Spanish Travel Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of Spanish vocabulary related to travel, helpful for English-speaking students who are learning Spanish.


The Spanish word 'abrigo' translates to 'coat' in English. It can refer to a variety of outer garments typically worn in the cold weather to keep warm. The concept is broad and the exact type of 'abrigo' can vary from a heavy jacket to a styled overcoat. The word 'abrigo' is a masculine noun in Spanish.

Example sentences with  abrigo

The word 'accidentado' in Spanish refers to a state or event that is uneven, rugged, or, in some contexts, it can also refer to an unfortunate occurrence that happens unexpectedly and unintentionally, typically resulting in damage or injury, which in English is generally referred to as an 'accident'. However, it is more frequently used to describe terrain, roads, or landscapes that are irregular or difficult due to natural formations.

Example sentences with  accidentado

In Spanish, 'aeropuerto' refers to an 'airport' in English. An air transport hub for planes to land and take-off.

Example sentences with  aeropuerto
agua buena
good water

The Spanish phrase 'agua buena' translates to 'good water' in English. It is composed of two words: 'agua,' which means 'water,' and 'buena,' which means 'good'. Therefore, in a literal sense, it refers to water that is of good quality or taste. However, in a broader context, it can be used metaphorically to describe something that is pure, beneficial, or reassuring.

Example sentences with  agua buena
agua caliente
hot water

The Spanish phrase 'agua caliente' translates to 'hot water' in English. It is commonly used in Spanish-speaking countries to refer to heated water, typically for usage in cooking, bathing or cleaning. Understanding this phrase can be quite useful particularly in a household setup or in travel scenarios where hot water may be a necessary utility.

Example sentences with  agua caliente
agua fría
cold water

The Spanish phrase 'agua fría' translates to 'cold water' in English. This is a basic phrase that reflects both the object, 'water', and its condition, 'cold'. You would normally use this phrase when you want to ask for a glass of cold water, for example in a restaurant or at home. It's a common and simple phrase, which is very useful in everyday situations, especially in hot countries where you often need to hydrate with 'agua fría'.

Example sentences with  agua fría
agua sucia
dirty water

The word 'agua sucia' in Spanish translates to 'dirty water' in English. It is a compound noun that is made up of 'agua', which means 'water', and 'sucia', which means 'dirty'. It is often used in both literal contexts, such as when discussing polluted bodies of water or unclean drinking water, and metaphorically, in expressions or idioms that convey a negative meaning, such as a difficult or messy situation.

Example sentences with  agua sucia

The Spanish word 'albergue' translates to 'hostel' in English. A 'hostel' is a budget-oriented, sociable accommodation where guests can rent a bed, usually a bunk bed, in a dormitory and share a bathroom, lounge, and sometimes a kitchen. It is often cheaper than a hotel and preferred by travelers or backpackers. So, 'albergue' is a term you will often come across when traveling in Spanish speaking countries.

Example sentences with  albergue
alojamiento y desayuno
bed and breakfast

The Spanish term 'alojamiento y desayuno' directly translates to 'lodging and breakfast' in English. However, it is commonly understood as 'bed and breakfast', a hospitality service that offers overnight accommodation and breakfast the following morning, often in a small, cozy, and home-like setting. This type of accommodation is popular among travelers seeking a more personalized and local experience compared to traditional hotels.

Example sentences with  alojamiento y desayuno

The Spanish word 'andar' is commonly used to mean 'walk' in English. It refers to the activity of moving by putting one foot in front of the other, as humans do in their daily life. Andar can also be used in a general sense referring to the ability of something or someone to function or to progress. For instance, 'Esta máquina no anda bien.' translates to 'This machine doesn't work well.'


An 'anorak' in Spanish means the same as in English. It is a type of heavy jacket with a hood, typically waterproof, designed to be worn in outdoor activities or in cold weather scenarios. Despite its English name, it's a word used globally and understood by Spanish speakers. It's perfect for those wet or snowy days and for winter sports like skiing or snowboarding.

Example sentences with  anorak
anular un billete
cancel a ticket

The Spanish phrase 'anular un billete' translates to 'cancel a ticket' in English. It is often used in contexts such as travel, events, and transportation. To 'anular un billete' means to make a ticket or reservation null and void, often with the intention of receiving a refund or being able to book at another time.

Example sentences with  anular un billete

The word 'aparcamiento' in Spanish translates to 'parking' in English. It is primarily used in reference to the action of bringing a vehicle to a halt in a designated area or space where it can be left temporarily. This word is typically used in Spain more so than in Latin America. In usage, it is commonly found in contexts referring to roadside or controlled parking facilities, as well as in general discussions about driving or traveling. When visiting Spanish-speaking countries, this term could be very useful, especially if you are driving and need to find a place to park your vehicle.


The Spanish word 'arena' translates to 'sand' in English. It is often used to describe the tiny, granulated particles often found at beaches, deserts, or other natural habitats. In a broader sense, it can also represent concepts related to desolation and time passing, in line with its literal meaning.

Example sentences with  arena

The Spanish word 'aterrizar' translates to 'landing' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of aviation to describe the action of an aircraft coming down onto the land or water at the end of a flight. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe coming back down to reality after a period of excitement or elation, similar to the English expression 'to come back down to earth'.

