Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.

hacer senderismo

The Spanish phrase 'hacer senderismo' translates to 'hiking' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of outdoor recreational activities, where individuals or groups walk or march for long distances, particularly in rural or wilderness settings. A person who does this activity is commonly known as a 'senderista' in Spanish, or a hiker in English.

hacer un crucero
make a cruise

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un crucero' translates to 'make a cruise' in English. It is commonly used to refer to the action of going on a cruise, typically as a vacation or leisure activity. This can involve a journey by sea or river, often stopping at various places for sightseeing or additional activities. It is important to note that though the direct translation is 'make a cruise', it is more naturally translated in everyday English conversation as 'go on a cruise'.

Example sentences with  hacer un crucero
hacer un safari
go on a safari

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un safari' translates to 'go on a safari' in English. It is a travel and adventure term commonly used when talking about observing wildlife in their natural habitat, usually in Africa. In this context, 'hacer' means 'to do or to make', 'un' means 'a', and 'safari' is a borrowed word that remains the same in both languages.

Example sentences with  hacer un safari
hacer un viaje organizado
make an organized trip

The Spanish phrase 'hacer un viaje organizado' translates to 'make an organized trip' in English. This can refer to the process of planning a holiday, vacation or any trip where all the details such as accommodation, transportation, food, and activities are well planned in advance, thus making it an organized trip.

Example sentences with  hacer un viaje organizado
hacer una escapada de fin de semana
to take a weekend getaway

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una escapada de fin de semana' can be translated into English as 'to take a weekend getaway'. This usually describes a short trip or vacation that you take for one or two nights over the weekend. It is a common phrase used when someone needs a break from work or daily monotony and they decide to visit some place for relaxation.

Example sentences with  hacer una escapada de fin de semana
hacer una marcha
go on a hike

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una marcha' is a common way to express 'go on a hike' in English. This phrase is used when someone is planning or intending to walk in the countryside, typically for leisure or exercise. This could be in the hills, mountains, or forested areas. This term embodies the spirit of outdoor adventure and nature exploration that is associated with hiking.

Example sentences with  hacer una marcha
hacer una reserva
make a reservation

The Spanish phrase 'hacer una reserva' translates to 'make a reservation' in English. It is often used in contexts related to booking or reserving something such as a hotel room, a table at a restaurant, tickets for an event, etc. It is a quite useful phrase for travellers or those who are dealing with arrangements for accommodation, food establishments, and event tickets.

Example sentences with  hacer una reserva

The word 'horario' in Spanish translates to 'schedule' in English. It refers to an organized list or a plan that specifies the time at which certain events are to take place. It might pertain to various contexts; for example, it could be a work schedule, a class schedule, a train schedule, etc. It refers to the system of planning time effectively and could be either an outline of events and procedures or a fixed program.

horario comercial
business hours

The Spanish phrase 'horario comercial' translates to 'business hours' in English. This term is generally used to refer to the typical hours during which a business is open for operation. It usually refers to a set schedule established by a company for the convenience of its customers, specifying the opening and closing times, including any breaks. The exact schedule can vary widely depending on multiple factors including the type of business, cultural norms, and local regulations.


The Spanish word 'hostelero' does not refer to a hostel itself. It refers to a person who owns or operates a hostel, similar to a 'hotelier' in English. These individuals are crucial in the hospitality industry, as they contribute to the management or ownership of hostels, ensuring the comfort and convenience of guests who choose to stay in these types of accommodations.


'Hotel' in Spanish is the same as in English, 'hotel'. It is a commercial establishment providing lodging, meals, and other guest services.

Example sentences with  hotel

The Spanish word 'información' is used just like its English counterpart 'information'. It refers to facts or details about a subject. For example, you can say 'Necesito más información' meaning 'I need more information'. Unlike in English, 'información' is typically used in Spanish in singular form.

Example sentences with  información
inspeccionar el equipaje
inspect the luggage

The Spanish phrase 'inspeccionar el equipaje' translates to 'inspect the luggage' in English. It is a verb phrase used in settings such as airports or bus stations where security officials may need to check the contents of passengers' luggage for security purposes. The phrase is made up of the verb 'inspeccionar' meaning 'to inspect', and the noun 'equipaje' meaning 'luggage'.

Example sentences with  inspeccionar el equipaje
inspeccionar las maletas
inspect the bags

The Spanish phrase 'inspeccionar las maletas' translates to 'inspect the bags' in English. This is a phrase commonly used in situations like airports or train stations where security personnel might need to check a passenger's luggage for any prohibited items. In this phrase, 'inspeccionar' is the verb that means 'to inspect' and 'las maletas' is a noun which translates to 'the bags. It is a regular verb of the -ar group, which means its conjugation follows a certain established pattern.

Example sentences with  inspeccionar las maletas
ir a la montaña
go to the mountain

'Ir a la montaña' is a Spanish phrase that directly translates to 'go to the mountain' in English. This phrase is often used when someone is expressing their desire or plan to travel or hike up a mountain. Like in English, it can be used in various contexts. It's a basic phrase that's important for learners to understand when starting to comprehend Spanish phrases related to travel and outdoor activities.

Example sentences with  ir a la montaña
ir a la playa
go to the beach

The Spanish phrase 'ir a la playa' translates to 'go to the beach' in English. It combines the verb 'ir', which means 'to go', with the preposition 'a', which means 'to', and the noun phrase 'la playa', which means 'the beach'. It expresses an action of traveling or moving to a beach.

