Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.

viajar en autobús
travel by bus

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en autobús' translates to 'travel by bus' in English. It is often used to refer to commuting or traveling to different places via a mode of public transportation, specifically a bus. This phrase is commonly used in conversational Spanish and in travel-related content.

Example sentences with  viajar en autobús
viajar en avión
travel by plane

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en avión' translates to 'travel by plane' in English. It is used when referring to the action of moving or being transported in an aircraft from one location to another. This can be for various purposes such as tourism, business, or personal matters. It's an important phrase to know, particularly if you plan to visit Spanish-speaking countries or interact with Spanish-speaking people in an airport or travel-related context.

Example sentences with  viajar en avión
viajar en barco
Travel by boat

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en barco' translates to 'travel by boat' in English. It is a common phrase used to describe the method of transportation that involves a watercraft or a ship. This can be used in various contexts like expressing a desire to travel by boat, discussing previous travel experiences, or inquiring about someone's preferred way to travel. For example, 'Me gusta viajar en barco' means 'I like to travel by boat.'

Example sentences with  viajar en barco
viajar en clase preferente
travel in preferred class

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en clase preferente' translates to 'travel in preferred class' in English. It's often used in contexts related to transport such as air or train travel. It refers to the act of traveling in a higher class of service, typically offering more comfort and amenities, compared to standard or economy class.

Example sentences with  viajar en clase preferente
viajar en clase turista
travel in tourist class

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en clase turista' translates to English as 'travel in tourist class'. It's often used to describe travel arrangements, especially regarding flights. In most cases, 'tourist class' refers to the economy class on an airplane, which is the standard and most affordable traveling class. The term is used across travel industries and can also pertain to train or boat travel options as well.

Example sentences with  viajar en clase turista
viajar en coche
travel by car

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en coche' translates to 'travel by car' in English. It is often used to refer to road trips or any journey taken in a car. In a sentence context, it would look something like this 'Vamos a viajar en coche a la playa', which means 'We are going to travel by car to the beach' in English.

Example sentences with  viajar en coche
viajar en familia
family travel

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en familia' translates to 'family travel' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the concept of travelling as a family unit. This could include holidays, trips or vacations undertaken together with family members. It emphasizes the idea of togetherness and shared experiences during travel. It's a widely used expression in both informal and formal contexts. It can also be found frequently in travel blogs, articles, reviews, and vacation packages targeted towards family.

Example sentences with  viajar en familia
viajar en grupo
group travel

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en grupo' translates to 'group travel' in English. This phrase is used to indicate a form of travel where people travel in groups rather than in solitary. 'Viajar' is a Spanish verb that implies 'to travel'. 'En grupo' means 'in a group'. This kind of travel can refer to a variety of scenarios like guided tours, school field trips, or simply a vacation with a group of friends or family.

Example sentences with  viajar en grupo
viajar en primera (clase)
first travel (class)

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en primera (clase)' translates to 'travel in first (class)' in English. This phrase often refers to the first class category in various modes of transportation such as airplanes, trains, and buses. Traveling in first class generally means enjoying superior comfort, more space, better service, and other benefits compared to other travel classes. For example, in the context of an airplane flight, 'viajar en primera (clase)' means to travel in first class, where passengers often receive more legroom, better meal service, and more personalized attention compared to economy class.

Example sentences with  viajar en primera (clase)
viajar en tren
travel by train

The Spanish phrase 'viajar en tren' translates to 'travel by train' in English. This verb phrase is commonly used in situations involving transportation conversations. It specifically refers to traveling through or going on a journey using a train as a means of transport. The verb 'viajar' means 'to travel', 'en' is a preposition that usually means 'in' or 'by', and 'tren' is the noun that translates to 'train'. Thus putting it together, 'viajar en tren' is simply traveling or taking a journey by train.

Example sentences with  viajar en tren

The word 'viaje' means 'travel'. It is widely used in Spanish to mention a trip or a journey to diverse locations.

Example sentences with  viaje
viaje corto
short trip

The Spanish phrase 'viaje corto' directly translates to the English phrase 'short trip'. This is typically used to refer to a journey or excursion that occurs over a brief duration of time, perhaps lasting a few hours or a couple of days. The phrase can be utilized in various contexts – from a brief business trip to a leisurely weekend getaway. Like many other Spanish terms, understanding 'viaje corto' can greatly enhance one's comprehension of the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  viaje corto
viaje de estudios
study trip

The phrase 'viaje de estudios' translates to 'study trip' in English. This is typically a journey made by students or researchers to learn about a specific topic. It often involves travelling to a location relevant to their studies, such as historical sites, museums, research centers, or different regions or countries with unique cultural experiences. It's a combination of education and travelling, designed to provide practical experiences and insights into the subject of study.

