Spanish Understanding Verbs

A comprehensive guide to verbs in English. This section covers the basics and complexities of this essential language component.


You use this greeting when welcoming someone to a place or situation.

Example sentences with  ¡bienvenido!

The Spanish word 'abrazar' translates to 'embrace' in English. It is a verb which describes the action of holding someone closely in one's arms, especially as a way of expressing affection. It also signifies the act of accepting or supporting a belief, a cause or a change willingly and enthusiastically. The word 'abrazar' can be used in various scenarios depending on the context. For instance, 'Ella quiere abrazar a su amiga', translates to 'She wants to embrace her friend'.


The Spanish word 'acariciar' translates to 'caress' in English. It is a verb, used often in romantic context, but can also widely be applied to express a gentle touch or stroke, usually conveying affection or comfort. Examples of its application in a sentence are, 'Me gusta acariciar a mi perro' in Spanish translates to 'I like to caress my dog' in English.


The Spanish word 'aceite' translates to 'oil' in English. In the context of cooking, 'aceite' is used to refer to a variety of oils used in food preparation, such as 'aceite de oliva' meaning 'olive oil'. 'Aceite' can also be used in a non-culinary context to refer to oils used in other areas like machinery and automobiles, similar to how 'oil' is used in English.


The word 'aceptar' in Spanish is equivalent to 'accept' in English. It is commonly used in conversation when agreeing to or receiving something. For example, 'Acepto tu oferta' translates to 'I accept your offer'. The word 'aceptar' is a regular verb that agrees with the subject in the Spanish sentences.

Example sentences with  aceptar

In Spanish, 'acercarse' is used in a similar context as 'approach' in English. It can refer to moving closer to a specific physical location or getting closer to achieving a particular objective. However, it's important to note that 'acercarse' is a reflexive verb, so it needs to be used with appropriate reflexive pronouns to convey the meaning accurately. It can also mean to reach out to someone for conversation or to attempt to get to know them better.

Example sentences with  acercarse

The Spanish word 'acto' translates to 'act' in English. This could be related to the action or deed done by a person, or it could refer to a segment of a performance or play in the context of theater. Just like in English, the usage of this term in Spanish largely depends on the context.

Example sentences with  acto

In Spanish, 'acuerdo' means 'agree' and it is typically used in sentences to express agreement or concurrence. It can be used in a variety of contexts, just like in English. For instance, you can use it when you want to say you agree with someone's opinion, idea, or proposal. It can also be part of compound words like 'de acuerdo' which essentially mean 'I agree'. Remember, the usage may vary slightly based on the region.

Example sentences with  acuerdo

The word 'adivinar' in Spanish is analogous to the English 'guess'. It's commonly used to describe the act of predicting without sufficient information. This term often appears in casual and formal conversations. Additionally, 'adivinar' can find usage in various contexts ranging from playful guessing games to serious conjectures on significant matters.

Example sentences with  adivinar

The Spanish word 'adquirir' translates to 'acquire' in English. This verb is often used in situations to denote the act of obtaining, gaining, or buying something. For instance, it can be used in the context of acquiring knowledge, purchasing goods, or even obtaining possession of something over a period of time. This word is commonly used in both colloquial and formal conversations.


The Spanish word 'afectar' is used to depict influencing or having an effect on anything. Similar to English, it could be used in various contexts, like affecting a decision, affecting an outcome, or affecting emotions.

Example sentences with  afectar
bend down

The Spanish term 'agacharse' can be translated into English as 'bend down'. The verb 'agacharse' is reflexive and is commonly used to indicate the action of lowering one's upper body towards the ground. It is often used when one is picking up something from the ground or lowering oneself to avoid something overhead.


The Spanish word 'alarma' translates to 'alarm' in English. It is a noun and it is used to refer to a device or system that signals or warns of danger, problem, or any unexpected situation. It can also mean a state of sudden fear or concern caused by the realization of danger. It is used in various contexts such as security alarm in case of burglary, alarm clock to wake up, or a breach alarm in systems, etc.


The word 'alcanzar' is used in Spanish to mean 'reach', signifying the act of stretching out to touch or grab something or the ability to arrive at a certain point or level. It can be used in various contexts, such as reaching a destination, reaching for a goal, or reaching out to someone. For example, 'No puedo alcanzar la cima de la montaña' translates to 'I can't reach the peak of the mountain'.