Example sentences with  ir a la playa
ir a Madrid
go to Madrid

The Spanish phrase 'ir a Madrid' translates to 'go to Madrid' in English. This is a command or instruction, used when the speaker is directing someone to move toward the city of Madrid. The verb 'ir' means 'to go', and 'a Madrid' means 'to Madrid'. This phrase perfectly illustrates the use of 'a' as a preposition suggesting direction or motion in Spanish, similar to 'to' in English. The use of this phrase can vary depending on the context, but generally, it is used when speaking about travel or movement towards the Spanish city of Madrid.

Example sentences with  ir a Madrid
ir al campo
go to the field

The Spanish phrase 'ir al campo' translates to 'go to the field' in English. It's often used to describe the activity of going to the countryside or a rural area for relaxation, work, or other purposes. The phrase is made up of 'ir' which means 'to go', 'al' a contraction of 'a' (to) and 'el' (the), & 'campo' meaning 'field' or 'countryside'. So, 'ir al campo' literally translates to 'to go to the field.'

Example sentences with  ir al campo
ir de excursión
go hiking

The phrase 'ir de excursión' is a Spanish term which translates to 'go hiking' in English. It involves activities like walking or climbing mountains, hills, or any similar outdoor environments. This phrase is often used when planning or referring to outdoor activities or trips in Spanish-speaking regions.

ir de paseo
go for a walk

The Spanish phrase 'ir de paseo' is commonly used in casual conversation. As a phrase, 'ir de paseo' translates most directly to 'to go for a walk' in English. It is typically used to imply leisurely movement, often for enjoyment, relaxation, or exercise. Though 'walk' is the simplest translation, 'paseo' can also refer to a stroll, outing, or excursion, depending on the situation.

ir de pesca
go fishing

The Spanish phrase 'ir de pesca' translates to 'go fishing' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish-speaking countries used to refer to the recreational activity of catching fish, often as a pastime or sport. The direct translation of 'ir' is 'to go' and 'pesca' is 'fishing', making the whole phrase mean 'to go fishing'.

Example sentences with  ir de pesca
ir de vacaciones
go on vacation

The Spanish phrase 'ir de vacaciones' translates to 'go on vacation' in English. This is often used to express the action of leaving regular duties behind for a period of relaxation, travel, or recreation. In Spanish-speaking cultures, going on vacation can be a common way to spend holidays or special occasions. It is noteworthy to remember that 'ir', the first word in the phrase means 'to go', 'de' indicates 'on' and 'vacaciones' means 'vacation'.

Example sentences with  ir de vacaciones
ir de viaje
go travel

The Spanish phrase 'ir de viaje' translates to 'go travel' in English. This expression is typically used to reference going on a trip, a journey, or a vacation. It could also be used in various contexts depending on additional words that accompany it. It is an action phrase, often included in planning or discussing future travelling activities or aspirations. As with most expressions, context is key to fully understand the nuances in meaning.

Example sentences with  ir de viaje
ir en autobús
go by bus

The Spanish phrase 'ir en autobús' translates to 'go by bus' in English. It is an idiomatic expression that indicates the action of traveling or moving from one place to another place using a bus as the mode of transportation. The verb 'ir' denotes 'to go', 'en' is a preposition that can be understood in this context as 'by', and 'autobús' is the noun 'bus'. In use, you could find it in a sentence like 'Voy a ir en autobús al trabajo' meaning 'I am going to go to work by bus'.

Example sentences with  ir en autobús
ir en avión
go by plane

The Spanish phrase 'ir en avión' directly translates to 'go by plane' in English. It's used when someone intends to travel via an airplane. In this phrase, 'ir' is the Spanish verb that means 'to go'. 'En' is a preposition which is equivalent to the English 'by', and 'avión' is the Spanish word for 'plane'. So, the phrase 'ir en avión' is commonly used in Spanish to discuss travel plans involving an airplane.

Example sentences with  ir en avión
ir en barco
go by boat

The Spanish phrase 'ir en barco' translates to 'go by boat' in English. This could be used in various contexts where one is referring to traveling or moving from one place to another place by a boat. It is a common phrase in Spanish-speaking locales that have rivers, lakes, or seas as prominent geographical features.

Example sentences with  ir en barco
ir en coche
go by car

The Spanish phrase 'ir en coche' translates to 'go by car' in English. This is used to denote the action of traveling or commuting via a car, similar to how one would say 'drive' or 'go for a drive' in English.

Example sentences with  ir en coche
ir en metro
go by metro

The phrase 'ir en metro' in Spanish translates to 'go by metro' in English. It is often used when providing directions or sharing travel plans, especially in city areas where underground trains are a commonly used form of transport. Remember, in Spanish, the verb 'ir' changes according to the subject while 'en metro' remains constant. So, master the variations of 'ir' for different subjects to use this phrase accurately.

Example sentences with  ir en metro
ir en taxi
go by taxi

The Spanish phrase 'ir en taxi' translates to 'go by taxi' in English. This phrase is often used in situations where someone is planning to travel somewhere by taxi, similar to how it would be used in English. In Spanish, the verb 'ir' means 'to go', 'en' is a preposition often translated as 'by' in this context, and 'taxi' is the same in both languages. So if you say 'Voy a ir en taxi', it simply means 'I am going to go by taxi'.

Example sentences with  ir en taxi
ir en tren
go by train

The Spanish phrase 'ir en tren' translates to 'go by train' in English. This is a common phrase used to express the mode of transportation, specifically when one is traveling by train. It is a part of useful travel vocabulary. In a sentence, you could use it like this: 'Voy a ir en tren a Madrid.' which means 'I am going to go by train to Madrid.'

Example sentences with  ir en tren
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