Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word for 'exist' is 'existir'. It is used in the same context as it is in English, to denote the state of being in existence or reality. Like its English counterpart, 'existir' is used in conversational and written Spanish in various contexts, from philosophical discussions about existence to everyday conversation about the existence of a thing or phenomena.

Example sentences with  existir

The Spanish word 'experimentado' translates to 'experienced' in English. This adjective is often used to describe someone who has a lot of knowledge or skill in a particular area or field due to having done it for a long period of time. It can be used in various contexts, similar to its English equivalent.

Example sentences with  experimentado

The Spanish word 'explicar' is used in similar ways as 'explain' in English. It can be used to make an idea or situation clear by describing it in more detail or revealing relevant facts. For example, to instruct someone to explain something in Spanish, you would say 'explica esto'.

Example sentences with  explicar

The Spanish term 'extrañar' translates to 'miss' in English. It's generally used when someone is missing someone else, like missing a friend or relative. However, it is also applicable when talking about missing an event or activity. Similar to how we use 'miss' in various contexts in English, 'extrañar' is a versatile term in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  extrañar

The Spanish word 'fabricación' translates to 'manufacturing' in English. It is used in the context of industrial production, where raw materials are transformed into finished goods on a large scale. Another associated meaning could be 'making' or 'creating' something, often in large quantities. It can also relate to the process or methods used to turn raw materials into finished goods. Thus, you would use 'fabricación' when speaking about the creation or production process in industries and factories.

Example sentences with  fabricación

The term 'fallar' is used in Spanish to denote the act of not succeeding in achieving one's goal or not functioning properly, similar to 'fail' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including academic, professional, or personal scenarios. However, keep in mind that idiomatic usage can slightly alter its connotation, similar to many verbs.

Example sentences with  fallar

The word 'fecha' in Spanish directly translates to 'date' in English. This can refer to either a marked day on the calendar or a romantic outing. For example, you might say 'La fecha de hoy es el 1 de enero', meaning 'Today's date is January 1st.' You could also say 'Tengo una cita esta noche', meaning 'I have a date tonight.' Note that 'cita' in this sense means a romantic date.

Example sentences with  fecha

The word 'figura' means 'figure' in English and is used to refer to various context. In mathematics, it can refer to a numerical value (as in 'figure out' which means calculate or solve). It can also refer to an individual's silhouette or shape (for example, 'She has a beautiful figure'). Additionally, in languages and arts, 'figure' could be a significant or notable person, a literary or artistic device, or even a shape in some contexts. Like in English, the versatility of this word in Spanish allows it to fit into numerous contexts, offering a broad range of use.

Example sentences with  figura

The Spanish word 'florecer' corresponds to the English word 'bloom'. It is usually used to refer to the period or process in which flowers open up or a plant starts to produce flowers. In a broader and metaphorical sense, florecer can also mean to flourish or thrive, much like a flower does when it blooms.

Example sentences with  florecer

The Spanish word for 'form' is 'forma'. It's used in similar contexts as in English, referring to shape, structure or type. For instance, 'la forma de la casa' means 'the shape of the house', and 'una nueva forma de pensar' means 'a new way of thinking'. Note that in Spanish, the gender and number of the noun will change the determiner 'la' to 'el', 'las', or 'los', depending on whether the noun being referred to is singular, plural, masculine, or feminine.

Example sentences with  forma

The Spanish word 'freír' corresponds to the English word 'fry'. It is commonly used in the context of cooking where it refers to the action of cooking or browning something in hot fat or oil. Just like in English, 'freír' can be used in different grammatical situations such as 'Estoy freír' which means 'I am frying', or 'Vamos a freír' which means 'We are going to fry'.

freír huevos
fry eggs

The Spanish term 'freír huevos' translates into English as 'fry eggs'. This is a colloquial phrase that denotes a common food preparation method where eggs are cooked in a frying pan with a small amount of fat (like oil or butter). Depending on preference and tradition, the final result may vary from lightly cooked (with a runny yolk) to well-done (with a fully solid yolk).

freír patatas
fry potatoes

The Spanish term 'freír patatas' translates to 'fry potatoes' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in cooking instructions or recipes. 'Freír' is the infinitive form of the verb which means 'to fry', and 'patatas' is a plural noun which translates to 'potatoes'. Therefore, when you're 'freír patatas', you are frying potatoes.

to rub

The Spanish verb 'frotar' translates to 'to rub' in English. This term is often used in the context of physical touch where one object is moved in a back and forth motion on the surface of another object. For instance, it's used when describing actions like rubbing a lamp, rubbing your hands together, or rubbing a sore muscle.

fruncir el ceño

The Spanish phrase 'fruncir el ceño' translates to 'frown' in English. It is often used to describe the action of contracting the brow, usually as a display of displeasure, disagreement, or deep thought. A common equivalent in English would be to 'furrow one's brow'. For instance, when someone is upset or confused, they are often said to 'fruncir el ceño' in Spanish.


