Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'botón' translates to 'button' in English. This term can refer to various things, such as a small fastener on clothing, a part of a machine that you press to operate it, or an icon on a computer screen that you click on to make something happen. The use will depend on the context in which the word is being used.


The Spanish word 'brillo' translates to 'shine' in English. It is a noun that can be used to describe the brightness or glossiness of an object, such as the shine of a polished surface or the brightness of a light. It is also used metaphorically to refer to the quality of being outstanding or exceptional, similar to how 'shine' is used in English.

Example sentences with  brillo

The Spanish word 'buscar' is used quite often and it means to 'seek' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like seek. For example, if you're seeking information, you 'buscas información'. Just remember, whenever you want to express the concept of 'seeking' something in Spanish, 'buscar' is your go-to word.

Example sentences with  buscar
buscar piso

The Spanish term 'buscar piso' specifically translates to 'search for a flat' in English. In general usage, 'buscar' means to search, look for, or seek, and 'piso' refers to a flat or apartment. The phrase is often used in the context of property rental or real estate and can be considered the equivalent of 'looking for a flat' or 'apartment hunting' in English.


The Spanish word for 'fall' is 'caer'. It is used in a similar way as in English. For example, you can say 'Las hojas comienzan a caer en otoño' which means 'Leaves start to fall in autumn'. But be careful, it's not used when referring to the season 'fall' or 'autumn', which in Spanish is 'otoño'.

Example sentences with  caer

In Spanish, 'calendario' is used in much the same way as 'calendar' in English. It's a system of determining the beginning, length, and sequence of years and their subdivisions, such as weeks and months. It's used in everyday language and contexts, from scheduling appointments to planning events.

Example sentences with  calendario

The term 'camilla' in Spanish translates to 'stretcher' in English. This is a device used for moving patients who require medical attention. Stretcher or 'camilla' is typically a lightweight and portable item, often used in situations such as emergency medical situations, out-of-hospital care situations, military and rescue settings. In general, it plays a vital role in transporting individuals to medical facilities quickly and efficiently.

Example sentences with  camilla
to walk

'Caminar' is the action of moving by foot at a normal or slow speed.

Example sentences with  caminar

The Spanish word 'canal' translates to 'channel' in English. It can be used to refer to a natural or artificial body of water allowing passage of boats or ships. Also, it can imply a television or radio frequency, or a medium of communication. 'Canal' can be used metaphorically as well, referring to the concept of making or finding a way through something or towards something.


The word 'cansarse' in Spanish is a verb and it refers to the process of becoming tired or weary. It doesn't uniquely mean 'tired' as a state, but suggests a gradual progression towards that state. For instance, when you slowly become tired after a long day of work, you would use 'cansarse' to express that sensation in Spanish.


Cantar means to sing in Spanish. It can be used when a person or a group of people are singing, whether it's a song, hymn or tune.

Example sentences with  cantar

The Spanish word 'cantidad' is used in a similar context as 'amount' in English. It primarily refers to the total number or quantity of something. It can be used in a variety of sentences to denote quantity, for instance 'La cantidad de agua en la jarra'. This translates to 'The amount of water in the jug'.

Example sentences with  cantidad

The Spanish word 'captura' generally translates to 'catch' in English. It can be used in similar contexts like catching a ball (capturar una pelota) or catching a fish (capturar un pez). But in a figurative sense, such as 'catch a cold', 'catch someone's attention' or 'catch a bus', we would use different verbs in Spanish, like 'coger' or 'atrapar'. It's important to remember these subtleties when using 'captura'.

Example sentences with  captura

The word 'cargar' in Spanish is often used to indicate the action of carrying something, just like 'charge' in English. For instance, you might use it to describe the act of carrying a bag, among other things. It also works as loading a device with power. But keep in mind, like with many words, the context can influence the exact meaning of 'cargar'.

Example sentences with  cargar

'Casa' in Spanish means house. This is a building for human habitation, especially one that consists of a ground floor and one or more upper storeys.

Example sentences with  casa
to taste

The Spanish word 'catar' translates to 'to taste' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of tasting or trying different types of food or beverages to evaluate their quality or flavor. Just as we say 'taste the soup' in English, in Spanish you would say 'catar la sopa'. This verb is commonly used in situations involving wine tasting, or 'catar vinos', where it is necessary to assess the characteristics and quality of different wines.


