Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'sorprendido' translates to 'surprised' in English. It is an adjective used to describe the state of being taken unawares or taken aback by an unforeseen event or piece of information. For example, one might be 'sorprendido' to receive an unexpected piece of news or a sudden, unplanned visit from a friend.


The Spanish word 'sospechoso' translates to 'suspect' in English. The word can be used in various contexts, but is most commonly used in the context of suspicion in scenarios related to crime. Here, 'sospechoso' can refer to a person who is suspected of committing a crime. Similarly, in a broader, more abstract sense, it can refer to any element or situation that raises suspicion or doubt.


In Spanish, 'sostener' is used to refer to the action of physically holding something. It can also be used metaphorically to express supporting an idea or argument, or to maintain something in a particular state or position. The usage contexts align quite closely with those in English. For example, 'Sostengo el libro' translates to 'I hold the book'.

Example sentences with  sostener

The Spanish word 'subir' roughly translates to 'rise' in English. It can also mean climb, or go up, depending on the context. It is often used to describe increase or growth concepts just as rise is used in English, for example 'la temperatura está subiendo' which means the temperature is rising.

Example sentences with  subir
subir(se) a un barco
go up to a boat

The phrase 'subir(se) a un barco' in Spanish translates to 'go up to a boat' in English. It is a verb phrase commonly used in relation to boating and marine activities. It implies the action of getting on a boat, either from a dock, beach, or from another boat. This phrase is part of common Spanish vocabulary and is often used in conversation and writing in contexts relating to travel, work or sport activities involving boats.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un barco
subir(se) a un coche
get in a car

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un coche' translates to 'get in a car' in English. This is a verb phrase that is frequently used in everyday conversations, where 'subir(se)' plays a role of a verb referring to the act of entering or boarding, and 'un coche' is a noun that denotes a car or an automobile. To illustrate its use in a sentence, 'Voy a subirme a un coche' translates to 'I am going to get in a car' in English.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un coche
subir(se) a una bicicleta
get on a bicycle

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a una bicicleta' translates to 'get on a bicycle' in English. It is a common phrase used to describe the action of mounting or getting onto a bicycle. It's important to note that the '(se)' in 'subir(se)' can be used to reflect the reflexive action of the subject, meaning the subject is performing the action on itself, however it's not always necessary in everyday conversation.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a una bicicleta
subir(se) a una moto
get on a motorcycle

The phrase 'subir(se) a una moto' in Spanish is translated as 'get on a motorcycle' in English. It refers to the action of getting onto a motorcycle, implying the intention to ride it. This phrase can be used literally, when someone actually gets on a motorcycle, or figuratively, to indicate the start of a new endeavor or adventure that could be as thrilling or risky as riding a motorcycle.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a una moto

The Spanish word 'sudar' translates to 'sweat' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of excreting a salty liquid from the skin's pores, typically as a response to heat, physical exertion, or stress. In a colloquial or figurative sense, 'sudar' also means to work hard or to worry about something.


The Spanish word 'sugerir' translates to 'suggest' in English. It is often used in much the same way as in English, to imply that an idea or course of action might be a good or appropriate choice. For instance, you might use it within the sentence 'Te sugiero que leas ese libro' which translates as 'I suggest you read that book'.

Example sentences with  sugerir

The Spanish term 'sujetar' translates to 'hold' in English. This verb can imply the act of physically holding an object to avoid it from moving or dropping. In more metaphorical contexts, it could be used to describe the act of restraining, constraining, or controlling something or someone. The verb 'sujetar' might also be used in a figurative sense to denote the maintenance of certain postures, positions, or condition.


The Spanish verb 'sumar' translates to the English verb 'add'. It is generally used in the context of mathematics or putting things together in a collective manner. In a sentence, 'sumar' can be used like this: 'Podemos sumar estos números para obtener el total.' This means, 'We can add these numbers to get the total.'

Example sentences with  sumar

The word 'tasa' in Spanish refers to 'rate' in English. It is often used in context of rate of interest, growth, exchange and so on. For example, 'tasa de interés' means interest rate. It can also be used in expressions like 'a tal tasa' which means 'at such rate'. Make sure to use it in right context as Spanish language have different words for different contexts.

Example sentences with  tasa

A system that converts acoustic vibrations to electrical signals in order to transmit sound, typically voices, over a distance using wire or radio.

Example sentences with  teléfono
tender la ropa
hang out the washing

The Spanish phrase 'tender la ropa' translates to 'hang out the washing' in English. This phrase is often used to describe the act of hanging wet, clean laundry on a clothesline or similar object to dry in open air. It is a common domestic chore and is part of the process of laundering clothes, used in places where using a dryer may not be an option or preference.

to have

'Tener' is used to indicate possession or to express various states or conditions such as age, fear and obligations.