Example sentences with  alcanzar
aliñar una ensalada
add a salad

The Spanish phrase 'aliñar una ensalada' is directly translated as 'dress a salad' in English. This phrase is used to describe the action of adding dressing, condiments, and flavors to a salad. The word 'aliñar' generally means to season or add flavor to something, and 'una ensalada' is simply one salad in Spanish. Therefore, this phrase could be utilized in the context of preparing a meal, specifically when improving the taste of a salad by adding different elements such as sauce, vegetables, fruits, or seasonings.

alzar la mirada
look up

The Spanish phrase 'alzar la mirada' translates to 'look up' in English. It's often used to suggest a shifting of one's attention or gaze upward, such as looking at the sky or observing something above one's usual line of sight. Literal translations may yield phrases 'raise the gaze' or 'lift the look', but the common English equivalent is 'look up'.

ampliar estudios

'Ampliar estudios' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'expand studies' in English. It is often used to refer to the act of enhancing one's knowledge or skills in a particular field by undertaking additional studies or courses. Its use could vary depending on the context. In a sentence, you may hear it being used in a situation such as 'Voy a ampliar estudios en psicología', which translates to 'I'm going to expand studies in psychology', essentially meaning you're intending to study further or deepen your understanding in the field of psychology.


The Spanish word 'andar' is commonly used to mean 'walk' in English. It refers to the activity of moving by putting one foot in front of the other, as humans do in their daily life. Andar can also be used in a general sense referring to the ability of something or someone to function or to progress. For instance, 'Esta máquina no anda bien.' translates to 'This machine doesn't work well.'


The Spanish word 'anfitrión' translates to 'host' in English. It is used to refer to a person who receives or entertains guests at home or other places. Similarly to English, this word can also refer to a person or organization that invites guests to a function or event and provides the facilities for it. Interestingly, 'anfitrión' can also be used in a biological context to refer to an organism that harbors a parasite.


'Anticipo' is a Spanish word that translates to 'advance' in English. It is often used in the contexts of finance and planning, where it can refer to a payment made ahead of its due date, or an action taken earlier than planned. This word exhibits the kind of forward-thinking that is common in both Spanish and English cultures. Thus, 'anticipo' provides an interesting glimpse into the shared values and priorities across languages.


The word 'aparecer' in Spanish is usually used to denote the action of coming into sight or becoming visible. It can also refer to the act of becoming present or available. It's used in much the same way as the English word 'appear'. Context may vary the use and meaning of the word.

Example sentences with  aparecer

The Spanish verb 'aplaudir' translates to 'applaud' in English. This word is commonly used to express appreciation or admiration for an achievement or performance in both languages. For example, the audience might 'aplaudir' or 'applaud' after a concert, movie, or theater performance. The action related to it involves clapping the hands together.


The Spanish verb 'aplicar' translates to 'apply' in English. It is commonly used to express the action of making a formal application or request, or to put something into operation. For example, 'Voy a aplicar para la universidad' means 'I will apply for university'. It can also mean to practically use an idea, method, or suggestion.

Example sentences with  aplicar

The Spanish verb 'apostar' translates to 'bet' in English. It refers to the action of risking a certain amount of money or valuables on the outcome of an event, such as a game or a sport, with the intention of winning more money or goods. 'Apostar' can also metaphorically mean to strongly believe in the success of someone or something.


This verb denotes gaining knowledge or understanding of a subject. It is a regular -er verb.

Example sentences with  aprender

The Spanish verb 'aprobar' generally means 'to pass', as in passing a test or approving something, like a law. Though it can be translated to 'adopt' in certain contexts, most often, it is used refer to passing or approving something. For instance, in a legislative context, when a law is approved, it may be translated as 'adopted'. However, caution should be used when translating, as context significantly impacts the meaning of this verb.

arquear las cejas
arch the eyebrows

'Arquear las cejas' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'arch the eyebrows' in English. It can be used in a variety of contexts, often to convey surprise, skepticism, or disbelief. Similar to English, the phrase can describe a physical action, that is, literally arching one's eyebrows; it can also represent an emotional response or facial expression associated with the aforementioned feelings. Hence, this phrase is not limited to a strict interpretation but rather is used largely to express subtle emotions and reactions.


The Spanish word 'arrastrar' translates to 'drag' in English. This verb can be used in several contexts. For instance, one might 'arrastrar' a heavy box across the floor, which means they are dragging it. Similarly, it can denote the action of moving something slowly or with difficulty across a surface, or causing someone to move in such a manner. In computing, we often 'arrastrar' files from one folder to another, meaning we drag and drop them.

Example sentences with  arrastrar
arrugar la frente
wrinkle your forehead

The Spanish phrase 'arrugar la frente' directly translates to 'wrinkle your forehead' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe the action of furrowing one's brow, often done when someone is confused, thinking deeply, or worried. It is a descriptive phrase that can add depth to your understanding of Spanish idiomatic expressions.

arrugar la nariz
wrinkle your nose

The Spanish phrase 'arrugar la nariz' translates to 'wrinkle your nose' in English. It describes the action of scrunching up your nose, typically due to a strong, often unpleasant, smell or as a physical indication of dislike, annoyance or skepticism towards something.

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