Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.

reservar un billete de tren
book a train ticket

The Spanish phrase 'reservar un billete de tren' translates to 'book a train ticket' in English. This phrase is very practical and common, especially when traveling. 'Reservar' is the verb meaning 'to reserve' or 'to book', 'un' is the indefinite article 'a', 'billete' means 'ticket' and 'de tren' means 'train'. Therefore, combined, it means 'to reserve a train ticket'. This phrase can be used in a variety of situations, such as when purchasing a ticket at the station or when making an online reservation.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de tren

The Spanish word 'resguardo' translates to 'safeguard' in English. It is a noun that implies a measure taken to protect someone or something. In its broader sense, it also denotes providing immunity from potential danger or harm. 'Resguardo' can be used in different contexts like finance, health, security, and more. For instance, it can refer to a precautionary measure to safeguard an investment, the immunizing of a person against a disease, or securing a place against possible theft, etc.

Example sentences with  resguardo
retrasar un vuelo
delay a flight

The Spanish phrase 'retrasar un vuelo' translates to 'delay a flight' in English. In a sentence, one might use this phrase to convey that a flight has been postponed or delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as bad weather or technical issues. In such context, 'retrasar' means to delay, and 'un vuelo' means a flight.

Example sentences with  retrasar un vuelo

The Spanish word 'ruta' translates to 'route' in English. It is generally used to describe a way or track laid down for walking or made by the constant passage of people or vehicles, similar to its English counterpart. It can also refer to a method, direction, or course of action designed to achieve a particular outcome.

Example sentences with  ruta
sala de embarque
boarding room

The Spanish term 'sala de embarque' is translated as 'boarding room' in English. In an airport setting, it's the area where passengers wait before they can board their plane. It's usually filled with seats, shops and other amenities to make the waiting time more comfortable. If the flight is an international one, the 'sala de embarque' would come after passing through passport control and security checks. Once their flight is ready for boarding, passengers will be called from the 'sala de embarque' to their respective aircraft.

Example sentences with  sala de embarque
sala de llegadas
arrival room

The Spanish term 'sala de llegadas' translates to 'arrival room' in English. Typically found in transportation hubs like airports or train stations, the 'sala de llegadas' is the area where passengers go after disembarking from their flight or ride. It's usually where baggage claim and exits to the main terminal can be found.

Example sentences with  sala de llegadas
salir de fin de semana
get out of weekend

'Salir de fin de semana' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'get out of weekend' in English. However, this translation is not entirely correct because it doesn't convey the true sense of the phrase. A better translation would be 'to go out for the weekend.' This phrase is typically used to express the idea of leaving home to enjoy one's time during the weekend, such as going on a short trip, going to a party, or simply going out to have fun.

Example sentences with  salir de fin de semana
salir de puente
out of bridge

The term 'salir de puente' does not translate directly to 'out of bridge' in English. It is an idiom that is often used to describe a long weekend, typically when a holiday falls near or on a weekend and the break is extended. This phrase is specific to Spanish culture where the 'bridge' symbolizes the extension from a weekend to a holiday, creating a longer break from work or school.

Example sentences with  salir de puente

The Spanish word 'sandalias' translates to 'sandals' in English. As a common item of summer footwear, sandals are open shoes consisting of a sole fastened to the foot by straps. In several English-speaking cultures, the phrase 'flip flops' might also be used interchangeably. The term 'sandalias' is of the feminine form and must agree in gender and number with other Spanish language descriptors.

Example sentences with  sandalias
subir la marea
up the tide

The Spanish phrase 'subir la marea' translates to 'up the tide' in English. In a more contextual sense, it signifies increasing or intensifying the tide, which is a common term in maritime terms. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in many contexts to suggest the intensification of an issue or situation.

Example sentences with  subir la marea
subir(se) a un autobús
get on a bus

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un autobús' translates to 'get on a bus' in English. It's used when you want to express the action of boarding or entering a bus. The verb 'subir' means 'to ascend' or 'to go up', but when used in this context, it refers to the act of boarding a vehicle. The '(se)' in 'subir(se)' is a reflexive pronoun and it's optional in this context. The phrase 'a un autobús' means 'a bus'. So, if you're telling someone how you're going to travel, you'd say 'Voy a subir a un autobús', which means 'I am going to get on a bus'.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un autobús
subir(se) a un avión
to a plane

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un avión' translates to 'board a plane' in English. It is commonly using in the context of air travel to depict the action of getting on an airplane. In this verb phrase, 'subir' translates to 'board' or 'get on', 'a' translates to 'to', and 'un avión' translates to 'a plane'. Hence, when combined, they form the phrase 'board a plane'.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un avión
subir(se) a un tren
get on a train

The Spanish phrase 'subir(se) a un tren' translates to 'get on a train' in English. This is often used when talking about methods of transportation, specifically in the context of boarding a train. It provides indication about an action taken by person(s) to enter into a train in order to travel from one place to another. This verb phrase is commonly utilized in daily conversation and travel-related contexts.

Example sentences with  subir(se) a un tren
tarjeta de embarque
boarding card

The Spanish phrase 'tarjeta de embarque' directly translates to 'boarding card' in English. It is a document provided by an airline during check-in, giving a passenger permission to enter the restricted area of an airport and to board the plane for a particular flight. In commercial aviation, it serves as a receipt for the passenger or passengers mentioned on the card, and its main function is to ensure that the person boarding the plane has a reserved seat on that specific flight.

Example sentences with  tarjeta de embarque

The word 'temporal' in Spanish is an adjective that translates to 'temporary' in English. It refers to something lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent. It can be used in various contexts to describe temporary situations, conditions, or states in various domains such as employment ('empleo temporal'), residence ('residencia temporal'), and weather phenomena ('fenómeno temporal').

