Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.

take off

The Spanish word 'despegar' is translated to English as 'take off'. It is a verb often used in terms of aviation to indicate a situation where an aircraft leaves the ground and start its flight. Similarly, it can be a metaphorical term to explain the action of starting or initiating a particular task or activity. However, it can also apply to other situations, such as removing an adhesive. Therefore, 'despegar' might not indicate a literal 'take off' in some contexts. It is always important to pay close attention to the context in which the word is used.

Example sentences with  despegar

'Destino', meaning 'destination', is a place to which someone is going or an endpoint of a trip.

Example sentences with  destino

The word 'diapositiva' in Spanish is translated to 'slide' in English. It is a noun that can refer to numerous types of slides. For instance, 'diapositiva' may refer to a physical slide in a playground or a picture in a slideshow. In a broader context, the term might be used to identify a transparent picture which is displayed by a projector. Similarly, in computing, 'diapositiva' can refer to a single page in a digital presentation.

DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)
National Identity Document

The 'DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)' is the Spanish term for 'National Identity Document'. This is a personal identification card that is issued by the Spanish government to every citizen, both Spaniards resident in Spain and in the overseas provinces, and Spanish citizens resident abroad. The DNI is used as proof of identity and personal status. It contains information such as the holder's full name, date of birth, sex, residential address and nationality. It also contains a photograph of the holder. The DNI is not only a physical card but also a digital document that allows online identification and electronic signature.

Example sentences with  DNI (Documento Nacional de Identidad)
en hielo.)
on ice.)

The Spanish phrase 'en hielo' translates to 'on ice' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts. For instance, it may be used when referring to a beverage served with ice (e.g., 'una bebida en hielo' means 'a drink on ice'). It can also be used metaphorically. For example, if a plan or activity is 'en hielo', it might mean that it's currently paused or suspended, just like when we say something is 'on ice' in English. However, note that the phrase 'en hielo' does not include final parenthesis ')' as in your prompt.

Example sentences with  en hielo.)

The term 'equipaje' refers to 'luggage' in English. It implies personal belongings packed in suitcases for traveling.

Example sentences with  equipaje
escalada (en roca)
to (rock) climb

The Spanish term 'escalada (en roca)' translates to '(rock) climb' in English. This can be understood as the activity of climbing up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the summit of a formation or the endpoint of a designated route. Rock climbing is not just a physical challenge but also a mental one, as it often involves problem-solving and strategic thinking.

Example sentences with  escalada (en roca)

The Spanish word 'escalador' translates to 'climber' in English. It is a noun that can be used to reference someone who engages in the activity of climbing, be it mountains, rocks or other high steep surfaces for sport or recreation. 'Escalador' is used in many Spanish-speaking nations, all with the similar meaning. Application of the term remains balanced in both regular and specific instances, such as referring to sport or mountaineering enthusiasts.

Example sentences with  escalador

The Spanish verb 'escalar' translates to 'scale' in English. It possesses various interpretations in different contexts but primarily is used to denote the act of climbing or ascending, particularly used in scenarios involving mountains or some type of vertical or steep terrain. Metaphorically, it can also represent the concept of gradually growing or increasing in terms of levels or rankings.

Example sentences with  escalar
estación de metro
metro station

The Spanish term 'estación de metro' translates to 'metro station' in English. It refers to a specified area where the metro, or a type of high-capacity public transportation, stops for passengers to get on or off. These stations are typically found in urban areas and can be located either underground or above ground. They are a central part of public transportation in many cities worldwide.

Example sentences with  estación de metro
estación de tren
train station

The Spanish term 'estación de tren' translates to 'train station' in English. This is a facility where trains regularly stop to load or unload passengers or freight. It generally consists of at least one track-side platform and a station building providing such ancillary services as ticket sales, waiting rooms and baggage/freight service. It's a very common term used in transportation.

