Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'determinar' mirrors the English counterpart 'determine', used in the context of causing (something) to occur in a particular way or to have a particular nature. It can also refer to ascertain or establish exactly, typically as a result of research or calculation. Just like in English, 'determinar' is also used in scientific or technical conversations in Spanish.

Example sentences with  determinar

'Devorar' is a verb in Spanish that translates to 'devour' in English. It can be used in the context of consuming food quickly and eagerly. But it's not only used to talk about food, it can be used metaphorically as well. For instance, to devour a book would mean to read it rapidly and enthusiastically. Similar to the usage in English, 'devorar' conveys a sense of passion and eagerness.


The Spanish verb 'diagnosticar' translates to 'diagnose' in English. It refers to the process of identifying a disease or condition from its signs and symptoms. In the medical field, when a doctor examines a patient to determine which illness or condition they may have, they are 'diagnosing' them. So, in Spanish, a doctor would 'diagnosticar' a patient.

Example sentences with  diagnosticar

The word 'diapositiva' in Spanish is translated to 'slide' in English. It is a noun that can refer to numerous types of slides. For instance, 'diapositiva' may refer to a physical slide in a playground or a picture in a slideshow. In a broader context, the term might be used to identify a transparent picture which is displayed by a projector. Similarly, in computing, 'diapositiva' can refer to a single page in a digital presentation.


'Dibujar' translates as 'draw' in English. It represents the act of creating an image with pencil, pen, or any other tools on a surface.

Example sentences with  dibujar

The Spanish word 'dietético' translates to 'diet' in English. It is an adjective that is commonly used in context related to food and nutrition. This word is often found in health and wellness conversations, as well as in stores and markets, usually to describe food products that are specially produced or prepared for a specific dietary requirement. For example, a food item labeled as 'producto dietético' would be a 'diet product' in English.

Example sentences with  dietético

The Spanish term 'dirección' translates into English as 'address'. This could refer to a residential or business location. It is used in a similar context as in English, for identifying a specified place or arrangement of a building or a place on a map. An example of usage can be '¿Cuál es tu dirección?', translating to 'What's your address?'.


The Spanish word 'disciplina' translates to 'discipline' in English. It primarily refers to the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior, using punishment to correct disobedience. It can also refer to a branch of knowledge, typically one studied in higher education. In general, 'disciplina' addresses the concept of orderliness and control, either self-imposed or imposed by an external authority.


The Spanish word for 'argue' is 'discutir'. It can be used in the same context as in English, when two or more people have a disagreement and express their differing opinions. It can also be used in a legal context, when lawyers argue or debate a point in court, in this case, we also use 'discutir'. It is important to note that, like in English, 'discutir' could potentially have a negative connotation depending on the context.

Example sentences with  discutir

In Spanish, 'diseño' is used similarly to how 'design' is used in English. It can refer to the process of creating or planning something (like a piece of art or a building), or the way something has been planned and made. Additionally, it can be used more broadly to talk about someone's plans or intentions. For example, 'El diseño de la casa es hermoso' means 'The design of the house is beautiful'.

Example sentences with  diseño

The Spanish translation for the English word 'enjoy' is 'disfrutar'. It's used almost identically to English, such as in the phrase 'disfruta tu comida' which translates to 'enjoy your food'. Its use can be universal in activities, experiences, and meals, encouraging the person to take pleasure in what they are doing.

Example sentences with  disfrutar

The Spanish word 'disparar' can be used similarly to the English word 'shoot'. It can refer to the act of firing a weapon, or be used metaphorically to instruct someone to begin speaking or acting. However, it does not translate to the photography term 'shoot', for which the Spanish term 'fotografiar' would be used.

Example sentences with  disparar

The Spanish word 'distrito' is used as similar to 'district' in English. It refers to a defined area or territory within a city or town, which is governed or managed at a local level. The term can be found in many contexts, such as school districts, voting districts, or administrative districts. Always be mindful to use it within the right context.

Example sentences with  distrito

The Spanish word 'dividir' translates to 'divide' in English. This word is often used in the context of mathematics, where it denotes the division of numbers. However, it can also mean to separate or split something into parts, or to classify or categorize. It's a useful and versatile word in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  dividir

The Spanish word for 'pain' is 'dolor'. It is used in the same context as in English, describing a physical suffering or discomfort caused by illness or injury. It can also represent mental or emotional distress.

