempre'.

Example sentences using: a menudo

A menudo vamos al cine los fines de semana.

English translation of A menudo vamos al cine los fines de semana.

We often go to the cinema on weekends.

This sentence shows you how to express frequency 'a menudo' in Spanish which translates to 'often' in English. It is used to express that the speaker goes to the cinema often on the weekends.

A menudo llueve por la tarde.

English translation of A menudo llueve por la tarde.

It often rains in the afternoon.

This example describes the weather condition using 'a menudo' to show that it 'often' rains in the afternoon. 'A menudo' is placed before the verb to express frequency.

Leo libros a menudo.

English translation of Leo libros a menudo.

I often read books.

In this sentence we used 'a menudo' right after the verb 'leo' to express that the action (reading) takes place frequently.

Mi perro se escapa a menudo.

English translation of Mi perro se escapa a menudo.

My dog often escapes.

This sentence demonstrates how 'a menudo' is used to describe an action (escaping) performed by the subject (my dog) frequently.

A menudo tengo hambre antes de la cena.

English translation of A menudo tengo hambre antes de la cena.

I often get hungry before dinner.

In this sentence, 'a menudo' is used to describe that the feeling (getting hungry) is experienced often. 'A menudo' is placed before the verb 'tengo'.

Ellos a menudo llegan tarde al trabajo.

English translation of Ellos a menudo llegan tarde al trabajo.

They often arrive late to work.

Here, 'a menudo' is used to express how often the subject (they) perform the action (arrive late). The frequency phrase is placed before the verb.

A menudo almorzamos juntos durante la semana.

English translation of A menudo almorzamos juntos durante la semana.

We often have lunch together during the week.

This sentence uses 'a menudo' to indicate how regularly the action (having lunch together) happens. The frequency phrase is located at the beginning of the sentence.

A menudo me despierto temprano.

English translation of A menudo me despierto temprano.

I often wake up early.

In this sentence, 'a menudo' is used to express how often the speaker performs the action of waking up early.

Ella canta a menudo en la ducha.

English translation of Ella canta a menudo en la ducha.

She often sings in the shower.

This sentence uses 'a menudo' to express that the action of singing in the shower happens frequently to the subject.

A menudo voy a la piscina para nadar.

English translation of A menudo voy a la piscina para nadar.

I often go to the pool to swim.

This sentence demonstrates how 'a menudo' is used to denote the frequency of a habitual action (going to the pool to swim).

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