Spanish Television and Radio Vocabulary

Learn important Spanish vocabulary related to television and radio. Ideal for beginners looking to expand their language skills.

récord de audiencia
record audience record

The Spanish phrase 'récord de audiencia' translates to 'audience record' in English. This term is often used in the context of broadcast media, to refer to the highest number of viewers or listeners that a television show, radio program, or other event has ever reached at one particular time. It is a measure of the popularity and reach of a media program.


The Spanish word 'reportero' translates to 'reporter' in English. A reporter is a person who writes news stories for a newspaper, magazine, or broadcast news program. They conduct research and interviews to gather information on various topics or stories, and then write reports that are delivered or published to the public. 'Reportero' has the same meaning in Spanish, and is commonly used in various forms of media in Spanish-speaking countries.

retransmitir un programa
retransmitting a program

The Spanish phrase 'retransmitir un programa' translates to 'retransmitting a program' in English. This term is typically used in the context of broadcasting, where a program that has previously been transmitted or broadcasted is being transmitted again. It can apply to various forms of media including television and radio programs, podcasts, etc. Retransmission can be useful for reaching audiences who may have missed the original broadcast or for emphasizing important points within the program.

retransmitir una noticia
relaying news

The Spanish phrase 'retransmitir una noticia' translates to 'relaying news' in English. It's mostly used in the context of broadcasting or journalistic communication where information or news is being passed on or relayed from one person or outlet to another. For instance, it could be used when a news station is sharing a story that was originally reported by another source or when a person is passing on the news they heard from someone else. This phrase relates to the idea of disseminating information.

seguir un programa de radio
follow a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un programa de radio' translates to 'follow a radio program' in English. This phrase is frequently used in conversational and formal Spanish to denote the act of regularly listening to a specific radio program. Similar to its English translation, it implies that one habitually tunes in to a particular radio show or listens to a certain radio station on a consistent basis.

seguir un programa de televisión
follow a television programme

The Spanish phrase 'seguir un programa de televisión' translates as 'follow a television program' in English. This can mean to regularly watch a specific television series or show, and keep up to date with all the latest episodes. It could also be used in the context of tracking the progress of a program, for example during a live sports event or news broadcast. Similar to how in English one might say, 'I follow Game of Thrones', in Spanish, you might say, 'Yo sigo Juego de Tronos.'


The Spanish word 'serie' is used in similar contexts as 'series' in English. It can refer to a number of things or events of the same class coming one after another in spatial or temporal succession, such as a TV series (una serie de televisión) or a series of events (una serie de eventos). However, it's important to gauge the context as certain English phrases may not translate directly.

Example sentences with  serie
técnico (de sonido)
technical (sound)

The Spanish term 'técnico (de sonido)' translates to 'technical (sound)' in English. It is commonly used to refer to a person or role responsible for managing and controlling sound equipment, typically during live performances or in recording studios. This includes adjusting levels, controlling quality, setting up equipment, and maintaining and repairing sound systems. The term can also be used in a broader sense to refer to any technical aspect related to sound or acoustics.

técnico de iluminación
lighting technician

The Spanish term 'técnico de iluminación' translates to 'lighting technician' in English. A lighting technician is a professional who designs or operates light for a production, like a theatre show, television program, film production or a live event. They are responsible for the setup, application, maintenance and disassembly of all lighting equipment and systems used in a production to create the desired visual atmosphere. They may work in collaboration with other professionals such as directors, production managers, and camera operators.


The word 'teleadicto' in Spanish is generally translated to 'addicted' in English. However, it is important to note that this term is specific to the context of watching television. It essentially combines the words for 'television' and 'addicted' in Spanish-so, a more accurate translation might be 'television addict'. This word is typically used to describe someone who spends an excessive amount of time watching television, to the detriment of other activities and responsibilities.

trash TV

The term 'telebasura' in Spanish is used to refer to low quality television content or 'trash TV' in English. This can include reality shows, sensational talk shows, tabloid television or any television programming that is thought to have little or no intellectual or informative value, yet is still popular or widely broadcasted.