Example sentences with  temporal
tener (buen) sentido de la orientación
to have (good) sense of direction

The Spanish phrase 'tener (buen) sentido de la orientación' translates to 'to have (good) sense of direction' in English. This phrase describes someone's ability to know their way in physical space, navigate, or understand their surroundings easily. The word 'tener' in the phrase represents 'to have', 'sentido' translates to 'sense', 'la' to 'the', and 'orientación' to 'direction'. If 'buen' - meaning 'good' - is included, it highlights the individual's strong ability in spatial orientation.

Example sentences with  tener (buen) sentido de la orientación
tener un seguro de viaje
have a travel insurance

The phrase 'tener un seguro de viaje' in Spanish translates to 'have a travel insurance' in English. It refers to a policy obtained by travelers to cover the costs and losses associated with unexpected events encountered while traveling. This can include trip cancellation, lost baggage, medical emergencies, and other unforeseen situations.

Example sentences with  tener un seguro de viaje

The word 'termo' in Spanish translates into 'thermo' in English. It refers to a type of container that’s used to store liquids, such as water, tea, or coffee, in a way that either retains or repels heat. Thus, it can keep cold drinks cold and hot drinks hot for an extended period, typically several hours. 'Termo' is a common household item, especially useful for outdoors activities or traveling.

Example sentences with  termo

The Spanish word 'toalla' translates to 'towel' in English. It is a common household item used for drying one's body or hands, or absorbing liquids. This word is usually used in contexts related to bathroom or hygiene, such as in a gym, a beach or when handling kitchenware. It's also used in various cleaning processes. Knowing the word 'toalla' can be particularly helpful in scenarios involving accommodation, travel, or personal care.

Example sentences with  toalla
tomar el sol

The Spanish phrase 'tomar el sol' translates to 'sunbathe' in English. This activity refers to the act of sitting or lying in the sun, usually for the purpose of getting a tan or simply enjoying the warmth of the sun. In Spanish-speaking countries, it is a common practice especially during the summer months. The verb 'tomar' means 'to take' and 'el sol' translates to 'the sun', making the literal translation 'to take the sun'. However, in actual usage, it effectively means to sunbathe.

Example sentences with  tomar el sol
to relocate

The Spanish word 'trasladarse' translates to 'to relocate' in English. It refers to the action of moving from one place to another, often permanently or for an extended period of time. It's commonly used in the context of moving houses, jobs or changing the location of something. The word is a reflexive verb in Spanish, so it might be used in different forms depending on the subject.

Example sentences with  trasladarse

The word 'trepar' in Spanish translates to 'climb' in English. It is a verb that is used in the context of ascending, particularly by using one's hands and feet or any other means to move upward. One might 'trepar' a tree, a mountain, or any other vertical or near-vertical surface. A similar English verb could be 'scale'. Note that 'trepar' is also often used metaphorically, just as 'climb' is in English. For example, one might 'trepar' the social or corporate ladder.

Example sentences with  trepar
turismo cultural
cultural tourism

Cultural tourism, also called 'turismo cultural' in Spanish, refers to a branch of tourism oriented towards the cultural heritage of the destination where one is visiting. This can include the arts and crafts of a location, its history, the lifestyle of the people, their art, and the architecture. Cultural tourism is important for various reasons; it has a positive economic and social impact, it establishes and reinforces identity, it helps to preserve the cultural heritage, with culture serving as a catalyst for understanding and dialog, and it fosters diversity and enriches the touristic experience.

Example sentences with  turismo cultural
turismo de aventura
adventure tourism

The phrase 'turismo de aventura' in Spanish translates to 'adventure tourism' in English. Adventure tourism is a type of niche tourism involving exploration or travel to remote areas, where the traveler should expect the unexpected. Often it is associated with high levels of physical activity, cultural exchange, or engaging with nature. This can include activities like mountaineering, trekking, bungee jumping, mountain biking, rafting, zip-lining, paragliding, and rock climbing.

Example sentences with  turismo de aventura
turismo de montaña
mountain tourism
Example sentences with  turismo de montaña
turismo rural
rural tourism

The Spanish term 'turismo rural' translates to 'rural tourism' in English. It is a type of tourism that features rural environments or small communities often removed from highly commercialized and industrial areas. Participants in 'turismo rural' typically have opportunities to experience, firsthand, rural life and local traditions, including art, cuisine, and more. Additionally, 'turismo rural' often emphasizes educational and preservation efforts pertaining to natural and cultural heritage.

Example sentences with  turismo rural

The term 'turista' translates in English to 'tourist'. It is a person who visits a place for pleasure and interest, usually when they are on vacation.

Example sentences with  turista
to watch

The translation provided is incorrect. 'Veranear' in Spanish does not mean to 'watch' in English, but it refers to spending the summer or the summer vacation period somewhere, usually at a holiday location. It is most commonly used in Spain and parts of Latin America to describe vacationing during the summer season.

Example sentences with  veranear

The Spanish word 'veraneo' is typically used to refer to the period of time individuals spend on vacation during the summer, much like the English term 'summer holiday'. It is a noun that originates from the verb 'veranear' which means 'to spend the summer'. It is worth noting that while 'veraneo' is related to 'summer', the direct translation of 'summer' in Spanish is actually 'verano'.

Example sentences with  veraneo

The Spanish word 'verano' directly translates to the English word 'summer'. It is used in the same way you would use 'summer' in English, to refer to the hottest season of the year, typically marked by long days, warm weather, and various activities. For example, 'El verano es mi estación favorita' would mean 'Summer is my favorite season'.

Example sentences with  verano
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