Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.

bolsa de viaje
travel bag

The Spanish phrase 'bolsa de viaje' translates to 'travel bag' in English. A travel bag is a type of luggage that is typically used to contain clothes and other possessions while traveling or taking a trip. It can come in various sizes and styles, like a suitcase, a duffel bag, or a backpack, according to the specific needs of the traveler. Similarly, in Spanish, the phrase can refer to different types of bags, characterized by their usefulness to carry personal items during travels.

Example sentences with  bolsa de viaje
botas (de montaña)
boots (mountain)

The Spanish word 'botas (de montaña)' translates to 'boots (mountain)' in English. It refers to a type of footwear typically used for hiking and other outdoor activities. These boots are usually made of durable materials designed to provide foot and ankle support while also offering appropriate grip and traction for mountainous terrain. The term is often used in the context of outdoor adventure, trekking, and mountaineering.

Example sentences with  botas (de montaña)

The word 'brújula' is a noun in the Spanish language, and it translates to 'compass' in English. It primarily refers to the portable navigational instrument for finding directions. It is typically used in navigation or geographical contexts.

Example sentences with  brújula

The word 'buceador' in Spanish translates to 'diver' in English. This term is often used in the context of scuba diving or free diving, which involves swimming underwater either with the aid of scuba gear or holding one's breath. Divers may dive for various purposes such as sport, recreation, commercial or scientific research.

Example sentences with  buceador

The Spanish word 'callejero' can be translated to English as 'street', but not in the sense of a physical street. Instead, it is used more to describe something related to the street. For example, when referring to a dog, 'callejero' suggests that the dog is a stray or street dog. It could also refer to people, insinuating that they spend a lot of time in the streets or are street-smart.

Example sentences with  callejero
cambiar un billete
change a ticket

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar un billete' translates to 'change a ticket' in English. This could refer to altering a scheduled departure or return time, changing the destination of travel, or modifying the name or quantity of ticket holders. The word is commonly used in contexts such as travel, events and customer service.

Example sentences with  cambiar un billete

The word 'cantimplora' is a noun in Spanish that translates to 'canteen' in English. It refers to a small water bottle, typically used by soldiers or campers for holding water or other liquids. The word is of Latin origin, stemming from the word 'cantimplorus', meaning 'complainer'. Despite its origins, the term 'cantimplora' does not carry any negative connotations, it is merely used as a practical term for a portable hydration device.

Example sentences with  cantimplora
carné de identidad
identity card

The Spanish term 'carné de identidad' translates to 'identity card' in English. This term is commonly used in many Spanish-speaking countries as the official label for identification documents. These are issued by a government authority and contain information about the individual, such as the full name, date of birth, photograph, and a unique identification number. One may be required to produce their 'carné de identidad' in various situations, for instance, when opening a bank account, in interactions with law enforcement, or when seeking employment.


The Spanish word 'carretera' is used to refer to a long, hard surface built for vehicles to travel along. This can refer to both smaller roads in rural areas, as well as major highways. It can be used in a variety of contexts, similar to the English usage of the term 'road'.

Example sentences with  carretera

The Spanish word 'cazador' translates to 'hunter' in English. This term can be used literally to refer to someone who hunts animals for sport or food. It can also have a metaphorical application, for instance, in describing someone aggressively pursuing a goal. It is a commonly used noun in Spanish. Just like in English, the word 'cazador' can be tailored based on its context and can imply different meanings.

Example sentences with  cazador
cheques de viaje
travel cheques

The Spanish term 'cheques de viaje' translates to 'travel cheques' in English. Travel cheques are a medium of exchange that can be used in place of hard currency. They can be replaced if lost or stolen, and are often used by travelers when they go abroad. Moreover, unlike cash, they do not lose their value even if the currency rates change.

Example sentences with  cheques de viaje
beach bar

The word 'chiringuito' in Spanish refers to a small, often temporary bar or stall that can be found along the coast, on beach areas. These establishments are popular places for socializing, typically offering access to drinks, food, and sometimes music. They are particularly common in Spanish-speaking countries and provide a unique aspect of beach-side culture. In English, the word is translated as 'beach bar'.

coche particular
private car

The Spanish term 'coche particular' translates to 'private car' in English. This phrase is mostly used in the context of a car that is owned for personal use, unlike a taxi or a bus. 'Coche' refers to a car in Spanish while 'particular' denotes private. This term can be utilized in various situations like indicating that one has a private car, referring to someone else's private car or in circumstances involving transportation and commuting.

Example sentences with  coche particular
cocina india
indian cuisine

The term 'cocina india' in Spanish refers to the broad field of culinary practices associated with India. This covers not only traditional and regional Indian cuisine but also food styles influenced by Indian culture. Indian cuisine is characterized by its extensive use of various spices, herbs, vegetables, and fruits. Cooked in many exciting ways, Indian cuisine is known for its diverse flavors, varying from mildly spicy to very hot. The cuisine of India has been influenced by several historical and cultural interactions, making it rich and diverse.


The Spanish word 'colina' translates to 'hill' in English. It is a common geographical term used to refer to a natural elevated part of the earth's surface, smaller than a mountain. It has a small area elevated above the rest of the surface. 'Colinas' can often be found in hilly landscapes and they play a significant role in various aspects of human life including settlement, agriculture and tourism.

Example sentences with  colina
comprar un billete de ida
buy a one way ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un billete de ida' translates to 'buy a one way ticket' in English. It's a commonly used phrase in travel and transportation, used to denote the purchase of a ticket for a journey in one direction only, without a return. It can be used in the context of buying a ticket for various modes of transportation like a bus, train, plane, etc.

