Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The term 'enterrar' originates from Spanish language, which when translated to English, means 'bury'. This verb is often used to refer to the act of putting someone or something under the ground either as a final ritual after a person’s death or for concealment purposes. For example, you might use 'enterrar' when talking about burying a treasure chest or planting seeds in the ground. Notably, 'enterrar' is a regular 'ar' verb in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'entrar' translates to 'enter' in English and is used to indicate the action of going inside something or starting/beginning something. Similar to English, 'entrar' is a regular verb and can be used in various contexts, such as entering a room, starting a conversation, etc.

Example sentences with  entrar

The word 'enviar' in Spanish translates to 'send' in English. It is primarily used to indicate the act of sending something from one place to another or to someone either physically or through a medium. It can be used in various contexts; for instance, in emails (Enviar un correo electronico), letters (Enviar una carta), or packages (Enviar un paquete). It is generally followed by 'a' (to) and then the receiver or destination.

Example sentences with  enviar

In Spanish, the word 'equipo' is used to refer to a group of people who work together or play together in a sporting context, just like in English. For example, you can say 'Soy parte del equipo' meaning 'I am part of the team'. Just like English, it could refer both to a sports team or a team in a work environment.

Example sentences with  equipo

The Spanish verb 'equivocarse' translates into English as 'to make a mistake'. It is often used when someone is incorrect or mistaken in their actions, decisions or statements. Like many Spanish verbs, it can be conjugated according to tense, mood and the personal pronoun. In English though, we need to use auxiliary words like 'to make' or 'making' before 'mistake' to convey the act of making a mistake, whereas 'equivocarse' itself implies action.


The Spanish verb 'escalar' translates to 'scale' in English. It possesses various interpretations in different contexts but primarily is used to denote the act of climbing or ascending, particularly used in scenarios involving mountains or some type of vertical or steep terrain. Metaphorically, it can also represent the concept of gradually growing or increasing in terms of levels or rankings.

Example sentences with  escalar

The Spanish word 'escenario' is equivalent to the English word 'stage'. This term is commonly used in theater or performance settings where actors, singers, or other performers present their work. The usage is almost the same as in English, often referring to a specific platform or area designed for performances. However, it can also refer to the backdrop or setting of a particular situation or event.

Example sentences with  escenario
to write

'Escribir' corresponds to the act of writing, drawing or inscribing symbols on a surface for the purpose of communicating.

Example sentences with  escribir
to listen

'Escuchar' is used for the action of paying attention to sounds or hearing something.

Example sentences with  escuchar

The Spanish word 'escupir' is a verb that translates to 'spit' in English. It is mostly used to describe the act of forcefully ejecting saliva or substance from one's mouth. It can also symbolize disdain or disrespect depending on the context in which it is used. In conjugal forms, it may change to 'escupo' for 'I spit', 'escupes' for 'you spit', among others.


In Spanish, 'espacio' translates to 'space'. This could refer to physical space in a room or in the universe, the space between objects, or metaphorical space. Just as in English, it is used in a variety of contexts and can also refer to a blank part in a document, a period of time, or the capacity of a place.

Example sentences with  espacio

The Spanish word for 'hope' is 'esperanza'. It is a noun used in many of the same contexts as it is in English, such as to express a desire or anticipation for a certain outcome or event. It can also be a common female name in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  esperanza

In Spanish, 'esperar' is used when we want to express waiting. Just as in English, it can be used in a variety of contexts. For example: 'Esperar en la fila' (Wait in line), 'Esperar a alguien' (Wait for someone), or 'Esperar que algo suceda' (Wait for something to happen). It's also used to express hope or expectation e.g. 'Espero que estés bien' (I hope you're well).

Example sentences with  esperar

The Spanish word 'espirar' translates to 'breathe' in English. This is a verb which refers to the process of inhaling and exhaling air using the lungs. It is an essential action for life, providing necessary oxygen to the body and expelling carbon dioxide during the process. 'Espirar' is used in many phraseological contexts, similar to how 'breathe' is used in English, including literal breathing and figurative expressions.


The Spanish word 'espíritu' translates to 'spirit' in English. It is used in a variety of contexts, like referring to the inner character or quality of a person, such as 'espíritu de lucha' meaning 'fighting spirit'. Alternatively, it could refer to the non-physical part of a person which is the seat of emotions and character, the soul. Also in a religious context, it is often used to refer to a holy spirit or supernatural beings. Similarly, it is used in phrases to convey the underlying intention or ethos of something, as in 'espíritu de la ley' which means 'the spirit of the law'.