Example sentences with  tener
tener miedo

The Spanish term 'tener miedo' translates directly to 'have fear' in English. It is usually used to express the state of being scared or fearful, similar to how in English one might say 'I am afraid' or 'I am scared'. The phrase 'tener miedo' embodies not just the emotion, but also the experience of fear.


The Spanish word 'terminar' is directly translated to 'finish' in English. It is used to refer to the conclusion or end of an event,thing or activity. For instance, 'terminar una tarea' means to finish a task. Just like in English, it can also be used in the continuous tense, for example 'estoy terminando el trabajo' indicating 'I am finishing the work'.

Example sentences with  terminar

The Spanish term for 'term' is 'término'. It is often used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as academic terms (e.g. trimestre, which means 'trimester'), terminology (e.g. terminología), or term in a broader sense (e.g. a long-term plan would be un plan a largo plazo). Like in English, 'término' can also refer to the end or conclusion of something.

Example sentences with  término

The Spanish word 'testigo' translates to 'witness' in English. This term is often used in legal contexts and refers to an individual who has personal knowledge about something or someone, especially a crime, and gives their account to a court or other official body. Additionally, 'testigo' may also denote a participant or observer in various events, experiences, or circumstances.


The Spanish word for time is 'tiempo'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including expressing duration, scheduling, or in asking the current time just like in English. It's important to note that in Spanish, to ask specifically what time it is, you would say '¿Qué hora es?'. However, 'tiempo' covers the general idea of time as a concept, or can be used in expressions like 'mucho tiempo' meaning 'a long time'.

Example sentences with  tiempo

The word 'tipo' is used in Spanish similar to how 'type' is used in English. It is generally utilized to categorize or classify something according to its particular features or characteristics. It can also be used colloquially in Spain to refer to a person, similar to 'guy' or 'dude' in English, although this usage is less common.

Example sentences with  tipo

The Spanish word 'tiritar' translates to 'shiver' in English. This is a verb used to describe the rapid, involuntary shaking of the body, often as a reaction to cold, fear, or excitement. For instance, one might 'tiritar' from the cold in the winter, or 'tiritar' whilst watching a scary movie.

título honorífico

'Título honorífico' is a Spanish term that translates to 'title' in English. It often gets used in formal contexts to denote a rank, distinction, or ceremonial title conferred upon an individual as a mark of honour, recognition, academic or professional achievement. Such could be royal, scholarly, or chivalrous titles like 'Sir', 'Professor', or 'Doctor'. The usage could vary depending on cultural or societal conventions.

Example sentences with  título honorífico

The Spanish word 'tocar' translates to 'touch' in English. It can be used in a range of contexts in Spanish language. It can refer to physically touching something with your hands, or it can also signify playing a musical instrument. Furthermore, 'tocar' can also be used in a metaphorical sense to represent touching upon a topic or subject in a conversation.


The English word 'take' translates to 'tomar' in Spanish. This word is a common verb which can be used in many contexts similar to 'take'. For instance, it can be used to convey the act of taking something like 'tomar un libro' (take a book) or for consuming something like 'tomar café' (drink coffee). It is a versatile verb in Spanish language, but its usage can vary depending on the region.

Example sentences with  tomar
tomar el sol

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el sol' translates to 'sunbathe' in English. This activity refers to the act of sitting or lying in the sun, usually for the purpose of getting a tan or simply enjoying the warmth of the sun. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is a common practice especially during the summer months. The verb 'tomar' means 'to take' and 'el sol' translates to 'the sun', making the literal translation 'to take the sun'. However, in actual usage, it effectively means to sunbathe.

Example sentences with  tomar el sol
to work

'Trabajar' corresponds to the act of laboring, toiling, or exerting oneself in order to accomplish something.

Example sentences with  trabajar

The Spanish word 'traer' means 'bring' in English. It is a regular verb of Spanish language and it is widely used to denote the action of bringing something from one place to another. For example, 'Puedes traer el libro?' translates to 'Can you bring the book?' In the past tense it is 'trajo', future tense is 'traerá' and the present tense is 'trae'.

Example sentences with  traer

In Spanish, 'tratar' can be used in various contexts similar to its English counterpart 'treat'. For instance, it can mean how you treat people or a subject matter you are dealing with. 'Tratar' can also be used to express 'trying' something like a food or experience. The usage mainly depends on the prepositions and contexts it is used with.

Example sentences with  tratar
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