Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'guardar' is used similarly to the English word 'save'. It can mean to conserve or keep something, such as saving food for later. It is also used in a technological context, for saving a document or file on a computer. Remember to conjugate it according to the subject of the sentence.

Example sentences with  guardar
guiñar un ojo
wink an eye

The Spanish phrase 'guiñar un ojo' translates to 'wink an eye' in English. It is a verbal phrase often used in casual conversation, and can refer to the physical act of quickly closing and opening one eye, generally as a signal or hint, or metaphorically to suggest someone is not fully revealing the truth or is not completely serious about something they are saying. It is also commonly used in idiomatic phrases or expressions.


In Spanish, 'like' is translated as 'gusta'. It is primarily used in expressing likes and preferences. It is usually followed by a verb in infinitive form in expressions such as 'Me gusta correr', which translates 'I like to run'. However, it is essential to know that the Spanish verb to like 'gustar' doesn't work the same way as it does in English. Instead of 'I like', it is closer to 'it pleases me'.

Example sentences with  gusta

The Spanish word 'gusto' translates to 'taste' in English. It is used to refer to the sensation that something creates in your mouth when you eat or drink it. It is also used metaphorically to express a liking or preference for something or someone. Example: 'A mi gusto, esta es la mejor película del año.' Meaning: 'To my taste, this is the best movie of the year.'

to talk

This verb 'hablar' is commonly used when referring to any form of verbal communication. It used to express that someone is speaking or talking.

Example sentences with  hablar

The Spanish word 'hacer' translates to 'make' in English. It is a commonly used verb that can refer to the act of creating something, performing an action, or causing a certain situation to happen. Just like in English, 'hacer' can be used in a variety of contexts and expressions.

Example sentences with  hacer
hacer ejercicio

The Spanish phrase 'hacer ejercicio' translates to 'exercise' in English. It is a common phrase used to refer to the act of engaging in physical activity or sports for the purpose of maintaining or improving physical fitness and health. This can include anything from going to the gym, running, swimming, to even simple activities like walking or doing household chores. It is considered a regular verb phrase in Spanish grammar, with 'hacer' meaning 'to do/make' and 'ejercicio' standing for 'exercise'.

hacer gimnasia
do gymnastics

'Hacer gimnasia' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'do gymnastics' in English. It is a verb phrase used to denote the activity of participating in gymnastics, which is a sport that involves exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and endurance. The practice of this sport can take place in various contexts such as recreational, school, or competitive environments. Similar to English, the phrase 'hacer gimnasia' may also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to any complex or difficult situation requiring agility or careful maneuvering.

hacer huelga

The Spanish phrase 'hacer huelga' translates to 'go on strike' in English. 'Hacer' means 'to do' or 'make' and 'huelga' means 'strike'. It is a term used in labour or industrial settings, where workers refuse to do their jobs as a form of protest, often to demand better working conditions or pay. So, when the workers 'hacen huelga' they are going on a strike.

hacer la cama
make the bed

'Hacer la cama' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'make the bed' in English. It's a common task related to tidying one's living space after waking up. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do' or 'to make', and 'la cama' means 'the bed'. Together, they form a command or instruction to make the bed neat and tidy.

hacer muecas
make silly faces

The Spanish phrase 'hacer muecas' translates to 'make silly faces' in English. It's a common phrase used to describe the action of intentionally distorting your facial expression for comedic or dramatic effect, often to entertain children, express disapproval, or theatrical performances. In Spanish, 'hacer' translates to 'make' or 'do', and 'muecas' translates to 'grimaces' or 'faces', giving us 'make faces' or 'do grimaces'. However, the context often suggests a more silly, humorous undertone, thus 'make silly faces' is a fitting translation.

hacer senderismo

The Spanish phrase 'hacer senderismo' translates to 'hiking' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of outdoor recreational activities, where individuals or groups walk or march for long distances, particularly in rural or wilderness settings. A person who does this activity is commonly known as a 'senderista' in Spanish, or a hiker in English.

hacer un ejercicio

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un ejercicio' can be translated into English as 'to do an exercise'. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do', 'un' is an indefinite article which can be translated as 'a', and 'ejercicio' is a noun that means 'exercise'. So in context, 'hacer un ejercicio' can be understood as the act of performing a physical activity, mental task, or coursework assignment for the purpose of improving skills or fitness.

hacer una pausa

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una pausa' translates to 'make a pause' in English. It carries the same sentiment as to 'take a break', 'stop briefly' or simply, 'pause'. It's often used in conversational Spanish when referring to taking a small break during a task or activity. For example, you might use it say 'I need to take a pause from walking', in Spanish this would be 'Necesito hacer una pausa de caminar'.

hacer una receta (médica)
get a prescription (medical)

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una receta (médica)' translates to 'get a prescription (medical)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of healthcare, where a patient visits a doctor or a healthcare professional to receive a written instruction (a prescription) for medication or other treatment. The use of this phrase may vary in different Spanish-speaking regions, but its general meaning remains consistent.

