Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.

to go

'Ir' is used to indicate movement or motion away from one place to another.

Example sentences with  ir

The Spanish word 'ira' translates to 'anger' in English. It is a common term often used to describe a strong feeling of displeasure, annoyance, or hostility. This word is used in a similar way as 'anger' in English context, portraying intense emotional states. An example of its use could be: 'La ira se apoderó de él' which means 'Anger took over him'. Remember, emotions in Spanish are usually utilized as verbs, and 'ira' can also be expressed through the verb 'enojar' or 'to get angry'.


The Spanish word 'jardinería' translates to 'gardening' in English. Gardening is the practice of growing and cultivating plants as part of horticulture. It is a relaxing and rewarding hobby for many people, allowing them to enjoy the beauty of nature. In Spanish, 'jardinería' carries the same connotations, covering activities such as planting flowers and vegetables, pruning plants, and generally maintaining a tidy and attractive outdoor space.


The Spanish verb 'jubilarse' is used to express 'retire' in English. It refers to the action taken by individuals who decide to leave their work or professional activities after reaching a certain age or after a certain period in service. This term can also be used metaphorically to indicate that a person has stopped doing a certain activity. For example, if someone 'se jubila' from playing basketball, it means they have stopped playing it, similarly to retirement from work.


This verb is commonly used in the context of children, games, and sports. It's an irregular verb, so it doesn't follow the standard conjugation pattern.

Example sentences with  jugar
jugar al baloncesto
play basketball

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al baloncesto' translates to 'play basketball' in English. This verb phrase is composed of the infinitive 'jugar', which means 'to play', and the object 'al baloncesto', which means 'basketball'. Therefore, when you say 'jugar al baloncesto', you're expressing the action of playing basketball. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as talking about hobbies, discussing sports, and so on.


The Spanish word 'lado' is used pretty much the same way as the English word 'side'. It can denote the left or right part of something, next to or from the point of view of someone facing the object. It can also refer to a particular aspect or feature of something; or in relation to someone's position when they are considering a situation, like 'on his side'.

Example sentences with  lado
to bark

The Spanish word 'ladrar' translates to 'to bark' in English. This is commonly used to describe the sound that dogs make. In use, it can refer to the action of a dog or any animal that makes a similar sound. Just like in English, it can also be used metaphorically in Spanish to describe the loud, annoying noise or talk from someone.

Example sentences with  ladrar

The Spanish word 'ladrillo' translates to 'brick' in English. A 'brick' is a type of building material and it is often used in construction of buildings primarily due to its durability. A 'brick' is generally rectangular in shape and it can be made from various types of materials such as clay, concrete, and lime. The word 'ladrillo' in Spanish refers to the same concept.


The Spanish word 'lamentar' translates to 'regret' in English. It is a verb often used to express a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity. For instance, if someone missed an event, they might say, 'lamento haberlo perdido', which means, 'I regret missing it'.


The Spanish word for 'throw' is 'lanzar'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as throwing a ball ('lanzar una pelota'), discarding or getting rid of something ('lanzarlo a la basura') or even launching a new product ('lanzar un nuevo producto'). Just like in English, 'lanzar' is a versatile verb in Spanish usage.

Example sentences with  lanzar

The word 'lavarse' is a reflexive verb in the Spanish language. In translation to English, it means 'to wash oneself'. It is often used to refer to self-cleaning activities. For example, 'lavarse las manos' translates to 'wash one's hands'. The form 'lavarse' is an infinitive form. It can change according to the tense and the subject in use.


The Spanish term 'lección' translates to 'lesson' in English. This can be understood as a structured period of learning, a chunk of educational instruction, or a useful piece of advice based on life experiences. In a formal context, a lesson is part of a course given by a teacher, possibly in a school, college, or university setting. Lessons can be in the form of reading, writing, or practical exercises. In an informal or metaphorical context, a lesson might be a life teaching that comes through a challenging or enlightening experience. In essence, 'lección' or lesson is a unit or measure of learning or teaching.


'Leche' translates to 'milk' in English. From a glass of warm milk for breakfast to the use in different recipes, milk is an everyday item in Spanish-speaking cultures.

Example sentences with  leche
to read

'Leer' corresponds to the act of interpreting written, typographic, or printed symbols for the purpose of communication.

Example sentences with  leer

In Spanish, 'levantar' signifies the English word 'raise'. It is widely used in various contexts like picking up something from a surface, waking up from sleep, or even increasing the level or amount of something. For instance, 'levantar la mano' symbolizes to raise your hand.