Example sentences with  espíritu

The Spanish word 'establo' translates to 'stable' in English. In context, it refers to the building where domesticated animals, especially horses, are kept. It is often used in the context of farming and equestrian activities. It's essential to observe that the Spanish term 'establo' has a similar usage and meaning as the English term 'stable'. Therefore, one can understand and use it effortlessly in conversations related to farming, horse-riding, or country life in general.

Example sentences with  establo

The word 'estado' in Spanish translates to 'state' in English. It's used in a similar context, such as when referring to the condition of someone or something, a state in a country, or expressing a particular condition that something is in. An example phrase would be 'El estado de la habitación' which translates to 'The state of the room.'

Example sentences with  estado
estar agachado
be crouched

The Spanish term 'estar agachado' translates to 'be crouched' in English. This often refers to the position or action of lowering your body by bending your legs. This term can be used in various contexts in both languages, including the literal physical act of crouching or the figurative sentiment of remaining in a low or humble state.

estar de pie

The Spanish translation of 'stand' is 'estar de pie'. It implies the action of standing up or being in a standing position. This Spanish word is often used in sentences to refer to the ongoing state of being upright. For instance, 'Estoy de pie' translates to 'I am standing'. This phrase can differ in various contexts as Spanish verbs change according to the tense and subject.

Example sentences with  estar de pie
estar derecho
stand straight

The Spanish phrase 'estar derecho' is directly translated to English as 'stand straight'. It is composed of the verb 'estar', which indicates state or condition, and the adjective 'derecho', meaning straight or upright. This phrase can be used in various contexts involving body posture, behavior or even moral standards. For instance, if you're speaking about body posture, 'estar derecho' suggests maintaining an upright position, not slumping or leaning. In a broader metaphorical or symbolic context, 'estar derecho' might refer to acting correctly or morally upright according to social norms or personal beliefs.

estilo propio

'Estilo propio' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'own style' in English. It does not merely refer to style in a generic sense but to a style that is distinctive or unique to a person or thing. It could pertain to one's personal fashion sense, a unique method of doing things, or an individual artistic expression, among others things. This phrase emphasizes individuality and personal touch in the context it is used.

Example sentences with  estilo propio

The Spanish word 'estornudar' means to sneeze in English. This is a verb, and it refers to the act of forcibly ejecting air or other substances from the lungs through the nose and mouth generally caused by irritation in the nasal mucus. It is a common physiological phenomena often associated with colds, allergies, or certain physical stimuli.

estrechar(se) un vínculo

'Estrechar(se) un vínculo' is a Spanish phrase meaning 'to tighten a bond' or 'strengthen a connection'. It is composed of the verb 'estrechar' that translates to 'tighten' or 'narrow' and the noun 'vínculo' that is translated as 'bond' or 'link'. The phrase usually implies improving a relationship or connection, often through shared experiences or time spent together.


The Spanish word 'estremecerse' translates to 'shudder' in English. This word is a reflexive verb which denotes the action of trembling, usually as a response to fear, cold, or excitement. It can be used in various contexts, for instance in describing physical reactions, emotional responses or metaphorical situations.


The Spanish word 'estrés' is translated into English as 'stress'. This term often refers to a feeling of emotional or physical tension, which can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry or nervous. Stress is a normal part of life and can be beneficial in some situations, providing a boost of energy or helping to meet daily challenges. But if it becomes chronic, it can become harmful and lead to significant health problems.


The Spanish word 'estropajo' does not exactly translate to 'ruin' in English. Instead, it is most commonly referred to as 'scouring pad' or 'scrub brush'. It is typically used to refer to a coarse or rough cleaning tool often used for scrubbing pots and other kitchen utensils.


'Estudiar' translates to 'study' in English. It's used when referring to the act of acquiring knowledge or skill by studying, practicing or being taught.

Example sentences with  estudiar

The Spanish term for 'evidence' is 'evidencia'. It is used exactly the same way as in English, referring to the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. For example, 'Hay evidencia de que estuvo allí' - 'There is evidence that he was there'.

Example sentences with  evidencia

The Spanish word 'evitar' translates to 'avoid' in English. It is a verb that is used in situations where you need to shun, prevent or abstain from doing something. For instance, you might 'evitar' going to a party if you want to stay away from crowds.

Example sentences with  evitar

The Spanish word 'examen' translates to 'review' in English. It is commonly used in an academic or work context, reflecting the practice of evaluating or inspecting something thoroughly. For example, a teacher might give an 'examen' to students to assess their understanding of the course material. Similarly, a worker might conduct an 'examen' of a project or work process to identify any areas for improvement.

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