Example sentences with  hacer una receta (médica)

The word 'herida' is the translation of the English word 'hurt' in Spanish. It is widely used both in the physical context, for example, 'Me hice una herida' - I hurt myself, and in emotional context, for example, 'Estoy herida' - I am hurt or I feel hurt. It can also be used as the past participle of the verb herir which means to wound or to injure.

Example sentences with  herida

The Spanish word 'hervir' translates to 'boil' in English. It is a verb that is used to describe the process of heating a liquid, often water, until it reaches a temperature at which it bubbles and turns to vapor. The action of boiling is commonly used in cooking, especially when preparing foods like pasta, eggs, or certain vegetables. The verb 'hervir' can also be used metaphorically to describe intense feelings or emotions, much like the English phrase 'boiling with anger'.

hervir agua
boil water

The Spanish phrase 'hervir agua' translates to 'boil water' in English. In this phrase, 'hervir' is a Spanish verb that refers to the process of heating a liquid (in this case, water) until it starts to bubble and turn to vapour. This term is commonly used in cooking context in Spanish-speaking countries.

hervir leche
boil milk

The Spanish phrase 'hervir leche' translates to 'boil milk' in English. It's a common instruction in Spanish recipes, similar to how an English recipe might call for you to 'simmer soup' or 'melt butter'. When you hervir leche, it means you're heating up the milk to a temperature where it starts to bubble and steam, but you usually won't let it get so hot that it scalds or burns. Remember, just as with English boiling instructions, always keep an eye on the milk to prevent it from overflowing!


The Spanish word 'identificar' is typically used in the same context as the English word 'identify'. This can refer to the process of recognizing and naming someone or something. It is typically used in sentences such as 'Puedes identificar al ladrón?' which means 'Can you identify the thief?' in English. It can also be used in the context of acknowledging or admitting the existence or truth of something.

Example sentences with  identificar

The Spanish word 'imagen' is used to refer to a picture, photograph, or a mental representation of something. It can be used in several contexts similar to English, like digital image ('imagen digital'), image quality ('calidad de imagen'), or mental image ('imagen mental'). Its usage is common both in casual conversations and in more formal or technical discussions.

Example sentences with  imagen

In Spanish, 'imagina' is the equivalent of the English word 'imagine'. It is a verb used to express forming an image or concept of something in your mind. Often, it is used in a correlative sentence structure when asking someone to place themselves in a hypothetical situation.

Example sentences with  imagina

The Spanish word 'incluir' is used to denote the act of including, incorporating, or adding something as part of something else, similar to its English counterpart 'include'. It is widely used in different contexts whether in general conversation, written language, and even formal usage. However, it's important to be aware that the verbs' conjugation changes according to the tense and subject.

Example sentences with  incluir

The Spanish word 'indicar' is equivalent to the English word 'indicate'. It is commonly used in sentences to show, point out, or make a statement of advice. It can also be used to suggest the necessity or possibility of a specific action. The usage is similar to the English version and is often used in both formal and casual contexts.

Example sentences with  indicar

The Spanish word 'influencia' translates to 'influence' in English. Influence indicates the capacity to have an effect on someone or something, or the power to shape policy or ensure favorable treatment from someone, especially through status, contacts, or wealth. It can be used in various contexts in both languages, often relating to personal interaction, business, politics or other sectors where power and control are present.

Example sentences with  influencia

In Spanish, 'interés' is used much as it is in English. It can refer both to a sense of curiosity or concern about something ('Tengo interés en este tema' - 'I have interest in this topic'), as well as the money paid regularly at a particular rate for the use of money lent, or for delaying the repayment of a debt ('El banco cobra un 3% de interés' - 'The bank charges 3% interest').

Example sentences with  interés

The Spanish word 'inventar' translates to 'invent' in English. It is used to describe the process of creating something new or unique, which has never been made before. This could apply to a broad range of new creations including, but not limited to, new designs, technologies, theories, stories, etc. In Spanish verb conjugation, 'inventar' belongs to the 'ar' verb group, and its various forms would be used based on the subject and tense.

Example sentences with  inventar

The Spanish word 'investigar' translates to 'investigate' in English. It is primarily used as a verb and can be related to explore, inquire or examine something closely and carefully with the aim of discovering something new. This could reference to various contexts such as scientific, analytic or detective work where thorough analysis or evaluation is required to gain insight or uncover facts or details otherwise unknown.

Example sentences with  investigar

The Spanish word 'invitar' translates to 'invite' in English. It is a verb that is used in the context of asking someone to attend an event, participate in an activity, or to join in something. Example usages include 'invitar a un amigo a una fiesta' which translates to 'invite a friend to a party', or 'voy a invitar a mis padres a cenar' meaning 'I am going to invite my parents to dinner'. The word 'invitar' is also used in certain phrases or expressions, like 'te invito a pensar' which in English becomes 'I invite you to think'.


The Spanish word 'involucrar' corresponds to the English term 'involve.' It is commonly used in Spanish conversations and writing to express the notion of including someone or something as a part of a situation, event, or action. It can also denote the idea of making someone become closely connected or associated with someone else in some form of activity. Usage of 'involucrar' typically depends on the subject matter and context.

Example sentences with  involucrar
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