Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'asar' translates to 'roast' in English. It is a verb commonly used in a culinary context to describe the process of cooking something, typically meat, by prolonged exposure to heat, especially through fire or heat radiation. The term 'asar' can also be used metaphorically in various contexts in the Spanish language.


The Spanish word for seat is 'asiento'. It is commonly used in situations like booking a seat in cinema or asking to pass a seat in bus or train. There could be different variations of the use of the word, depending on the region or country. For example, 'Reservé un asiento para la película' means 'I booked a seat for the movie'.

Example sentences with  asiento
to assist

The Spanish word 'asistir' translates to 'attend', 'assist', or 'be present' in English. It is a verb and it is usually used for referring to someone's presence at a place or event or the act of helping or aiding someone or something. However, it's important to note that the word 'asistir' does not always mean to 'assist' in the context of giving help, as it might imply in English. The use of its meaning is highly dependent on the context in which it is used.

to wonder

The Spanish word 'asombrarse' translates to 'to wonder' in English. It is generally used to describe when someone is amazed, surprised or awestruck by something and they begin to ponder or think deeply about it. It's often expressed as a reflexive verb, indicating that the action is something that the subject does to itself. For instance, one might 'asombrarse' at the beauty of a sunset or the complexity of a new concept. The conjugation of the verb changes depending on the tense and the subject.


The Spanish term for 'attack' is 'ataque'. This word can be used in various contexts such as a physical or verbal action against someone or something, a sudden illness like a heart 'ataque', in sport events to refer an offensive action or in computer systems to refer to malicious activities. Just like in English, 'ataque' carries a similar usage and connotation in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  ataque

The Spanish word 'aumento' is used much in the same way the English word 'increase' is used. It can refer to a rise in a numerical or monetary value, a physical expansion, or a growth in intensity. It can also be used as a verb, 'aumentar', meaning to raise or enhance something.

Example sentences with  aumento

The Spanish word 'ayuda' is commonly used in the same way the English word 'help' is used. It can be used to ask for assistance, to offer support, or as a noun referring to the act or instance of helping. It's versatile and can be found in various contexts, just like 'help' in English.

Example sentences with  ayuda

The Spanish word 'azúcar' translates to 'sugar' in English. It is a common term used in food and beverage preparation and is derived from Arabic. The word can be used to describe both the sweet soluble crystalline substance often derived from sugarcane and beet, and used to sweeten food and drink, and also, in a general sense, to refer to anything sweet or pleasant.


The word 'bailar' is a verb in Spanish, which translates to 'dance' in English. It is used to describe the activity of moving one's body rhythmically, typically to music and within a particular space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply deriving pleasure from the movement itself. 'Bailar' can also be used in various contexts such as 'bailar la salsa' which means 'to dance salsa'. Please note that conjugation rules apply when using this verb, depending on the tense and subject of the sentence.

bajar la cabeza
lower your head

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la cabeza' translates to 'lower your head' in English. It is often used as an instruction or an idiomatic expression symbolizing submission or deference. In physical context, 'bajar la cabeza' may be used to prevent a possible injury or to enable someone to perform a specific action. In a conceptual or symbolic sense, it can imply acknowledging superiority or admitting a mistake, thus lowering one's head in humility.

bajar las manos
put your hands down

The Spanish phrase 'bajar las manos' translates to 'put your hands down' in English. It is a directive phrase typically used to tell someone to lower their hands from a raised position. Similarly, it may also be used metaphorically to tell someone to give up or quit a conflictive situation. With its literal meaning being 'to lower the hands', this phrase might come handy in situations involving physical activities, arguments, or energetic discussions.

bajar los brazos
lower your arms

The Spanish phrase 'bajar los brazos' translates to 'lower your arms' in English. This can be used in both literal contexts such as when giving instructions or commands on body movements. It's also used metaphorically in the Spanish language to represent the act of giving up or surrendering in a difficult situation.

bajar(se) de un coche
get off a car

The phrase 'bajar(se) de un coche' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'get off a car' in English. In this context, 'bajar' means 'to get off' or 'to descend', 'de' means 'from', and 'un coche' means 'a car'. So literally, it represents the action of getting down from a car. This phrase is typically used when you exit a vehicle. The '(se)' is a reflexive pronoun and is optional to use, though it is often included in everyday conversation. This is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking cultures when traveling or referring to modes of transportation.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un coche
bajar(se) de una bicicleta
get off a bicycle

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de una bicicleta' translates to 'get off a bicycle' in English. This phrase is usually used in the context of physically dismounting from a bike, for example, after a ride. It is composed of the verb 'bajar' or 'bajarse' which means 'get off' or 'get down', and 'una bicicleta' which translates to 'a bicycle'. In general, this phrase is communicating the action of dismounting or descending from the bike.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de una bicicleta
bajar(se) de una moto
get off a motorcycle

The term 'bajar(se) de una moto' is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'get off a motorcycle' in English. This is generally used to imply or instruct that one needs to alight or dismount from a motorbike. The verb 'bajar' means to 'get down' or 'get off' and the preposition 'de' is equivalent to 'from' in English. Adding 'una moto' to the phrase specifies the object from which one is getting down or off, in this case, a motorcycle.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de una moto

The Spanish word 'balancearse' translates to 'to balance oneself' in English. This word is a verb and often used when discussing physical activities such as walking along a balance beam or standing on one foot. It's about maintaining an equilibrium or stability. It may also have a more abstract usage such as trying to balance different aspects of life.