The Spanish word 'celebrar' corresponds to the English word 'celebrate' and is used to denote the act of marking a special day, event, or occasion with festivities or ceremonies. You can use 'celebrar' in a sentence the same way you would use 'celebrate' in English.

Example sentences with  celebrar
celebrar una boda
celebrate a wedding

The Spanish phrase 'celebrar una boda' translates to 'celebrate a wedding' in English. This phrase indicates the act of holding a festive event to honor the marriage of two individuals. Typically, this includes a ceremony where vows are exchanged, followed by a reception with food, music, and dancing. The concept of celebrating a wedding is a universal one, found in different cultures and countries around the world, taking on unique traditions and customs to each.

Example sentences with  celebrar una boda

The Spanish verb 'chupar' translates to 'suck' in English. It's commonly used to refer to the action of drawing something in through the lips by creating a vacuum, such as when drinking a beverage through a straw. It can also be used metaphorically in contexts similar to the English 'sucks', expressing that something is bad or disappointing. Please be aware of the context when using this word, as it can have negative connotations in certain situations.


The word 'cinturón' is a masculine noun in Spanish language. Originating from Latin term 'cinctūra', it translates to 'belt' in English. It is commonly used to denote a band or strap, often made of leather or cloth, and is worn around the waist. The term can be used both in a literal context referring to clothing accessories, as well as figuratively in expressions like 'cinturón de seguridad', meaning safety belt.

Example sentences with  cinturón

In Spanish, 'club' is also used as in English to refer to a group of people organized for a common purpose such as a sports team, or a place where people go to dance and listen to music. It is also used to describe a heavy stick or a card suit in a standard deck of cards. Usage in sentences remains the same as it is in English.

Example sentences with  club

The Spanish word 'cocer' translates to 'cook' in English. It is a verb that refers to the process of preparing food by subjecting it to heat, usually in hot water or an oven. This term is often used in the cooking-related contexts and can be related to various forms of food preparation such as baking, boiling, roasting or steaming.

cocer arroz
cook rice

The Spanish phrase 'cocer arroz' translates to 'cook rice' in English. It is a cooking instruction often seen in recipe books or cooking guides. This typically involves boiling rice in water, or another liquid, until it's tender and ready to eat. It's a fundamental skill in many types of cuisine worldwide.

cocer pasta
cook pasta

The Spanish term 'cocer pasta' translates to 'cook pasta' in English. This is a common phrase used in cooking, especially in recipes, to indicate that pasta needs to be heated in boiling water until it is ready to be eaten. An important part of many cuisines, pasta cooking techniques can vary broadly, but generally involve bringing water to a boil, adding the pasta, and cooking until the pasta is 'al dente', which means it is fully cooked but still firm when bitten.


The Spanish word 'cocinar' translates directly to 'cooking' in English. It is a verb and it refers to the process of preparing food by subjecting it to heat, often including such methods as baking, roasting, frying, boiling, etc. For instance, if you want to say 'I am cooking dinner', you would say 'Estoy cocinando la cena' in Spanish.


The Spanish verb 'coger' primarily translates to 'take' in English but it can be used in a variety of contexts with different translations. For example, it could mean 'to take' in the sense of taking an object, 'to take' in the sense of taking a form of transportation, 'to catch' as in catching a ball or 'to catch' as in catching a disease. Furthermore, it is used in numerous casual and idiomatic phrases so its translation can differ according to context.


The Spanish word 'colar' translates to 'queue' in English. In the context of actions, it means to form a line or wait in a line, much like when people queue in a store or a bus stop. The term 'colar' can also infer the process of filtering, similar to how a queue operates in an orderly fashion. This term is often used in daily Spanish conversations, emphasizing the significance of orderliness in Spanish culture.


The Spanish word for 'hang' is 'colgar'. It is commonly used in various contexts such as hanging up clothes ('colgar la ropa'), hanging a picture on the wall ('colgar un cuadro en la pared'), or even in the phone context when you hang up a call ('colgar el teléfono'). Remember, the usage of 'colgar' can change depending on the context and location within the Spanish-speaking world.

Example sentences with  colgar

The Spanish word 'comenzar' is a verb which translates to 'start' in English. It is commonly used when telling someone to initiate an action. For instance, 'Vamos a comenzar la ceremonia', means 'We are going to start the ceremony'. Please note, the use of 'comenzar' requires a conjugation depending on the context, tense, and subject.

Example sentences with  comenzar
to eat

'Comer' is a regular verb. This verb is used whenever one is eating or consuming food.

Example sentences with  comer
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