Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish word 'reparación' translates to 'repair' in English. It can refer to the act of fixing or mending something that is broken or damaged. It is commonly used in various contexts like repairing a car, a computer, a building or even metaphorically, as in repairing a broken relationship.

Example sentences with  reparación
to review

Repasar refers to the action of examining or reviewing something, especially material previously learned, so as to reinforce learning and facilitate retrieval of information.

Example sentences with  repasar

The Spanish word 'repetir' directly translates to 'repeat' in English. It is a verb that denotes the action of doing something again either once or multiple times. This could refer to a wide range of activities, such as repeating a phrase or sentence in a conversation, repeating an action, or repeating a period of time or event. The use in a sentence would depend on the context, just as with the English equivalent.


The Spanish term 'representar' is used in many of the same contexts as the English word 'represent'. It can refer to the act of depicting, symbolizing, or standing in for something else. It may also be used in contexts like expressing something in a specified way, such as 'The results are represented in percentage form'. It can also mean to perform a role or play the part of someone in a theatrical performance.

Example sentences with  representar

The Spanish word 'respetar' translates to 'respect' in English. It is a verb and it expresses the concept of admiration for someone because of their qualities, accomplishments, or abilities. It can also denote consideration or regard for someone's feelings, wishes, or rights. In a broader sense, 'respetar' can be used in various contexts to imply deference or courtesy.

Example sentences with  respetar

The Spanish word 'respirar' translates to 'breathe' in English. It is a verb used to describe the process of taking in oxygen from the air and exhaling carbon dioxide. The English equivalent 'breathe' shares the same meaning and is used similarly, to refer to the vital process that living creatures do. 'Respirar' is used in many of the same contexts as 'breathe,' such as in expressions denoting relief, exercise, meditation, and basic life function.


The Spanish word 'responder' is equivalent to 'respond' in English. It can be used similarly in various contexts where there is a need to answer or reply to a question, statement, situation or a need. For instance, 'Ella puede responder a la pregunta' translates to 'She can respond to the question'. Like its English counterpart, it is a common verb in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  responder

The Spanish word 'restar' translates to 'subtract' in English. It's a verb that refers to the action of taking away a quantity from another. This term is commonly used in mathematics and practical applications when we need to diminish or reduce one quantity or number by another number or quantity.

Example sentences with  restar

The Spanish word 'resultado' is used similarly to English 'result'–it can refer to an outcome or consequence, or the end product of a calculation or experiment. For example, 'el resultado del partido fue 3-2' means 'the result of the match was 3-2'. It is also used in mathematical contexts, just like in English.

Example sentences with  resultado

The Spanish word 'rezar' refers to the act of speaking to a deity or higher power, often in the form of a fervent request or expression of thanks. This action, known in English as 'pray', is often a central part of religious or spiritual practices. 'Rezar' can imply both the formal act of prayer, such as in a religious service, or a personal, informal pray, such as praying for good weather or for a loved one's health.

Example sentences with  rezar

The Spanish term for risk is 'riesgo'. It is commonly used in the same context as in English, which is to describe a situation involving exposure to danger or the possibility that something unpleasant or unwelcome will happen. An example sentence in Spanish would be 'Existe un riesgo si no tomas precauciones', which translates to 'There is a risk if you don't take precautions.'

Example sentences with  riesgo

The Spanish word 'robar' translates to 'steal' in English. This is an action verb that primarily implies the taking of another person's property without their consent and with the intention of permanently depriving them of it. It can also suggest taking something unlawfully or without the owner's permission.


'Rodilla' is a Spanish noun and it is used to refer to the joint that connects the upper and lower parts of the leg in the human body, also known as 'Knee' in English. It doesn't mean 'kneel', it's the actual body part. Kneel, which is a verb referring to the action of resting on the knees, is translated as 'arrodillarse' in Spanish.

to know

'Saber' is used when you know a fact or piece of information or if you are familiar with a skill.

Example sentences with  saber
sacar la basura
take the trash out

The phrase 'sacar la basura' in Spanish translates to 'take the trash out' in English. It is a common household chore phrase that is used to instruct someone to remove the garbage from the house and dispose it properly in designated waste management facilities or containers. 'Sacar' generally means 'to take out' and 'la basura' translates to 'the trash'. The phrase embodies the notion of cleanliness, orderliness and environmental consciousness in Spanish-speaking societies.


