Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.

to think

'Pensar' corresponds to the act of thinking, pondering, or considering something in the mind.

Example sentences with  pensar

The Spanish word 'perder' means to 'lose' in English. It is used in similar circumstances as in English. For example, it could be used to express the loss of an item, to lose oneself in a place, or losing a game. Like 'lose' in English, 'perder' is a verb and would change forms depending on tense and subject.

Example sentences with  perder

The term 'perfecto' is a Spanish adjective which translates to 'perfect' in English. It's often used to express that something is without flaws or defects, completely correct or has all the desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics. It can also be utilized in various contexts, whether it be describing a person, place, thing, or scenario. Remember that in Spanish, adjectives often change their form based on the gender and number of the noun they are qualifying. Hence, 'perfecto' may become 'perfecta', 'perfectos' or 'perfectas' depending on the context.

Example sentences with  perfecto

The word 'permanecer', translated to 'remain' in English, is commonly used in Spanish conversation and written contexts. This verb is used to express the continuity or persistence of a certain state, condition, or situation. For example, it can be used in sentences like 'quiero permanecer contigo' which means 'I want to remain with you'. It is an essential verb in Spanish language that every learner should familiarize with.

Example sentences with  permanecer

The Spanish equivalent for 'allow' is 'permitir'. It is used in a similar context to the English language. For example, for granting or giving consent for something to happen or exist. As with the English-language usage, 'permitir' can be applied to a wide range of scenarios, like granting permissions, enabling processes, or giving consent.

Example sentences with  permitir

'Pescado' is the Spanish term for 'fish'. This word is particularly significant in coastal regions where fish is a prevalent part of the local diet.

Example sentences with  pescado
to blink

The Spanish word 'pestañear' translates to 'to blink' in English. This is an involuntary action where one briefly closes and then opens their eyes again quickly. It is a normal function that protects the eyes by spreading tears over its surface to keep it moist and removing small particles. The action of blinking in general is universal in its application, irrespective of language or region.


The Spanish verb 'pinchar' is commonly used in a technological context and translates to 'click' in English. It refers to the action of pressing and quickly releasing a button on a computer mouse or other input device. For instance, you might 'pinchar' on a link to open a new web page. Please note, 'pinchar' also has other meanings in different contexts, such as 'to prick' or 'to puncture', but in the context of computer usage, it's generally accepted to mean 'click'.

Example sentences with  pinchar

The Spanish word 'paintar' corresponds to the English word 'paint'. In a broader context, it can mean to apply color to a surface with a brush or to depict something or someone with words, color or music. This can refer to both the physical action of painting, for instance, painting a house or a picture, and the creation of an illustrative depiction of any thing or idea.

Example sentences with  pintar
pintar un cuadro
painting a painting

The Spanish phrase 'pintar un cuadro' translates to 'painting a painting' in English. It's often used to refer to the act of creating an artistic work on a canvas or similar surface using paint. An individual who 'pinta un cuadro' is someone who is creating, or has created, a painting.

Example sentences with  pintar un cuadro
pintar un paisaje
painting a landscape

The phrase 'pintar un paisaje' in Spanish refers to the action or the art of creating a depiction of an outdoor natural scenery like mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests in visual art, particularly painting. This could be the artist's own interpretation, or a representation of an existing location translated onto a canvas, paper or any other medium with the use of different painting techniques and tools.

Example sentences with  pintar un paisaje
pintar un retrato
painting a portrait

The phrase 'pintar un retrato' in Spanish translates to 'painting a portrait' in English. This phrase is commonly used to refer to the act of creating a portrait by painting. A portrait is typically a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression are predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. Hence, 'pintar un retrato' is an activity that requires artistic skills employed in the representation or portrayal of a person using paints.

Example sentences with  pintar un retrato
pintarse los labios
paint your lips

'Pintarse los labios' is a Spanish phrase essentially meaning 'to paint your lips'. This term is typically used to describe the act of applying lipstick or any other sort of lip color. While the literal translation is 'to paint one's lips', in common usage it refers more broadly to the application of cosmetic products to the lips for the purpose of enhancing or changing their appearance.

Example sentences with  pintarse los labios
pintarse los ojos
paint your eyes

The Spanish phrase 'pintarse los ojos' translates to 'paint your eyes' in English. However, it doesn't mean literally painting your eyes. Instead, it is a common colloquial phrase used to refer to the act of applying makeup to one's eyes, especially using eye shadow, eyeliner, or mascara. This kind of expression can be frequently found in contexts related to beauty and personal care.

Example sentences with  pintarse los ojos
to cheep

The word 'pipiar' is a verb in Spanish that is often used to describe the sound that small birds make, similar to 'cheep' or 'chirp' in English. Like many verbs, 'pipiar' can be conjugated in accordance with the subject of the sentence, following Spanish conjugation rules.

