Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The word 'trato' is commonly used in Spanish to refer to an agreement or arrangement between two or more parties, similar to 'deal' in English. It is utilized in various contexts including business and personal transactions. For instance, 'Hacer un trato' means 'To make a deal'. However, it's worth noting that the usage can differ based on regional dialects and the context of the conversation.

Example sentences with  trato

A train is a succession of vehicles that travel along rail tracks to transport cargo or passengers from one location to another. It's a popular form of public transportation in many parts of the world.

Example sentences with  tren
to hoot

Ulular is a Spanish verb typically used to describe the sound that an owl makes, much like the English 'to hoot'. More broadly, it can also refer to any similar sound, such as a siren or a cry that resembles the hooting of an owl.

Example sentences with  ulular

The Spanish word 'unir' translates to 'join' in English. It is used to indicate the action of connecting or combining things in Spanish. For example, when two roads come together, we say they 'se unen'. Similarly, when people join their efforts for a cause, in Spanish we say 'se unen a un esfuerzo'. So, it's a pretty versatile word used to describe the act of coming or bringing together.

Example sentences with  unir

The word 'usar' is the Spanish translation for the English verb 'wear', commonly used to refer to the action of carrying or having something on one's body as a garment or accessory. For instance, when relating to clothes, shoes, glasses, etc. It can also imply the action of the continuous utilization of something, causing it to deteriorate over time. The context determines how to correctly use this word in Spanish.

Example sentences with  usar

The Spanish word 'valor' is used similarly to the English term 'value'. It can denote the worth of something in monetary terms, for example in sentences like 'El valor de la casa es alto' ('The value of the house is high'). The term can also be used to denote moral or personal beliefs and principles, just like in English. An example in this context would be 'El valor de la honestidad es importante' ('The value of honesty is important').

Example sentences with  valor

The Spanish word 'vela' translates to 'candle' in English. It is a noun that represents a cylinder or block of wax or tallow with a central wick that is lit to produce light as it burns. This can be used in various contexts including lighting, decoration, or in ceremonies and rituals. In Spanish, it can also have another meaning related to sailing or watching over something, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  vela

The Spanish word 'vender' is equivalent to the English word 'sell'. It is used in the context of transferring the ownership of something to someone else, usually for a monetary exchange. Just like how 'sell' is used in English, 'vender' can be used in variety of contexts in Spanish, from selling tangible items like 'vender mi auto' (sell my car) to more metaphorical usages like 'vender una idea' (sell an idea).

Example sentences with  vender

The Spanish verb 'venir' is used similar to the English verb 'come', indicating motion from some other location towards the location indicated in the context of the conversation. It is used in various contexts and can also carry a sense of someone ‘coming’ to do something like in 'viene a ayudar', which means 'comes to help'.

Example sentences with  venir
to see

The verb 'ver' corresponds to the English verb 'to see', used when one is watching or perceiving something visually.

Example sentences with  ver

The word 'visitar' in Spanish translates to 'visit' in English. It is utilized in the same way as in English to imply going to a place or a person temporarily, usually for a brief period or for a specific purpose. It's a regular verb that can be conjugated in different tenses like present, past, or future.

Example sentences with  visitar
to live

This action verb 'vivir' refers to the act of living, existing, or residing somewhere.

Example sentences with  vivir

In Spanish, 'voluntad' is often used to express the concept of 'will' in English. However, it is important to note that it pertains more to the concept of someone's desire, intention, or mental commitment than to the future tense of the verb 'to be'. The context of the sentence will often determine the specific usage of 'voluntad'.

Example sentences with  voluntad

The Spanish word for 'vote' is 'voto'. It is used in the same context as in English, referring to the act of expressing a formal indication of choice in decision-making situations such as in elections or referendums. The plural form is 'votos'. For example, 'Mi voto es secreto' translates to 'My vote is secret'.

Example sentences with  voto

In Spanish, the term 'voz' translates to 'voice' in English. Much like English, it can be used in a variety of contexts such as referring to the sounds produced by humans, animals, or devices or even to represent someone's opinion or right to express their thoughts. An example could be 'Levantó la voz' which translates to 'He raised his voice'. Thus, the Spanish word 'voz' embodies the essence and usage of the English term 'voice' quite comprehensively.

Example sentences with  voz
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