Spanish Television and Radio Vocabulary

Learn important Spanish vocabulary related to television and radio. Ideal for beginners looking to expand their language skills.

escuchar un programa de radio
listen to a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'escuchar un programa de radio' translates to 'listen to a radio program' in English. This is a common phrase that might be used when someone wants to tell or ask someone else about tuning in to a specific broadcast on the radio. For example, if there is a particular radio show that someone enjoys, they might say 'escuchar un programa de radio' as a way of suggesting someone else should listen to it too.

espacio publicitario
advertising space

The Spanish term 'espacio publicitario' translates directly into English as 'advertising space'. This refers to any space, whether physical such as a billboard or digital such as a spot on a website, that is used to display advertisements or promotional content. The term can be applied across various platforms including print, broadcast, digital and outdoor media.

grabar un programa de radio
record a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'grabar un programa de radio' translates to 'record a radio program' in English. This can refer to the act of capturing audio content, typically a show or broadcast of some sort, from a radio station with the purpose to listen to it at a later time. It is comprised of 'grabar' which means 'to record', 'un' an indefinite article meaning 'a', 'programa' meaning 'program', and 'de radio' meaning 'of radio'.

grabar un programa de televisión
record a television program

The Spanish phrase 'grabar un programa de televisión' translates to 'record a television program' in English. Grabar means to record, while un programa de televisión means a television program. Therefore, if you want to say that you are recording a television program in Spanish, you would say 'Estoy grabando un programa de televisión.'


The Spanish word 'guionista' refers to a person who writes scripts for films, TV shows, or plays. In English, this profession is known as a 'screenwriter'. A screenwriter's job is to craft the narrative of the story, including the dialogues between characters, the plot development, and sometimes the stage directions, if it's in the context of a play. They play a crucial role in the filmmaking process as they set the foundation of the story that is to be visually portrayed.


The Spanish word 'iluminación' translates to 'lighting' in English. It can refer to the arrangement or type of light in a place, or the equipment that produces light such as lamps or ceiling fixtures. Various kinds of 'iluminación' can set the mood of the room or outdoor spaces. 'Iluminación' is also used in the context of enlightenment or illumination of the mind or spirit.

imagen conmovedora
moving image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen conmovedora' translates to 'moving image' in English. This can be used in the context of a picture, photograph, or piece of artwork that stirs powerful emotions such as sadness, joy, or sympathy within the viewer. However, it is important to note that 'moving' does not imply motion or action within the image, but rather the emotional response it induces.

imagen desgarradora
heartbreaking image

The Spanish phrase 'imagen desgarradora' translates to 'heartbreaking image' in English. This phrase is often used to describe a picture, view, or scene that invokes a strong feeling of sadness or sorrow, typically due to an intense or overwhelming situation of suffering, distress, or pain captured or depicted in the image. The phrase can also metaphorically be used in literary and conversational contexts to express a poignant or deeply touching description or idea.

imagen impactante
shocking image

The Spanish term 'imagen impactante' translates in English to 'shocking image'. This refers to an image that delivers a strong or emotional reaction, often unexpected and typically due to its startling, impressive or controversial nature.

imagen violenta
violent image

The Spanish word 'imagen violenta' translates to 'violent image' in English. It is composed of two words - 'imagen' which means 'image', and 'violenta' which means 'violent'. This term is typically used to denote any representation of events or people that involve violence, especially to an extreme degree. It could be found in various forms of media such as films, video games, or news reports.

índice de audiencia
audience rating

The Spanish term 'índice de audiencia' translates to 'audience rating' in English. This phrase is primarily used in the context of television or radio broadcasting industry. It measures and provides an estimate of the audience size or composition that a particular television or radio program, station, or network is able to attract. The audience rating can be an important factor for broadcasters as it helps them determine their programming and advertising strategies.


The Spanish word 'locutor' translates to 'announcer' in English. It generally refers to a person who communicates information to an audience on a medium, such as radio or television. This term is often used in the context of broadcasting, where the announcer could be responsible for reading news, advertisements, sports updates, or other types of material.


The Spanish term 'maquillador' translates to 'make-up artist' in English. This is a professional specializing in altering or enhancing the appearance of individuals by applying cosmetic products. Some make-up artists work in the film and theatre industry, making up actors and actresses, while others work for fashion shoots or in beauty salons.


