Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


The Spanish term 'navegar' translates to 'sail' in English. It refers to the action of traveling or moving in a watercraft, specifically in a boat or a ship, across a body of water such as an ocean, lake, or river. This could include activities like steering, navigating, or managing a boat or ship. 'Navegar' could also imply the act of surfing or browsing the internet.

Example sentences with  navegar

The Spanish word 'necesitar' corresponds to 'need' in English. It is a verb and is more specifically used to express a necessity or requirement for something. For instance, 'Necesito un café' means 'I need a coffee'. It is a commonly used verb in daily conversations.

Example sentences with  necesitar

The Spanish word 'negociar' translates to 'negotiate' in English. To negotiate is to deal or bargain with another party to come to an agreement. It can refer to discussions around the conditions of an agreement, like the terms of a job contract or a price agreement for a transaction. In general, negotiation is a process where two or more people or groups aim to reach a mutually acceptable solution.

Example sentences with  negociar

The Spanish word 'negro' is most often used as an adjective to describe the color of an object. It can be used similarly to how 'black' is used in English, referring to the color of clothing, animals, text, and more. It can also be used metaphorically to refer to a dark or ominous situation or event. It is essential to remember pertaining its usage according to the gender and number of the noun it modifies, negra if the noun is feminine and negros or negras for plural masculine and feminine nouns respectively.

Example sentences with  negro
to snow

The Spanish word 'nevar' translates to 'to snow' in English. This is a verb that depicts the natural process in which the atmospheric water vapour freezes into ice crystals and falls to the ground. 'Nevar' is most commonly used to describe the weather and is used in various contexts, just like in English, to symbolize the falling of snow.

Example sentences with  nevar

The Spanish word 'nivel' is used just like the English word 'level'. It can refer to a position on a scale of amount, quantity, extent, or quality, express the height of something, or alternatively, it could mean a device used to ascertain whether a surface is horizontal. Typically, it is used in contexts of education, video games, construction, physics, and more.

Example sentences with  nivel

The Spanish word 'nombre' is used just like the English word 'name'. It can refer to the name of a person, a place, or an object. For example, in the sentence 'Mi nombre es Juan' means 'My name is Juan'. It's a very common word and one of the first words people learn in Spanish. It's also used commonly in phrases and questions, such as '¿Cómo se llama?' meaning 'What is your name?'.

Example sentences with  nombre

Nota represents the 'Note' in English. It's a sign which symbolizes the relative duration and pitch of a sound.

Example sentences with  nota

The Spanish word 'notar' translates to 'notice' in English. It is used when someone observes, detects, or pays attention to something. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts. For example, in describing observing a change ('I noticed you changed your hair'), or expressing a need to pay attention to something ('You should notice the traffic signs.').

Example sentences with  notar

The Spanish word 'número' is used to indicate the amount or rank of something, similar to how 'number' is used in English. It can refer to anything from a telephone number (número de teléfono) to specifying the rank of a person or thing in a particular sequence (for example, the number one runner in a race would be el corredor número uno).

Example sentences with  número

The Spanish word for 'happen' is 'ocurrir'. This verb is generally used in the same context as in English. It is used to describe events that occur or take place, without specifying the action itself. For example, if you want to say 'What happened?' in Spanish, you would say '¿Qué ocurrió?'. Remember, the use of this verb can change depending upon the region and the context.

Example sentences with  ocurrir

The word 'oír' is a verb in Spanish that is equivalent to 'hear' in English. It is used to refer to the act of perceiving sounds through the ear. For instance, you might use it in a sentence like 'Puedo oír el sonido de la lluvia', meaning 'I can hear the sound of the rain'.

Example sentences with  oír

The Spanish verb 'oler' translates to 'smell' in English. It is commonly used to talk about the sense or act of smelling. Intriguingly, 'oler' is an irregular verb in Spanish, which means it does not follow the typical conjugation patterns. Its conjugation can change depending on the tense, so careful attention is required when using it. Words derived from 'oler' include 'olor' (smell, scent) and 'oliendo' (smelling).


The Spanish word for 'forget' is 'olvidar'. It is commonly used in both informal and formal contexts. However, it follows a different conjugation pattern in present tense, as per the subject: yo olvido (I forget), tú olvidas (you forget), él/ella olvida (he/she forgets), nosotros olvidamos (we forget), and ellos/ellas olvidan (they forget). It can also be used in different tenses like any Verb in Spanish Language.

Example sentences with  olvidar

The Spanish word 'opción' is used similarly to the English counterpart 'option'. It generally denotes a choice or alternatives among several available. It can be used in various contexts, such as when choosing food options at a restaurant (opciones de comida en un restaurante), or selecting different options in a settings menu on a computer (selección de diferentes opciones en un menú de configuración).