The Spanish verb 'salir' translates to 'leave' in English. It is a commonly used verb that indicates the action of leaving a place or departing. It can also refer to exiting a situation or a state of being. For example, 'Voy a salir de casa' which translates to 'I am going to leave the house.'

Example sentences with  salir
to jump

'Saltar' corresponds to the act of leaping or hopping, typically by launching oneself into the air.

Example sentences with  saltar

The Spanish word 'sección' is used much like the English word 'section'. It can refer to a portion, segment, or subdivision of a larger whole. This could be a section of a book, newspaper, or store, among other things. Similar to English, it can also refer to a particular group or division within a larger body, such as a department or section of a company.

Example sentences with  sección

The Spanish word 'seguir' translates to 'follow' in English. This verb can be used in a variety of contexts similar to how 'follow' is used in English. For instance, in guiding or pursuing someone (e.g., 'Sigue a la líder' or 'Follow the leader'), continuing a course or sequence (e.g., 'Sigue el plan' or 'Follow the plan'), or following someone on social media (e.g., 'Sigue a esta persona' or 'Follow this person').

Example sentences with  seguir

The Spanish word 'según' translates to 'according' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of 'according to someone or something', for instance, 'según la profesora' would mean 'according to the teacher'. Just as in English, 'según' is used to indicate that something one says is information or opinion received from another, or inferred from something said or done by another. 'Según' is thus quite versatile and commonly used in written and spoken Spanish.

Example sentences with  según
to sow

The Spanish word 'sembrar' translates to 'to sow' in English. This term is frequently used in an agricultural context, but it can also be used metaphorically. For instance, you might sembrar seeds in the ground, which means you are sowing seeds. Alternatively, you could also sembrar an idea in someone's mind, which means you are planting an idea.

Example sentences with  sembrar
sit down

The Spanish verb 'sentarse' translates to 'sit down' in English. It's a reflexive verb and often used in the context of instructing or asking someone to sit. The verb changes its form based on the subject- for example, 'me siento' for 'I sit down', 'te sientas' for 'you sit down', etc. The infinitive 'sentarse' is more like an order or a generic way of saying 'to sit down'.


The Spanish word 'sentido' translates to 'sense' in English. It is commonly used in the similar context as in English- referring to physical senses, like sense of smell or touch, a feeling or a meaning. Just like English, it's a versatile word that could also refers to the practical, logical, or sentimental 'sense' of an idea, action or concept.

Example sentences with  sentido
to feel

'Sentir' is used to express the act of experiencing a certain feeling or emotion.

Example sentences with  sentir
to be

'Ser' is used to describe inherent or permanent traits such as identity, characteristics or professions.

Example sentences with  ser

In Spanish, 'sería' is the equivalent word for 'would' when referring to a hypothetical situation or action. It is a common verb used in the conditional tense, which is used to express what would happen under certain circumstances. It's a version of the verb 'ser' (to be) and can be used in a wide range of contexts.

Example sentences with  sería

The word 'servicio' in Spanish is used just like the English term 'service'. It can refer to a type of work that is done for people, a function or usefulness of a thing, or a ceremony in a church. 'Servicio' can be used in various contexts, such as customer service (servicio al cliente), public service (servicio público), or service charge (cargo por servicio).

Example sentences with  servicio

The Spanish verb 'servir' translates to 'serve' in English. It is commonly used to describe the act of providing a service, serving food or drinks, or to state that something is useful. Remember, in various contexts it might change slightly, but the basic meaning remains the same.

Example sentences with  servir
let go

The Spanish word 'soltar' translates into English as 'let go'. It is used to indicate the action of freeing or releasing something in hands or possession. This could mean physically releasing something you are holding, or metaphorically releasing control, responsibility, or attachment to something or someone. Use 'soltar' when you want to express the action of release or cessation.


The Spanish word 'sonido' is used to describe a sensation that is perceptible by the hearing sense. It can be in terms of music, noise, vibration, or anything that can be heard. It is used in a wide range of contexts, such as 'El sonido de la música es hermoso' which means 'The sound of the music is beautiful'.

Example sentences with  sonido
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