Example sentences with  comprar un billete de ida
comprar un billete de ida y vuelta
buy a round trip ticket

The Spanish phrase 'comprar un billete de ida y vuelta' is translated into English as 'buy a round trip ticket'. In this phrase, 'comprar' means 'to buy', 'un billete' means 'a ticket', 'de ida y vuelta' means 'round trip'. This is a common phrase used when planning travel, specifically when arranging transportation that will return to the original starting point.

Example sentences with  comprar un billete de ida y vuelta
con IVA
Value-Added Tax (VAT) included

The Spanish term 'con IVA' translates to 'with Value-Added Tax (VAT) included' in English. This indicates that the VAT, a type of consumption tax placed on a product whenever value is added at each stage of the supply chain, is included in the listed price. It's a commonly used term in Spanish-speaking countries in contexts related to pricing of goods and services.

Example sentences with  con IVA
consultar un mapa
consult a map

The Spanish phrase 'consultar un mapa' translates to 'consult a map' in English. In more practical terms, it refers to the act of looking up or referring to a map for navigation or information. It can be used in a variety of contexts, particularly when traveling, planning a route, or studying geography.

Example sentences with  consultar un mapa
consultar un plano
consult a plan

The Spanish phrase 'consultar un plano' translates to 'consult a plan' in English. This phrase can be used in many contexts like when you need to check or refer to a plan or layout for any reason. An architect might 'consultar un plano' of a building to understand its structure, or a traveler might 'consultar un plano', or look at a map, to figure out where to go next. When used in conversations, consulting doesn't just mean to look at it, but to use it as a resource for decision-making.

Example sentences with  consultar un plano
contratar un viaje organizado
hire an organized trip

The Spanish phrase 'contratar un viaje organizado' translates to 'hire an organized trip' in English. This Spanish phrase is often used to express the action of booking a journey or trip, usually with a travel company or agency, where all the details such as accommodation, transport and itinerary have been planned out in advance. The purpose of such trips is to relieve the travellers from the details of planning, thus enabling them to solely focus on enjoying their travel experience.

Example sentences with  contratar un viaje organizado
cruzar el océano
cross the ocean

The Spanish phrase 'cruzar el océano' is translated in English as 'cross the ocean'. This phrase could be used both in a literal sense, such as physically travelling or sailing across an ocean body, or metaphorically to express overcoming a big challenge or making a substantial change in life.

Example sentences with  cruzar el océano
cruzar el país
cross the country

The Spanish phrase 'cruzar el país' translates to 'cross the country' in English. This can be used in various contexts, such as discussing travel plans (e.g., 'I plan to cruzar el país this summer'). It can also be applied metaphorically to convey the idea of experiencing or understanding different aspects or regions of a country.

Example sentences with  cruzar el país
cruzar la frontera
cross the border

The phrase 'cruzar la frontera' comes from Spanish, and it translates to 'cross the border' in English. It describes the act of moving from one side of a geographical boundary (a border) to the other. While primarily used when talking about traveling from one country to another, it could also refer to moving across borders of states, provinces, or similar regions.

Example sentences with  cruzar la frontera
dar la vuelta al mundo
turn the world around

The Spanish phrase 'dar la vuelta al mundo' directly translates to 'to turn the world around' in English. This is a commonly used phrase in Spanish-speaking countries and can signify the act of traveling all around the world. It is essential to note that this expression is idiomatic and does not literally mean to spin the planet Earth.

Example sentences with  dar la vuelta al mundo
dar una propina
give a tip

The Spanish phrase 'dar una propina' directly translates into English as 'give a tip'. In the context of services (like dining or hospitality), this refers to the act of providing some extra money beyond the stated cost as a way of appreciation to the service provider. The amount of money given as a tip often depends on the quality of service or can be a particular percentage of the total cost of service. This concept exists in many cultures and can often be seen as a common courtesy or required etiquette.

Example sentences with  dar una propina
darse un baño
take a bath

The Spanish phrase 'darse un baño' translates as 'to take a bath' in English. The verb 'darse' is a reflexive form of the verb 'dar', which means 'to give'. However, in this context and combined with the noun 'baño', it translates into 'to take', creating the whole phrase to mean 'to take a bath'. It's used to express the action of bathing oneself.

Example sentences with  darse un baño
dejar una propina
leave a tip

The Spanish phrase 'dejar una propina' is translated to English as 'leave a tip'. It is often used in contexts such as dining out at restaurants or utilizing services where tipping is a norm. Just as in English-speaking countries, in Spanish-speaking regions tipping is a way to show gratitude for good service. Remembering nuances such as these can greatly enhance your command and understanding of the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  dejar una propina

The Spanish word 'descender' translates to 'descend' in English. It is a verb and it is used to describe the action of moving downward, coming from a higher place to a lower place. It can be used in various contexts such as when describing the movement of a person or object down a hill, or metaphorically highlighting a drop in status or level. 'Descender' is derived from the Latin 'descendere' and it follows the regular conjugation pattern in Spanish.

Example sentences with  descender

The Spanish word 'descenso' translates to 'decrease' in English. It refers to a reduction in size, amount, or extent of something. It can be used in various contexts such as population decrease, temperature decrease or decrease in sales. In sports terminology, 'descenso' can also mean relegation from a higher to a lower league.

Example sentences with  descenso
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