Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.


The Spanish word 'parador' translates to 'hostel' in English. The term is commonly used in Spain and refers to a kind of luxury hotel, often located in a historic building such as a monastery or castle, which provides accommodation to travelers. Although it uses the same term, a 'parador' is not the same as a hostel in the context of budget accommodations for backpackers. Rather, it typically offers high-end services and is part of a state-run chain.

Example sentences with  parador

The Spanish word 'paraguas' translates to 'umbrella' in English. This is a common object used to shield oneself from rain or sun. Its structure usually includes a pole or handle that is manually or automatically extendable, with a top part made of material designed to resist water or reflect sunlight. 'Paraguas' is a compound word in Spanish, derived from the words 'para' meaning 'for' and 'aguas' meaning 'waters', which paints a vivid picture of its purpose - for the waters.

pared abrupta
steep wall

The Spanish phrase 'pared abrupta' translates to 'steep wall' in English. This term can be used in various contexts, but it is often used in referring to landmarks, mountain climbing, architecture, and in describing certain landscapes. The word 'pared' means 'wall' and 'abrupta' translates to 'steep', hence when combined, the phrase gives the meaning of a wall that is very steep, similar to a cliff or a very sharp incline. This phrase perfectly exemplifies how descriptive Spanish can be, allowing for such specific phrases to be constructed.

Example sentences with  pared abrupta
pared escarpada
a steep wall

The term 'pared escarpada' in Spanish translates to 'steep wall' in English. It is often used in the context of natural geography and outdoor activities such as mountain climbing and hiking. In architecture or urban contexts, it might refer to a sharply inclined side of a building or other structure.

Example sentences with  pared escarpada
pared rocosa
Rocky wall

The Spanish phrase 'pared rocosa' is translated in English to 'rocky wall'. This consists of two words: 'pared', meaning 'wall', and 'rocosa', meaning 'rocky'. It is used to describe a wall or a surface that is made of, covered with, or resembling rock. It's often used in the context of natural environments, such as cliffs, mountain sides, or cave interiors. Being an evocative phrase, it could also be used in a metaphorical or symbolic sense in literature or conversation.

Example sentences with  pared rocosa

'Pasaporte', the Spanish term for 'passport'. It is a government-issued document that verifies one's identity and nationality.

Example sentences with  pasaporte
pasar el verano
spend the summer

'Pasar el verano' is a phrase in Spanish which means 'spend the summer' in English. It is often used to indicate what one does or where one goes during the vacation period of summer. For example, 'Voy a pasar el verano en la playa' translates to 'I'm going to spend the summer at the beach'. You might also use it in a more general sense to mean you are spending the summer doing a particular activity or activities. Like many Spanish expressions, it can be used in a variety of contexts.

Example sentences with  pasar el verano
pasear por la orilla
stroll along the shore

The term 'pasear por la orilla' in Spanish translates to 'stroll along the shore' in English. This phrase is commonly used in contexts involving walks along a beach or river, portraying a calm and peaceful activity. It is a combined form of the verb 'pasear', which means to walk, 'por la', which means along the, and 'orilla', that represents the shore.

Example sentences with  pasear por la orilla
paseo marítimo

The Spanish term 'paseo marítimo' translates to 'promenade' in English. A promenade refers to a public place for walking, often in a place that is made attractive by a scenic view. It is usually found in coastal areas where people can walk along the seafront for leisure or pleasure, often paved and lined with shops, restaurants, and other amenities. Therefore, 'paseo marítimo' can be understood as a leisurely walk or a relaxing stroll along the seafront.

Example sentences with  paseo marítimo
pensión completa
full board

The Spanish term 'pensión completa' translates to 'full board' in English. This is often used in reference to hospitality services, like hotels or bed and breakfasts, where the cost of the room also includes all three daily meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It's a term often seen in travel and accommodation packages. Hence, if you see 'pensión completa' while booking your stay, you can expect your meals to be covered in the overall price.