Example sentences with  aterrizar
atravesar el océano
across the ocean

The phrase 'atravesar el océano' in Spanish translates to 'across the ocean' in English. This phrase can be used in several contexts, but it primarily denotes the action of crossing an ocean, whether that be physically traversing the water body, like during a flight or a voyage, or metaphorically implying a wide or significant journey or transformation. Similar phrases in English might include 'crossing the sea' or 'journey across the ocean'.

Example sentences with  atravesar el océano
atravesar el país
across the country

'Atravesar el país' is a Spanish phrase that can be translated to English as 'across the country'. It suggests the action of going from one end of the country to another, covering significant parts of it in the process. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as travel, transportation, migration, or distribution of goods and services. For instance, it can refer to someone making a trip 'across the country', or goods being shipped 'across the country'.

Example sentences with  atravesar el país

The Spanish word 'avenida' translates to 'avenue' in English. It signifies a broad road in a town or city, normally having trees at regular intervals along its sides. The term can also attribute to a way of approach or access. In general context, it represents a broad road in an urban setting. English speakers, while learning Spanish, can familiarize themselves with 'avenida' as it equates to their understanding of an 'avenue'.

bajar la marea
lower the tide

The Spanish phrase 'bajar la marea' translates to 'lower the tide' in English. It is a common idiomatic expression used in Spanish language. It mostly refers to easing a tense situation or calming down extreme emotions, similar to how an incoming tide can be reduced or 'lowered'. However, keep in mind that idioms do not always translate literally between languages.

Example sentences with  bajar la marea
bajar(se) de un autobús
get off a bus

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un autobús' translates to 'get off a bus' in English. This is a common phrase used in everyday conversation. It can be applied in a variety of contexts, such as in travel or commuting situations. Literally, 'bajar' means 'to lower' and 'autobús' is 'bus', giving the impression of lowering oneself from the bus, or in other words, getting off the bus.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un autobús
bajar(se) de un avión
get off a plane

The Spanish term 'bajar(se) de un avión' translates to 'get off a plane' in English. It refers to the act of disembarking from an airplane after it has landed and safely come to a stop. This term is used in various contexts, such as travelling, airport processes and safety guidelines. It is a useful phrase to remember for anyone travelling in a Spanish-speaking region or engaging with Spanish speakers in an aviation context.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un avión
bajar(se) de un barco
get off a ship

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un barco' translates to 'get off (a) ship' in English. This is used in a context where one is disembarking or coming down from a ship. 'Bajar' literally translates to 'get down or descend', 'de' translates to 'from', and 'un barco' translates to 'a ship'. So, the phrase 'bajar(se) de un barco' is describing the action of descending or disembarking from a ship.

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un barco
bajar(se) de un tren
get off a train

The Spanish phrase 'bajar(se) de un tren' translates to 'get off a train' in English. It's often used to describe the action of exiting a train after a journey. The word 'bajar' alone means 'to get down or descend', but when combined with 'de un tren', it specifically references leaving a train. It can be reflexive (bajarse) or non-reflexive (bajar). A common example of its use could be in a sentence like 'Voy a bajarme de un tren', which means 'I am going to get off a train.'

Example sentences with  bajar(se) de un tren

The Spanish word 'bañador' translates to 'swimsuit' in English. It's a piece of clothing worn for swimming. This word is mainly used in Spain, and in some Latin American countries, you might hear 'traje de baño' or 'malla'. The term 'bañador' can refer to any type of swimsuit, whether it's a one-piece, bikini, or swim trunks.

bandera amarilla
Yellow flag

The Spanish term 'bandera amarilla' translates to 'yellow flag' in English. This can be a physical flag that is colored yellow or a metaphorical signal indicating caution or a moderate level of danger. It can be used in various contexts such as sports to indicate a warning, a caution signal on beaches for risky situations or even in finance as a warning sign of potential risk.

Example sentences with  bandera amarilla
bandera verde
Green flag

The Spanish term 'bandera verde' translates in English to 'green flag'. This phrase can be used both literally, referring to a flag of green color, or metaphorically. In a metaphorical context, it typically signifies authorization to proceed with a task or operation. It can also be used in racing sports to signal the start or continuation of a race. Like all languages, its nuances and implications can be understood better through use in conversations and literature.

Example sentences with  bandera verde

The Spanish word 'billete' translates to 'ticket' in English. It generally refers to a piece of paper or small card that gives the holder a certain right, especially to enter a place, travel by public transport, or participate in an event. For instance, in the context of travel, if you're taking a train or a bus, you may need to buy a 'billete'. It should be noted that 'billete' can also mean 'banknote' or 'bill' in some contexts, indicating a piece of paper money.


The Spanish word 'biquini' translates to 'bikini' in English. This term is used to describe a two-piece women's swimsuit. It's typically worn in warm climates or at the beach and consists of a bra top and a bottom part that is designed not to cover the navel. It is named after the Bikini Atoll, a site of atomic testing, because of the intended provocative and explosive impact on the viewer.


A container made of flexible material with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.

Example sentences with  bolsa
bolsa de aseo
toilet bag

The Spanish term 'bolsa de aseo' can be directly translated to English as 'toilet bag'. This commonly refers to a small portable bag that typically contains toiletries such as soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, shaving material, and so on, usually for travel or camping purposes.

Example sentences with  bolsa de aseo
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