Example sentences with  opción

The Spanish verb 'operar' translates to 'operate' in English. It can be used in various contexts such as: in medical terms to perform a surgery, in terms of machinery as to run or control, and in mathematical operations. For example, 'El doctor va a operar al paciente' means 'The doctor is going to operate on the patient'. 'Operar una máquina' means to operate a machine and 'Operar con números' means to operate with numbers.

Example sentences with  operar

The Spanish word for 'chance' is 'oportunidad'. It refers to the occurrence of a situation or event which gives one the possibility to do something. It is commonly used in daily conversations and is very beneficial in expressing opportunities or the lack thereof, for example, 'Tengo una oportunidad de ganar' refers to 'I have a chance to win'.

Example sentences with  oportunidad

The Spanish word 'ordenar' is used in a similar context as 'sort' in English. It can be referred to as arranging or categorizing things based on certain parameters. Very common in technical context used to refer to the arrangement of data in a specific order such as numerical or alphabetical. But it can be used in general context too, like sorting out your clothes, which would translate to 'ordenar tu ropa'.

Example sentences with  ordenar

The Spanish word 'orgullo' translates to 'pride' in English. It is used to express a sense of self-respect and personal worth. It can also refer to a feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that comes from one's own achievements, or from qualities or possessions that are widely admired. Just as in English, 'orgullo' can be used in various contexts, and can have both positive and negative connotations, depending on the specific use-case.


The Spanish term 'palabra' literally translates into 'word' in English. It is used in the same way as in English, to represent a single distinct meaningful unit of language that has spelling and pronunciation. It can be used in a sentence like 'una palabra en español' which means 'a word in Spanish.'

Example sentences with  palabra

The Spanish word 'parar' is equivalent to the English word 'stop'. It can be used in many different contexts, such as telling someone to stop doing something (¡Para!) or indicating a cessation of motion (El bus va a parar). It performs the same linguistic function as 'stop' in English.

Example sentences with  parar

The Spanish verb 'parecer' is used similarly to the English verb 'seem'. It is often used to express an opinion or impression, make comparisons, and talk about resemblance. Just like in English, 'parecer' can be used with various tenses and moods, depending on the context.

Example sentences with  parecer

The Spanish word for 'wall', 'pared', is used in a same way as in English. It refers to a vertical structure, often made of stone or brick, that divides or surrounds an area. However, it's important to note that 'pared' is generally used for interior walls. For referring to an exterior wall or a wall of a building, you'd often use the word 'muro'.

Example sentences with  pared

The Spanish word for 'part' is 'parte'. You can use it in sentences to refer to a piece, section, or portion of something, or a role played by someone in a particular situation. Like in English, it's a very versatile word in Spanish, too.

Example sentences with  parte

The Spanish word 'pasar' means to 'pass' in English. It can be used in a wide range of contexts. For instance, 'pasar' could mean to physically move something or someone from one place to another, to surpass or exceed something or someone, to an action happening or proceeding, to undergo or suffer something, or to spend time, among other uses. It's widely used in daily conversation.

Example sentences with  pasar
pasar el aspirador
pass the vacuum

The Spanish phrase 'pasar el aspirador' refers to the action of using a vacuum cleaner on a surface. This can be translated to 'pass the vacuum' in English. Typically, the phrase is used in household contexts and indicates the cleaning of floors or carpets using a vacuum cleaner. It literally suggests the movement of the vacuum cleaning machine across a certain space to remove dirt, just like one would pass a comb through hair to remove tangles. The phrase may also metaphorically indicate a thorough and meticulous examination or search, like a vacuum cleaner suctioning up all that it comes into contact with.

pasear por la orilla
stroll along the shore

The term 'pasear por la orilla' in Spanish translates to 'stroll along the shore' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts involving walks along a beach or river, portraying a calm and peaceful activity. It is a combined form of the verb 'pasear', which means to walk, 'por la', which means along the, and 'orilla', that represents the shore.

Example sentences with  pasear por la orilla

In Spanish, 'paso' translates to 'step' in English. In most contexts, it's used to refer to a single movement of one foot in walking or running. It's equally used to refer to a way, path, or course of action. For example, 'El primer paso es siempre el más duro', which means 'The first step is always the hardest'.

Example sentences with  paso
pelar fruta
peel fruit

The Spanish phrase 'pelar fruta' translates to 'peel fruit' in English. This is an action phrase, commonly used in contexts where one is preparing food, specifically fruit. The act of 'pelar fruta' involves removing the outer skin or covering of the fruit, usually with a knife or a special kitchen tool called a peeler.

pelar patatas
peel potatoes

The Spanish phrase 'pelar patatas' translates to 'peel potatoes' in English. This phrase refers to the action of removing the skin from potatoes, which is a common task in cooking and gastronomy. It is often used in the context of preparing the potatoes for various dishes such as fries, mashed potatoes, or soups. 'Pelar' means 'peel' and 'patatas' means 'potatoes'.

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