Example sentences with  dolor
dorar la cebolla
brown the onion

The Spanish phrase 'dorar la cebolla' in English literally translates to 'brown the onion'. It is a common term used in cooking. This is typically done by cooking the onion in a bit of oil over medium heat until it becomes a golden brown color. The purpose of this process is to bring out the sweetness in the onion and add flavor to the dish being prepared.

to sleep

'Dormir' is used when discussing sleeping or being in state of rest where consciousness is suspended.

Example sentences with  dormir

The Spanish verb 'ducharse' translates to 'to shower' in English. In Spanish, the reflexive form 'ducharse' refers to oneself taking a shower. It is a regular -ar verb and follows typical verb conjugation rules in Spanish, except in reflexive form, it requires reflexive pronouns (me, te, se, nos, os, se). For example, 'me ducho' translates as 'I shower' in English.

Example sentences with  ducharse

In Spanish, 'efecto' is used very similar to the English 'effect'. It can be used to refer to a change that has happened due to some event or action. It's commonly used in scientific contexts or when discussing the results or outcomes of a particular situation.

Example sentences with  efecto

The Spanish word 'ejemplo' translates to 'example' in English. It's used in the same way as in English, to represent a typical case, illustration, or representative of a group or quality. For instance, you can use 'ejemplo' when you want to give an illustration of a situation or provide a model to be followed.

Example sentences with  ejemplo

The Spanish word 'elegir' translates to 'pick' in English. It is used in the same way as in English. For example, when selecting or choosing something among options. It also implies the act of making a choice or decision. Just like in English, 'elegir' is used both in literal and figurative contexts.

Example sentences with  elegir

The Spanish word 'eliminar' directly translates to 'remove' in English. It is a verb used when you want to get rid of something or delete it. For example, you would use 'eliminar' if you wanted to remove a file from your computer or remove an item from your shopping cart.

Example sentences with  eliminar

The Spanish word 'embarcadero' is often misinterpreted as 'ship', but its correct English translation is 'wharf' or 'pier'. It refers to a structure built on the shore of a harbor, lake, river, or canal where ships or boats can dock or be moored. An 'embarcadero' is typically used for loading and unloading cargo or passengers from the water vessels.

Example sentences with  embarcadero

The word 'emplear' is a verb in Spanish, and it translates to 'employ' in English. It's commonly used in formal and professional settings, referring to the act of hiring someone or utilizing something in order to accomplish a specific task or purpose. For example, when you want to express 'I will employ a different strategy', you can say 'Voy a emplear una estrategia diferente' in Spanish.


This term refers to a commercial organization that operates on a for-profit basis. It can encompass businesses of all sizes.

Example sentences with  empresa

The Spanish word 'empujar' means 'to push' in English. It can be used in the same context where 'push' is used in English. For instance, when you want to push the door open, in Spanish, you would say 'empujar la puerta'. Like 'push', 'empujar' is also used in a figurative way, such as pushing oneself to do better, which translates to 'empujarse a hacerlo mejor' in Spanish.

Example sentences with  empujar

The Spanish word 'encontrar' translates to 'find' in English. It's often used in the context of locating or discovering something, similar to how we use 'find' in English. An example of usage could be 'No puedo encontrar mis llaves', which translates to 'I can't find my keys'. It can also be used in other contexts like meeting people or experiencing feelings: 'encontré a mi amiga en el café' means 'I met my friend at the café', and 'encontré alegría en la música' means 'I found joy in music'.

Example sentences with  encontrar

The Spanish word 'enfoque' is the direct translation for 'focus' in English. It is often used in sentences to signify the attention or concentration on something or someone. For instance, 'poner enfoque en algo' is commonly used to mean 'put focus on something'.

Example sentences with  enfoque
to teach

Enseñar means to impart knowledge or skills to others. In the context of studying, enseñar often takes place in a classroom setting but can also involve self-teaching or peer-teaching.

Example sentences with  enseñar

The Spanish word 'entender' represents the act of comprehending or grasping the meaning of something, similar to 'understand' in English. It's used in various contexts, such as understanding a language, a concept, or a person's feelings.

Example sentences with  entender
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