A 'telenovela' is a type of a limited-run television serial drama or soap opera produced primarily in Latin America. The term translates literally to 'television novel'. Its contents typically involve melodramatic storylines which are designed to captivate audiences with intrigue, passion, calamity and hints of comedy. Telenovelas differ from soap operas in that they usually end after a predetermined run, typically less than one year.


The Spanish word 'telespectador' translates to 'telespect' in English. It is used to refer to someone who watches television. This incorporates the word 'tele', short for 'television', and 'spectator', indicating the act of viewing or watching. Thus, a 'telespectador' would be a television viewer or a person who watches television regularly.

televisar un programa
televising a program

The phrase 'televisar un programa' in Spanish translates to 'televising a program' in English. This is related to the domain of television and broadcasting, and is used to describe the act of broadcasting, or preparing to broadcast, a television show or program to viewers. This might be done by a television station, broadcast company, or an independent producer. Arguably, this spans not just traditional TV platforms, but is also relevant to streaming platforms in today's digital age.

televisar una noticia
television news

The term 'televisar una noticia' in Spanish literally translates to 'televise a news' in English. However, it's more commonly used to depict the action of broadcasting a news item or story on television. So, a more contextual translation would be 'to broadcast a news.' In general, this term is most commonly used in the context of news reporting and media broadcasting, specifically referring to the act of sharing or airing a news report via television.

televisión analógica
analogue television

The term 'televisión analógica' in Spanish translates to 'analogue television' in English. This is an old broadcasting technology that uses analog signals to transmit television signals. In this system, the television picture and sound are represented by fluctuating waves of varying frequency and amplitude. Analogue television was the prevalent method of watching TV until the advent of digital television, which offers better picture and sound quality. Analogue television is now considered obsolete in many parts of the world, but there are places where it is still in use.

televisión digital
digital television

Digital television, known as 'televisión digital' in Spanish, refers to a type of broadcasting technology that allows TV stations to provide significantly clearer pictures and better sound quality. This form of television is evolved from analog television and uses digital tech to transmit audio and video signals to TV sets. Not only it provides improved picture quality and sound, but also offers multiple programming choices, known as multicasting and interactive capabilities.

televisión por cable
cable television

The Spanish term 'televisión por cable' directly translates to 'television by cable' in English, but it is commonly referred to as 'cable television.' This term is used to describe a system that provides television programming to consumers via radio frequency signals transmitted through coaxial cables, or in more recent systems, light pulses through fiber-optic cables. It differs from traditional broadcast television (over-the-air television) in which the television signal is transmitted over the air by radio waves and received by a television antenna attached to the television.

televisión vía satélite
satellite television

The term 'televisión vía satélite' in Spanish translates to 'satellite television' in English. Satellite television is a service that delivers television programming to viewers by relaying it from a communications satellite orbiting the Earth directly to the viewer's location. The signals are received via an outdoor parabolic antenna, usually referred to as a satellite dish, and a low-noise block downconverter.

transmitir un programa
transmit a programme

The term 'transmitir un programa' in Spanish translates to 'transmit a programme' in English. It is often used in the context of broadcasting and television, where a programme is being broadcasted or transmitted for viewers to watch. The term can also be used in a more general sense to refer broadly to the act of transmitting or sending information from one place to another.

transmitir una noticia
transmit news

The Spanish phrase 'transmitir una noticia' translates to 'transmit news' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of broadcasting or sharing news through various mediums, such as television, radio, or social media, to a broader audience. This could include anything from world news, local updates, or specific information related to a particular niche or interest. In English, we might also use the terms 'broadcast news' or 'disseminate information', which carry similar meanings.

ver la televisión
watch TV

The Spanish phrase 'ver la televisión' translates to 'watch tv' in English. It is a common phrase used in Spanish speaking countries to imply the act of watching or viewing content on a television. It can be used in various contexts such as stating your current activity, expressing your plans or preferences, or instructing someone to watch something on TV.

ver un programa de televisión
watch a TV show

The Spanish phrase 'ver un programa de televisión' translates to 'watch a tv show' in English. 'Ver' is the infinitive form of the verb 'to see' or 'to watch' in English. 'Un programa' is the Spanish equivalent of 'a program' or 'a show' and 'de televisión' means 'of television' or simply 'tv'. Therefore, when you put them together, 'ver un programa de televisión' means 'to watch a tv show'.

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