Example sentences with  balancearse
to bleat

The term 'balar' is a verb in Spanish that refers to the sound made by sheep, similar to how 'to bleat' is used in English. It can also be used metaphorically to suggest someone is speaking in a manner that is not easily understood.

Example sentences with  balar

The Spanish word 'barrer' translates to 'sweep' in English. It is most commonly used as a verb to indicate the action of cleaning or clearing a floor, a surface, or another area by brushing or pushing dirt away. Just like 'sweep', 'barrer' can also be applied metaphorically to express a broad or comprehensive action.


The Spanish term 'base' is used in the same way as its English counterpart. It can signify the bottom of something, a starting point or foundation, or a main ingredient or component, among other things. The context can determine how it's specifically understood.

Example sentences with  base

The word 'bata' in Spanish translates to 'robe' in English. Although this word might be confused with 'bat,' it's an entirely different term. 'Bata' typically refers to a loose-fitting garment that people wear in their homes, particularly before they go to bed or when they get up in the morning. So, be careful not to mix it up with the word for 'bat', which in Spanish is 'murciélago'.


The Spanish word 'batalla' translates to 'battle' in English. It is a noun, often used in various contexts, such as to describe a combat, conflict or struggle, either amongst individuals, teams, or nations. Similar to its English counterpart, 'batalla' can also be used metaphorically, referrering to a challenging personal ordeal or difficult experience.

Example sentences with  batalla
batir huevos
beat eggs

The Spanish phrase 'batir huevos' directly translates to 'beat eggs' in English. It is a culinary term and is used to describe the process of quickly stirring eggs until the yolk and the white are thoroughly mixed, often using a fork or a whisk. This action is necessary in many recipes, such as scrambled eggs or a variety of pastries.


In English, 'beber' is translated to 'drink'. It refers to drinking or the act of consuming a liquid like water, juice or milk.

Example sentences with  beber

The Spanish word 'bendecir' translates to 'bless' in English. It is often used in a religious context, as when a priest blesses his congregation, but it can also be used in a more generalized manner to suggest bestowing well-wishes or good intentions upon someone. Like many Spanish verbs, 'bendecir' changes its form depending on tense and who the subject of the sentence is. It's a regular verb, so once you know the rules for conjugating -IR verbs in Spanish, you should be able to use it in different contexts.

Example sentences with  bendecir

The Spanish word 'besar' translates to 'kiss' in English. It is primarily used as a verb in Spanish, similar to the English equivalent. It's part of the basic romantic terminology. When 'besar' is used in a sentence, it often refers to the physical act of kissing. It also implies affection and intimacy between individuals.


The Spanish word 'bien' is used similar to the English word 'well'. It can function as an adverb, adjective, noun, or interjection depending on the context. For example, it can be used to show that something is done correctly (adverb), describe something as good in a general sense (adjective), express satisfaction or agreement (interjection), or it can reflect moral righteousness (noun). It's a very versatile word in everyday usage.

Example sentences with  bien
to bomb

The Spanish verb 'bombardear' translates directly to 'to bomb' in English. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts. In a literal sense, it is used to describe the act of dropping explosives from an aircraft or other high position with the intention to cause damage or destruction, like in a war setting. In a figurative context, 'bombardear' could mean to bombard someone with information or questions, just like 'to bomb' is used in English.

Example sentences with  bombardear

The Spanish word 'borrador' translates to 'draft' in English. In various contexts, it can refer to an early version of a written work (like a book or an essay) that is not yet finished and will likely be edited more. It is often used in academic or professional settings. Sometimes 'borrador' can also mean eraser, as in an object used to wipe away pencil markings. The proper use of the word always depend on its surrounding context.


The Spanish word 'bostezar' translates to 'yawn' in English. It is a verb that indicates the act of opening one's mouth wide, typically involuntarily due to tiredness or boredom.


The Spanish word 'botella' translates to 'bottle' in English. It is a noun often used to refer to a rigid container with a neck that's narrower than the body and a 'mouth'. Bottles are often made of glass, clay, plastic, aluminum or other impervious materials, and typically used to store liquids such as water, milk, soft drinks, beer, wine, medicine, ink, or oil.

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