Example sentences with  estación de tren
estar de paso
being step by step

The phrase 'estar de paso' in Spanish does not translate directly to 'being step by step' in English. Instead, it is commonly used to express the idea of 'just passing through' or 'to be just passing by'. It indicates the action of being in a place temporarily, with the intention of leaving soon to continue to another destination.

Example sentences with  estar de paso
estar de vacaciones
be on vacation

The Spanish phrase 'estar de vacaciones' directly translates to the English phrase 'be on vacation'. Its core function is to describe a state or condition someone is in, primarily about being on a break adorned by traveling or leisure activities outside of usual work or school commitments. Often, 'estás de vacaciones' is used when asking someone if they're on vacation.

estar el agua limpia
be clean water

The Spanish phrase 'estar el agua limpia' translates to 'be clean water' in English. This is usually used in the context of water being in a clean state or condition. For instance, it may be used to describe a river, lake, or any other body of water that is clear, unpolluted, and safe for consumption or use. Also, it implies that the water is currently in a clean state, which signifies the temporary attribute of the 'estar' verb in Spanish. The entire phrase combines the use of a verb 'estar' which denotes a temporary state of being, with descriptors for water 'el agua' and cleanliness 'limpia'.

Example sentences with  estar el agua limpia

The Spanish word 'este' is used to describe the cardinal direction east. It is equivalent to the English term and can be used in similar contexts, such as geographical descriptions, navigational instructions, or even more symbolic contexts like referring to the direction of the sunrise.

Example sentences with  este
exceso de equipaje
excess baggage

The term 'exceso de equipaje' in Spanish translates to 'excess baggage' in English. It is commonly used in context of travel, particularly at airlines and airports. It refers to luggage that is beyond an airline's allowance in terms of weight or number of luggage pieces. Passengers with 'exceso de equipaje' usually have to pay additional fees. It can also be used metaphorically in daily conversation to refer to excess or unnecessary burden.

Example sentences with  exceso de equipaje

The word 'excursión' in Spanish translates to 'excursion' in English. An excursion is a short journey or trip, especially one engaged in as a leisure activity. For example, an individual might take an excursion to a nearby city to explore its attractions. In a school context, an excursion often refers to a trip taken by students and teachers outside the classroom for educational purposes, such as visiting a museum, a historical site, a company or a natural park.

Example sentences with  excursión
extraviar las maletas
remove the bags

'Extraviar las maletas' is a Spanish term that is often misinterpreted in English. A more accurate translation would be 'to lose the bags' or 'the bags are lost'. This indicates a situation where someone's luggage has been misplaced or lost, most commonly in travel scenarios such as at an airport or bus station. The act of 'extraviar' doesn't imply they were purposefully removed or disposed of, but rather than they were unintentionally or unexpectedly lost.

Example sentences with  extraviar las maletas
facturar el equipaje
check the luggage

The phrase 'facturar el equipaje' in Spanish translates to 'check the luggage' in English. It is typically used in the context of travel, particularly at airports. When you 'facturar el equipaje', you are handing your luggage over to airport staff for it to be securely placed in the aircraft's storage area for the duration of the flight. After landing at your destination, you retrieve your 'facturado' luggage from the baggage claim area.

Example sentences with  facturar el equipaje
facturar las maletas
check the bags

The Spanish phrase 'facturar las maletas' translates to 'check the bags' in English. It is a common term used in travel context, particularly at airports, bus stations, or train stations. Essentially, it means to give your luggage to the travel company so they can put it on the vehicle you are traveling by. It comes before the boarding process and it is usually necessary when the luggage is too big to be carried inside the passenger cabin. After checking, your luggage is usually accessible only after reaching your destination.

Example sentences with  facturar las maletas

The Spanish word 'festividad' translates to 'holidays' in English. It is often used to describe a day or period of celebration recognized by a country or culture where typically, normal everyday activities such as work and schooling are suspended. 'Festividad' can also refer to festive activities and celebrations that take place on these special dates. This term encompasses both singular and plural holiday events.