Example sentences with  pensión completa
perder el equipaje
losing luggage

The Spanish phrase 'perder el equipaje' translates to 'losing luggage' in English. This phrase is typically used in the context of travel, particularly airport situations. It expresses the action of misplacing, forgetting, or having one's luggage inadvertently taken or not properly transferred during a trip. It can be a stressful situation for travelers as luggage often contains essential personal belongings needed for the trip.

Example sentences with  perder el equipaje
perder las maletas
lose the bags

The Spanish term 'perder las maletas' translates to 'lose the bags' in English. This phrase is commonly used when traveling, particularly when referring to situations where individuals misplace or cannot find their luggage. It can relate to a variety of scenarios such as losing bags in transit, at the airport, or in a public place.

Example sentences with  perder las maletas
pie de una montaña
foot of a mountain

The Spanish term 'pie de una montaña' translates literally to 'foot of a mountain' in English. It is a geographic term that refers to the lower end or base of a mountain. Its English equivalent might be 'base,' 'foot,' or 'bottom' of a mountain. Viewed in a broader sense, 'pie de una montaña' can also symbolize the starting point of a difficult journey or large task, much like climbing an actual mountain begins at its foot.

Example sentences with  pie de una montaña
plano turístico
tourist plane

'Plano turístico' does not translate to 'tourist plane' in English. It translates to 'tourist map'. 'Plano turístico' is often used in Spanish-speaking countries to help guide tourists when visiting new cities or regions. A 'plano turístico' typically shows important landmarks, such as museums, parks, or historic sites, as well as common necessities like public transportation stops or notable food and drink spots. Therefore, it is a useful tool for tourists to navigate and explore effectively.

Example sentences with  plano turístico
playa desierta
desolate beach

The Spanish phrase 'playa desierta' translates to 'desolate beach' in English. This phrase can be broken down into two words where 'playa' means 'beach' and 'desierta' means 'desolate'. This term refers to a beach that is empty or uninhabited, often implying a sense of solitude or abandonment. In literature or conversation, it might be used to set the scene or create mood, suggesting a location that is isolated, peaceful, or eerily quiet.

Example sentences with  playa desierta
playa privada
private beach

The Spanish term 'playa privada' translates to 'private beach' in English. This term is used predominantly in tourist cities in Spanish-speaking countries to denote a beach area that is exclusively accessible to the guests of a certain hotel or resort. Instead of being open to the public, a private beach is maintained by a private entity and entry is often restricted for non-guests.

Example sentences with  playa privada
playa tranquila
quiet beach

The Spanish phrase 'playa tranquila' translates to 'quiet beach' in English. This could refer to a calm or serene seashore location that isn't crowded, where you can relax, hear the waves, feel the breeze, and enjoy the peace and quiet. It denotes not just the physical landscape, but also the feeling of tranquility and relaxation associated with such a place.

Example sentences with  playa tranquila

The Spanish word 'promoción' translates to 'promotion' in English. It may refer to the act of advancing someone to a higher position or rank, usually in a professional context. Moreover, 'promoción' can also mean a special offer aimed at increasing the sales of a product or service. It varies in usage based on context.

puesto de socorro
aid station

The Spanish phrase 'puesto de socorro' translates to 'aid station' in English. An aid station is a temporary facility, often set up in emergency situations, where varying degrees of medical services are provided. This could range from first aid treatment to more extensive medical procedures. When translated word by word, 'puesto' means 'post' or 'station', and 'socorro' means 'aid' or 'help'. The phrase 'puesto de socorro' is commonly used in Spanish speaking countries in contexts related to healthcare, emergency services and disaster response.

Example sentences with  puesto de socorro
quemarse la espalda
Burn your back

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse la espalda' translates to 'burn your back' in English. It can be used literally, to denote the act of one's back being physically burned, perhaps as a result of exposure to high heat or sunburn. However, it might also be used figuratively in the Spanish language, implying a betrayal, in a similar context to the English expression 'stab in the back'. It's a versatile phrase that can be used in various contexts, depending on its intended meaning.