Example sentences with  viaje de estudios
viaje de larga duración
long-term travel

The term 'viaje de larga duración' translates to 'long-term travel' in English. It pertains to a kind of travel that lasts for a considerable duration, typically beyond the typical timeframe of vacations or holidays. In other words, this kind of journey stretches for many weeks, months, or potentially even years. It might involve traveling extensively across multiple regions or staying in one place for a long period to deeply experience the culture, customs, and lifestyle of the area.

Example sentences with  viaje de larga duración
viaje de negocios
business trip

The Spanish phrase 'viaje de negocios' translates to 'business trip' in English. It refers to a journey taken for work or professional reasons, typically to attend meetings or conferences, make deals, or finalize contracts. This term does not encompass commutes to a regular place of work, only travel which is not part of an individual's usual routine. It can be used in various contexts and is a common phrase in business environments.

Example sentences with  viaje de negocios
viaje de novios

The phrase 'viaje de novios' is a Spanish term that translates to 'honeymoon' in English. This term is used to refer to the traditional holiday taken by newlyweds to celebrate their marriage in intimacy and seclusion. It's typically a period of shared experiences and adventure that marks the beginning of the couple’s shared life together. It can be to any destination, but common choices often include beach or exotic destinations.

Example sentences with  viaje de novios
viaje de placer
pleasure trip

The Spanish phrase 'viaje de placer' translates to 'pleasure trip' in English. It is used to describe a journey or excursion, mainly for personal enjoyment and relaxation rather than for business or official purposes. Traveling for vacation, sightseeing, or simply to break away from the usual routine is generally considered a 'viaje de placer'. It is a common phrase used in travel-related conversations.

Example sentences with  viaje de placer
viaje de recreo
Recreation journey

The Spanish term 'viaje de recreo' translates to 'recreation journey' in English. This is a trip or a journey taken for fun or recreational purposes. It generally involves travelling to different places, often on a vacation, to freshen up, enjoy and have a good time. It's commonly used in the context of tourism, vacationing, or taking some time off for leisure activities and sightseeing.

Example sentences with  viaje de recreo
viaje de trabajo
work trip

The Spanish phrase 'viaje de trabajo' translates to 'work trip' in English. It is a trip taken for business or professional reasons, rather than for leisure, personal or other reasons. Often, people go on a 'viaje de trabajo' to attend meetings, conferences, or carry out other work-related tasks at a distance from their regular workplace.

Example sentences with  viaje de trabajo
viaje largo
long journey

The Spanish phrase 'viaje largo' translates to 'long journey' in English. This is typically used to define a trip or voyage that requires a significant amount of time or distance to complete. This could be a physical journey, such as a long car ride, plane flight, or boat trip. Alternatively, it could also describe a metaphorical journey such as a long process of learning or experience. 'Viaje' means 'journey' and 'largo' means 'long'.

Example sentences with  viaje largo
viaje oficial
official travel

The Spanish term 'viaje oficial' translates to 'official travel' in English. Official travel refers to journeys undertaken by a person for professional or government work purposes. These travels are typically authorized and funded by the respective organization or government agency. Possible applications include going on business trips, diplomatic missions, state visits, and more.

Example sentences with  viaje oficial

The Spanish word 'visado' translates to 'visa' in English. It is commonly used in the context of travel and immigration, referring to the official endorsement on a passport that significantly indicates that the holder is allowed to enter, stay, and exit from a country for a specified period of time or permanently. The process of obtaining a 'visado' typically involves application and approval from the country one wishes to visit.

Example sentences with  visado

The term 'vuelo' in Spanish translates to 'flight' in English. It is a noun used in various contexts, such as referring to the act of flying, the trajectory of a flying object, or a journey made by air, especially by an airplane. Its usage depends on the context in which it's used. 'Vuelo' can be used in phrases like 'el vuelo de las aves' (the flight of the birds) or 'mi vuelo sale a las tres' (my flight leaves at three).

Example sentences with  vuelo
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