The word 'fuego' in Spanish translates to 'fire' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish to refer to the natural element, fire, that we use for warmth, cooking, destruction and in many other metaphorical contexts just like in English. For example, 'este casa está en fuego' means 'this house is on fire'.

Example sentences with  fuego

The Spanish word 'fuente' is used similarly to the English term 'source'. It can refer to the origin or provider of something, like information, or physical resources. For example, in a report or research paper, if one would cite their 'source', in Spanish they would reference their 'fuente'.

Example sentences with  fuente

The Spanish word 'función' translates to 'function' in English. It is a noun and it is used in various contexts. In mathematics, it is used to describe a relationship or expression involving one or more variables. In computer science, it is used to indicate a sequence of instructions that performs a specific task, packaged as a unit. It is also used in everyday language to mean the natural or intended purpose of something or the role that a person or thing has in a particular situation. Similarly, it can refer to a social event or gathering.

Example sentences with  función

The Spanish word 'funcionario' translates to 'staff' or 'official' in English. It especially refers to someone who is employed in the public sector or a government worker. It is a noun and it is commonly used in formal or official contexts in Spanish speaking countries. Please note that the meaning can vary slightly depending on the context, but generally it denotes someone holding an official position or office in a governmental or public department.

to gallop

The Spanish word 'galopar' translates to 'gallop' in English. This term is commonly used to describe the fastest pace of a horse or other four-legged animals. In this form of running, all four legs are off the ground at the same time during two phases of the stride. It's a very specific term and tends to be used mainly for this purpose of describing the fast, bounding motion of certain animals. Like many verbs, it can be conjugated differently based on tense, subject, and other factors.

Example sentences with  galopar

The Spanish word 'ganancias' translates to 'profit' in English. This term is widely used in the context of finance and economy, and it refers to the financial benefits that are gained from a business or income-generating activity. In general terms, 'ganancias' means the positive difference between the cost price and the selling price of a product or service, after deducting all the costs associated with its production or provision.

Example sentences with  ganancias

The Spanish word 'ganar' translates to 'win' in English. It is a verb that can be used in several contexts such as winning in a game, competition or lottery. Similar to English, 'ganar' can also relate to earning something, like money in a job. Just like other Spanish verbs, 'ganar' can be conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense.

ganar una beca
win a scholarship

The Spanish phrase 'ganar una beca' translates to 'win a scholarship' in English. It's often used in the context of education, where 'ganar' means 'to win' and 'una beca' means 'a scholarship'. So, it refers to the process of earning or being awarded a scholarship, typically through academic, athletic, or artistic merit, to finance one's further education.


The word 'gastar' in Spanish is equivalent to 'spend' in English. It can apply to spending money, time or resources. The way it is used in Spanish is not unlike English as 'Yo gasto mucho dinero en ropa' would translate to 'I spend a lot of money on clothes'. It is used in a similar context as well, for instance, 'gastar tiempo' means 'to spend time'.

Example sentences with  gastar

The Spanish word 'girar' is used in the same context as the English word 'turn'. It can refer to the action of changing direction. For example, 'girar a la derecha' means 'turn to the right'. However, it can also be used in a figurative sense, such as 'girar en torno a' which means 'revolve around' something metaphorically.

Example sentences with  girar

The word 'gorra' in Spanish translates to 'cap' in English. A 'gorra' is an item of clothing that is typically worn on the head. It has a peak that helps to shade the eyes from the sun. Caps are wore commonly by people all around the world not only as a protective gear against weather conditions but also as a fashion accessory or parts of uniforms.


The Spanish word for 'drop' is 'gota'. It is mainly used to denote a small amount of liquid, which can be suspended in air or falls by its own weight. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically to imply a small quantity of something.

Example sentences with  gota

The Spanish word 'gracias' is used in the same context as the English word 'thank'. It is typically used to express gratitude or thanks in response to a kind gesture or good deed. Just like 'thank', 'gracias' can be used in various situations – whether it's thanking someone for a gift, a meal, or a favor.

Example sentences with  gracias
to growl

The Spanish verb 'gruñir' translates to 'to growl' in English. It is used to describe the sound that an animal, often a dog, makes. It can also figuratively refer to a person who is expressing discontent or disapproval.

Example sentences with  gruñir

The Spanish word for 'group' is 'grupo'. It is used in similar contexts as in English, referring to a collection of individuals or items classified together due to common attributes or characteristics. For instance, it can be used to describe a 'group' of people, a 'group' of animals, or a 'group' in a class or team.

Example sentences with  grupo
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