Example sentences with  quemarse la espalda
quemarse los hombros
burn your shoulders

The Spanish phrase 'quemarse los hombros' translates to 'burn your shoulders' in English. It doesn’t necessarily mean to literally burn your shoulders. It can often be used metaphorically. For example, in the context of sun exposure, it is very common to use during summer to caution people against sunburn.

Example sentences with  quemarse los hombros

The Spanish word 'recibo' translates in English to 'receipt'. A 'recibo' is a written acknowledgment that something of value has been transferred from one party to another. In additional to the physical goods or services, the receipt often includes the date, price, and particulars of the sale or transaction in it. It serves as a proof of purchase.

Example sentences with  recibo
recoger el equipaje
collect the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'recoger el equipaje' translates to 'collect the luggage' in English. This commonly used phrase is typically used in contexts related to travel, particularly at airports, bus stations, or train stations. The verb 'recoger' means 'to collect' and 'el equipaje' refers to 'the luggage'. As a phrase, it's generally used to express the action of retrieving one's belongings after a trip.

Example sentences with  recoger el equipaje
recoger las maletas
collect the bags

The Spanish phrase 'recoger las maletas' translates to 'collect the bags' in English. It's a common phrase used in travel contexts, often in airports or other transportation hubs where individuals need to pick up their luggage from a certain place. 'Recoger' means 'to collect' or 'to pick up', 'las' is the definite article 'the', and 'maletas' means 'bags' or 'suitcases'. Therefore, if someone says 'recoger las maletas', they're asking to collect or pick up the bags.

Example sentences with  recoger las maletas
recorrer el océano
travel the ocean

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el océano' translates to 'travel the ocean' in English. It is usually used in a metaphorical sense to indicate long, arduous journeys with many experiences, similar to a sailor traversing the vast ocean. However, it can also be used literally to state somebody's desire or action of going on an ocean voyage.

Example sentences with  recorrer el océano
recorrer el país
travel the country

The Spanish phrase 'recorrer el país' translates to 'travel the country' in English. This is often used to denote the act of traveling through different parts of a country, visiting various cities or regions. It's often used in the context of tourism or exploration. The word 'recorrer' is a verb that means 'to travel' or 'to traverse', and 'el país' is a noun that translates to 'the country'. When put together, they form a phrase that encourages an expansive, diverse travel experience within a country's borders.

Example sentences with  recorrer el país
registrar el equipaje
check the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'registrar el equipaje' translates to 'check the luggage' in English. This phrase is commonly used in travel-related situations, particularly in an airport setting. When you 'check your luggage', you are handing over your baggage to the airline so they can put it in the plane's cargo area for the duration of the flight. Upon arriving at your destination, you'll retrieve your checked luggage at the airline's designated baggage claim area.

Example sentences with  registrar el equipaje
registrar las maletas
check the bags

The Spanish phrase 'registrar las maletas' translates to 'check the bags' in English. This term is commonly used in travel contexts, particularly at airports or similar transportation hubs. When you 'registrar las maletas', you are typically handing your luggage over to airline or train station personnel. They will then inspect and store it in the vehicle's cargo area. This is done both to ensure the safety of all passengers and to avoid overcrowding the passenger cabin with large pieces of luggage. The phrase can also be used in a hotel setting, referring to handing over your luggage to hotel staff upon checking in.

Example sentences with  registrar las maletas
reservar un billete de autobús
book a bus ticket

The Spanish phrase 'reservar un billete de autobús' translates to 'book a bus ticket' in English. It is a phrase commonly used in travel and transit situations. 'Reservar' is a verb that means 'to book' or 'to reserve'. 'Un billete de autobús' is a noun phrase that means 'a bus ticket'. So, combined, 'reservar un billete de autobús' conveys the action of securing a spot or seat on a bus for travel.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de autobús
reservar un billete de avión
book a plane ticket

The Spanish term 'reservar un billete de avión' translates to 'book a plane ticket' in English. The term 'reservar' directly translates to 'book', 'un billete de' translates to 'a ticket of', and 'avión' translates to 'plane'. This phrase is often used in the context of planning trips or making travel arrangements.

Example sentences with  reservar un billete de avión
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