Spanish Learn Vegetables in Spanish

A collection of common vegetables translated from English to Spanish to enrich your vocabulary and understanding.


The Spanish word 'acelgas' translates to 'chard' in English. Chard is a type of leafy green vegetable that is commonly used in various types of dishes. It is known for its bright green leaves and often colorful stems. The word 'acelgas' is a noun in Spanish, and it is typically feminine and plural in usage. Similar to other types of vegetables and plants, the word 'acelgas' does not require a direct article when used in general conversation. However, when referring to a specific bunch or variety of chard, the appropriate article may be used.


The Spanish word 'ajo' translates to 'garlic' in English. This word is commonly used in conversational and written Spanish, and it refers to a popular ingredient in a wide variety of traditional Spanish dishes. Garlic, or 'ajo' in Spanish, is not just a food item, but also considered to be of medicinal value, often used in natural remedies. It is important to add to your vocabulary when learning Spanish, especially if you plan to interact in environments such as the supermarket or when discussing food.


The word 'berenjena' is a noun in Spanish, which translates to 'eggplant' in English. It refers to a type of plant species known for their edible purplish or blackish fruits. The term 'berenjena' is often used in the context of cooking and food recipes as eggplant is a common ingredient in many dishes.


The Spanish word 'calabacín' does not mean 'pumpkin' in English. It actually translates to 'zucchini' or 'courgette'. This term is used in many Spanish-speaking countries to refer to a type of summer squash that is green and typically long, thin and smooth. It is often used in cooking and can be prepared in a variety of ways, including grilled, steamed, boiled, or fried.


The word 'cebolla' in Spanish translates into English as 'onion'. Onions are a vegetable commonly used around the world in all types of cooking for their flavorful contribution to many dishes. They can be white, yellow, or red, and from sweet to sharp in flavor. They usually have layers and a firm texture, and are known to cause teary eyes when cut due to synthesizing the chemical irritants.


The Spanish word 'col' translates to 'cabbage' in English. 'Col' refers to a vegetable that is typically green or purple with dense leaves, which is consumed widely all over the world. The word is often used in various types of Spanish vocabulary and sentences, for example in the context of cooking or grocery shopping.


The Spanish word 'espinacas' translates to 'spinach' in English. It is used to refer to a particular type of leafy green vegetable that is highly nutritious and can be cooked or eaten raw. It is included in both hot dishes such as soup, sautéed as a side dish, or part of a main dish, and in fresh dishes such as salads or sandwiches.


The Spanish term 'garbanzos' refers to a type of legume popular in cuisines around the world, known in English as 'chickpeas'. These small, beige, round beans are packed with protein and are a key ingredient in dishes like hummus and falafel. They can be cooked and added to salads, soups and stews, or roasted and eaten as a healthy snack. In Spain, they are commonly used in traditional dishes such as 'cocido madrileño'.


The word 'granos' in Spanish translates to 'beans' in English. This term is mainly used to describe a variety of pulses that are included in many traditional Spanish dishes. Beans are often cooked or soaked prior to eating and serve as a primary or secondary ingredient in many dishes due to their nutritional benefits and versatility in cuisine.

Example sentences with  granos

The Spanish word 'guisantes' translates to 'peas' in English. It is a noun and refers to small spherical green vegetables which is a seed of a plant from the legume family. They are commonly used in a variety of culinary contexts including soups, stews, and salads. They are also considered beneficial for health due to their high nutritional content that includes vitamins and protein.


Lechuga is a noun in Spanish language which translates to 'lettuce' in English. It's a type of vegetable which is widely used in salads and other dishes. In Spanish speaking countries, it's commonly found in local markets and it's important in their daily diet.


The Spanish word 'lentejas' refers to a kind of legume that is often used in various dishes. This legume is known as 'lentils' in English. Lentils are small, flat and usually have a green or brown color. They are high in protein and fiber, making them a staple in many diets around the world, including Spain. Lentils are used in a wide variety of dishes, from soups and stews to salads and side dishes.


The Spanish word 'olivo' translates to 'olive' in English. This can refer to the small oval fruit of the olive tree, which is typically green or black, commonly used as food when processed. It can also denote the olive tree itself, which is native to the Mediterranean region and is known for its fruit and the oil produced from it. Not only is it a main component of the region's cuisine, but olives have also had significant symbolic and religious uses throughout history.

Example sentences with  olivo

The word 'patata' in Spanish translates to 'potato' in English. It refers to the starchy tuber of a plant that belongs to the nightshade family, which is widely used in cooking in many different ways. This word may also refer to the plant itself. The term 'patata' is used in Spain, whereas 'papa' is more commonly used in Latin America.


The word 'perejil' is a Spanish term that translates to 'parsley' in English. It's a type of herb that's commonly used in various dishes and cuisines around the world. In Spanish-speaking countries, it's often found in recipes, particularly in sauces, salads, and as a garnish. Not only is 'perejil' a culinary delight enhancing the taste of food, but it is also recognized for its health benefits.


The word 'salado' does not translate to 'salad' in English. 'Salado' actually translates to 'salty'. The correct Spanish word for 'salad' is 'ensalada'.


The Spanish word 'tomate' translates to 'tomato' in English, which is a red or yellowish fruit with a juicy pulp, used in cooking or eaten raw in salads. It is widely cultivated as a garden vegetable.


The word 'zanahoria' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'carrot' in English. It is a root vegetable that is often orange in color, though purple, black, red, white, and yellow varieties exist. This vegetable is known for its crunchy texture and slightly sweet flavor when consumed. It is consumed in various ways, including raw in salads, cooked in soups or stews, or as juice. The word can be effectively used in different contexts, for instance, 'Me gusta la zanahoria en la ensalada' which means 'I like carrot in the salad'.

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