Example sentences with  pipiar

The Spanish word 'pista' translates to 'track' in English. This term can be used in various contexts and can convey multiple meanings such as a sports track for running or cycling, a path or course laid out for racing, or even a track for music or audio recording. Furthermore, 'pista' can also imply a hint or clue, especially in decoding puzzles or solving mysteries.


In English, 'lead' refers to a heavy, malleable, ductile, bluish-white, dense metallic element, extracted chiefly from galena and found in ore with zinc, silver, and copper. In Spanish, the word is translated as 'plomo'. When it comes to usage, 'plomo' is used in Spanish in almost the same contexts as 'lead' in English, referring to the chemical element or the material used in bullets, pipes, weights etc. It can also be used metaphorically in various Spanish phrases.

Example sentences with  plomo
poner la mesa
set the table

The Spanish phrase 'poner la mesa' translates into English as 'set the table'. It is a Spanish idiom used to refer to the process of arranging the table before meal times, for instance, placing the cutleries, plates, and glasses on the table. People often use this phrase in the context of preparing for meals at home, in restaurants, or any dining situation. It is an essential phrase to learn as it forms a big part of the daily household chores in Spanish speaking cultures.

por favor

The Spanish term for 'please' is 'por favor'. It is used in the same context as in English when making a polite request. The words can be inserted at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. An example usage: 'Puedes darme agua, por favor?' which translates to 'Can you give me water, please?'

Example sentences with  por favor

The Spanish word 'posición' is used similarly to its English translation 'position'. It could describe a person's job title, the location of an object, or an individual's perspective on a given topic. Like in English, 'posición' can be used in various contexts such as physical placement, sport positioning, views or beliefs, and rankings.

Example sentences with  posición

'Práctica' refers to the actual application or use of an idea, belief, or method as opposed to theories about such application or use. In learning, it means to do something repeatedly to acquire skill.

Example sentences with  práctica
to practice

Practicar means to do something repeatedly to improve proficiency. When it comes to studying, practicar often involves repetition of exercises or review of learned material.

Example sentences with  practicar
practicar la religión
practice religion

The Spanish phrase 'practicar la religión' translates to 'practice religion' in English. It is a verb phrase that refers to the act of following, observing, or performing religious customs, rituals, or beliefs. This may involve various activities such as attending religious services, praying, reading religious texts, or participating in religious activities or community. Its usage in a sentence in Spanish might be 'Ella decide practicar la religión de sus abuelos.' which means 'She decides to practice her grandparents' religion.' in English.

Example sentences with  practicar la religión

The Spanish word 'preguntar' translates to 'ask' in English. It is a regular verb commonly used in conversations and formal contexts. The verb 'preguntar' requires the use of an object to be complete, either directly or indirectly. You would use this term when you want to inquire or request information from someone. For example, 'Puedo preguntar algo?' translates to 'Can I ask something?'.


The Spanish word 'preocupación' is used in the same context as the English word 'concern.' It can be used to express worry or anxiety about something or someone. Moreover, it is also used to express a matter of interest or importance to someone. Similar to English, 'preocupación' can be used in a wide variety of contexts and retains the same core meaning of something being of importance or worry to an individual.

Example sentences with  preocupación

The Spanish word for 'worry' is 'preocupar'. It is used much like the English word, to express anxiety, unease, or concern about a situation or problem. It's a reflexive verb, meaning in Spanish you often worry yourself about something, using it with reflexive pronouns such as me, te, se, etc, for example 'me preocupo por ti' translates to 'I worry about you'.

Example sentences with  preocupar

The Spanish word 'preparar' is directly translated to 'prepare' in English. It is used in the same context as in English, where it refers to making something ready for use or consideration. It can also refer to the action of making food, arrangements, plans, or even oneself ready for a particular event or occurrence.

Example sentences with  preparar

The word 'presente' in Spanish is used exactly similar to 'present' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as indicating time, denoting gift or referring to presence. The context will dictate its connotation. For instance, 'Estoy presente' means 'I am present'; 'El regalo está presente' means 'The gift is present'. It is also used in conjugation of verbs to describe the present tense.

Example sentences with  presente

In Spanish, 'presión' is used in a similar context as in English. It can refer to the physical force exerted by a substance against a surface (like air pressure or blood pressure), or it can refer to psychological stress or urgency. For instance, 'Siento mucha presión en el trabajo' translates to 'I feel a lot of pressure at work.'

Example sentences with  presión

The Spanish word 'préstamo' translates to 'loan' in English. It is commonly used in contexts of finance and banking, where it represents a sum of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, with the agreement that it will be paid back, generally with added interest. The term 'préstamo' can also be used more broadly to refer to the act of borrowing anything from anyone not necessarily relating only to finance.

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