The Spanish word 'flotador' translates to 'float' in English. It can be used in various contexts, for example: a 'flotador' in swimming refers to a device that helps a person stay afloat on the water. Similarly, in technological context, it can be a mechanical device that moves up and down to control the level of liquid. Context determines the exact usage of this relatively versatile term.

Example sentences with  flotador

The word 'gorra' in Spanish translates to 'cap' in English. A 'gorra' is an item of clothing that is typically worn on the head. It has a peak that helps to shade the eyes from the sun. Caps are wore commonly by people all around the world not only as a protective gear against weather conditions but also as a fashion accessory or parts of uniforms.


The Spanish word 'guantes' translates to 'gloves' in English. It is a noun that is used to refer to a covering for the hands, typically made from cloth, leather, or a similar material. Gloves are often worn for protection against harsh weather conditions, or for safety while doing various tasks and activities. In language usage, 'guantes' is a masculine, plural noun in Spanish.

guía turístico
tourist guide

The Spanish phrase 'guía turístico' translates to 'tourist guide' in English. This phrase is typically used to refer to an individual who provides assistance, information on cultural, historical and contemporary heritage to people on organized tours and individual clients at educational establishments, religious and historical sites, museums, and at venues of other significant interest. In professional terms, a 'guía turístico' has the role of managing and facilitating the client’s holiday through knowledge of the area and by offering insights that the guidebooks and websites do not.

Example sentences with  guía turístico
habitación con aire acondicionado
air-conditioned room

The Spanish phrase 'habitación con aire acondicionado' translates to 'air-conditioned room' in English. It's often used in the context of hotels, hostels, or lodging destinations in Spanish-speaking countries, where having air conditioning can be a notable feature of a room. The word 'habitación' means room, 'con' means with, and 'aire acondicionado' means air conditioning. Therefore, when combined, they make the phrase 'room with air conditioning'.

Example sentences with  habitación con aire acondicionado
hacer alpinismo
do mountaineering

The Spanish phrase 'hacer alpinismo' translates to 'do mountaineering' in English. This term refers to the activity of climbing mountains as a form of sport or recreational exposure. The phrase showcases the flexibility of the Spanish verb 'hacer,' which means 'to do' and can be used in a vast range of contexts. 'Alpinismo' directly translates to 'alpinism' or 'mountaineering,' denoting a specific outdoor activity that involves ascending mountains. Together, 'hacer alpinismo' communicates the act of engaging in this adventurous pastime.

Example sentences with  hacer alpinismo
hacer descenso de barrancos
decrease of ravines

'Hacer descenso de barrancos' is a Spanish phrase that may not translate directly into English very well. A more accurate translation could be 'canyoning' or 'gorge-walking'. This phrase refers to the outdoor adventure sport that involves travelling down creeks or streams within a canyon by a variety of means including hiking, jumping, rappelling, and swimming. Despite the English translation given as 'decrease of ravines', its meaning is more associated with the adventurous activity rather than any geological changes.

Example sentences with  hacer descenso de barrancos
hacer escalada

The Spanish term 'hacer escalada' translates to 'climbing' in English. It's a verb phrase commonly used to refer to the physical activity of climbing, particularly in the context of outdoor sports or activities. This can involve scaling structures such as mountains, cliffs or artificial climbing walls. In certain contexts, it may also refer to metaphorical or figurative climbing, such as opening one's way to success.

Example sentences with  hacer escalada
hacer las maletas
(from) packing

The Spanish phrase 'hacer las maletas' is translated as 'packing' in English. It is often used when someone is preparing their luggage for a trip or for moving. In this context, 'hacer' translates as 'to do' or 'to make', and 'las maletas' translates as 'the suitcases'. Thus, a more literal translation might be 'to make the suitcases', but in practice it refers to packing things into your luggage or baggage.

Example sentences with  hacer las maletas
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