Example sentences with  levantar
levantar la cabeza
raise your head

The phrase 'levantar la cabeza' is a commonly used expression in Spanish. It directly translates to 'raise your head' in English. This phrase can be used both in a literal physical sense, such as when someone is asked to look up from what they are doing, and metaphorically, such as when urging someone to overcome adversity and maintain their dignity.

levantar las manos
raise your hands

The Spanish phrase 'levantar las manos' directly translates in English to 'raise your hands'. This phrase is a verb phrase commonly used in scenarios where someone is asked or instructed to lift their hands upwards, such as in a classroom setting, during exercise, or when surrendering.

levantar los brazos
raise your arms

The Spanish phrase 'levantar los brazos' translates to 'raise your arms' in English. It's a command or instruction often used in various contexts such as in exercises, games or other physical activities. Specifically, 'levantar' means 'to lift or raise', 'los' is a plural article that translates as 'the', and 'brazos' means 'arms'. Combined, they form the phrase 'raise your arms'. The phrase can also be used metaphorically in situations such as encouraging someone to not give up ('levantar los brazos' as in 'surrender').


The Spanish word 'liberar' is used similarly to the English 'release'. The word can be used to refer to situations where something or someone is set free or allowed to go. For instance, an animal might be 'liberado' into the wild, or a prisoner might be 'liberado' from jail. It can also mean to relieve or rid of something, such as stress or a burden.

Example sentences with  liberar

The Spanish word for 'free' is 'libre'. It is mostly used in the same context as in English, representing the absence of constraint or cost. It can describe a person, a place, or a state of mind. However, 'libre' might not be used in situations where 'free' means without charge; 'gratis' would be more appropriate there.

Example sentences with  libre

In Spanish, 'list' is translated as 'lista'. 'Lista' is a feminine noun in Spanish and is often used to denote an enumeration or series of things or tasks to be checked or consulted, such as 'Hacer una lista de compras' which means 'Making a shopping list'. Similar to its English counterpart, it can be used in various contexts.

Example sentences with  lista

The Spanish word 'listo', is used similar to the English equivalent 'ready'. It usually describes when someone or something is prepared or set for the actions or events about to happen. For instance, 'Estoy listo para la fiesta', means 'I am ready for the party'. However, it can also mean smart or clever when used to describe a person.

Example sentences with  listo

The Spanish word 'llamar' is used to describe the act of calling someone, either on the phone or in person. It can also be used contextually to denote attracting someone's attention. For instance, 'llame al doctor' translates to 'call the doctor'.

Example sentences with  llamar

The Spanish verb 'llamarse' is reflexive and directly translates to 'call oneself' in English. It is commonly used to tell or to ask someone's name. For instance, 'Me llamo John' means 'My name is John', which is literally 'I call myself John'. So, while it has the literal meaning of 'call oneself', in practical usage, it is used to signify someone's name.

to arrive

'Llegar' is used when indicating the act of reaching a destination or coming to a certain condition.

Example sentences with  llegar

The Spanish word 'llenar' corresponds to the English word 'fill'. It is frequently used when referring to the act of filling a physical object like a glass, a form, or a space. For example, 'Necesito llenar este formulario' which means 'I need to fill this form'. It can also be used in a figurative sense, as in filling someone with joy or filling a requirement.

Example sentences with  llenar

The Spanish word 'llevar' can be used in a variety of ways, similar to the English word 'carry'. It can be used to indicate holding or moving something from one place to another, for example, 'Voy a llevar estas maletas al carro' translates to 'I'm going to carry these suitcases to the car'. However, it can also be used in a broader sense to indicate taking or bringing someone somewhere, like 'Mi papá me lleva a la escuela' ('My dad takes me to school').

Example sentences with  llevar

The Spanish verb 'llorar' translates to 'cry' in English. It is a regular verb nearly always used to express the act of crying, either in the physical sense of shedding tears due to sadness, pain, or strong emotion, or in a symbolic sense to indicate a deep level of sadness or hurt feelings. Examples of its use in Spanish sentences could be 'No quiero llorar' which means 'I don't want to cry' or 'El bebe esta llorando' which translates to 'The baby is crying'.

to rain

The Spanish verb 'llover' translates to 'to rain' in English. It is representative of the natural phenomenon where drops of water fall from the clouds towards the earth. An example of this word in use could be 'Va a llover mañana', which translates to 'It is going to rain tomorrow' in English. Like many Spanish verbs, 'llover' changes form depending on the context, such as who is doing the action, when it is happening, and more.

Example sentences with  llover
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