The Spanish word 'montaje' translates to 'assembly' in English. This can be used in various contexts such as a physical assembly of objects or people, or in a technological context such as the assembly of a software application. In arts and media, it may refer to the process of arranging or editing different pieces into a whole, like a film or music montage.


The word 'oyente' in Spanish translates to 'listener' in English. It is often used in contexts where someone is attentively listening or is a part of an audience, such as for a radio show or a lecture. Notably, the term 'oyente' can be used to describe both a male and female listener, as the term itself does not hold a gender. Therefore, whether you're referring to a man or woman, 'oyente' is the word to use.

película con subtítulos
movie with subtitles

The Spanish term 'película con subtítulos' translates to 'movie with subtitles' in English. This term is used to describe a film that includes the written display of the dialogue in the same language as the spoken dialogue or in another language. The subtitles are usually displayed at the bottom of the screen and are often used to help those who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, or those who understand a different language, to follow along with the dialogue or narrative.

película en versión original
movie in original version

The Spanish term 'película en versión original' directly translates into English as 'movie in original version'. This term is mainly used in the context of cinema, indicating that a movie is shown in its original language as opposed to being dubbed or translated. For example, a French film showing in Spain would be called a 'película en versión original' if it were shown in French with Spanish subtitles, rather than being dubbed into Spanish.

perderse un programa de radio
miss a radio program

The Spanish phrase 'perderse un programa de radio' translates to 'miss a radio program' in English. It is used when someone was unable to listen to a specific radio show or segment when it was originally broadcasted.

perderse un programa de televisión
missing a TV show

The Spanish phrase 'perderse un programa de televisión' translates to 'missing a TV show' in English. It is used when someone did not or could not watch a specific television program when it was originally aired or during its scheduled time. This could be due to factors such as forgetting about the show, not having access to a TV during the airing time, or being busy with other tasks.


The Spanish word 'presentador' translates to 'presenter' in English. In the context of a media setting, a 'presentador' is an individual, often a journalist or host, who presents an event, program, or segment on television or radio. The term could also be used to refer to anyone presenting information in various settings such as in seminars, conferences, or meetings. Hence, depending on the context, the term 'presentador' can apply to a variety of roles, all centered around presenting or introducing information.


The Spanish word 'producción' translates to 'production' in English. In business, it refers to the process of creating, making, or manufacturing an item or items, often in large quantities. Similarly, in the movie and entertainment industry, 'producción' refers to the process of making a movie, TV show, or stage performance. Like its English counterpart, 'producción' can also refer to the amount of something that is made or grown, especially by farming. This word is a noun and is often used in economic, business, industrial, and agricultural contexts.


The Spanish word 'productor' translates to 'producer' in English. In detail, it refers to a person, company, or country that makes, grows, or supplies goods or commodities for sale, especially in the context of business or agriculture. This term can be applied in various industries including film, music, television, and theater, where it denotes the person who oversees and manages the production of a show or product.

programa de información deportiva
sports information programme

The Spanish phrase 'programa de información deportiva' translates to 'sports information programme' in English. This phrase could be used in a variety of context such as television, radio, or podcasts. This could be a specific show dedicated to providing news, updates, commentary, and discussions about various sports and sporting events. Therefore, if you hear or see this term in Spanish, you would understand that it is referring to a medium where sports information is being discussed or shared.

programa de información general
General information programme

The Spanish phrase 'programa de información general' translates to 'general information programme' in English. It usually refers to a program or schedule that gives an overview or broad information about a specific topic, event, or organization. It's often used in settings like conferences, events, or television broadcasting. Understanding the components of the phrase can also help. 'Programa', 'de', 'información', and 'general' translate to 'program', 'of', 'information', and 'general', respectively.

programa radiofónico
radio program

The Spanish term 'programa radiofónico' translates to 'radio program' in English. A radio program is a segment of content intended for broadcast over the radio. It may include news, discussions, interviews, music, or other types of content, and it is often put out by broadcasters, networks, or radio stations. In Spanish, 'programa' means 'program', and 'radiofónico' refers to something relating to the radio, thus 'programa radiofónico' signifies a program that is broadcasted over the radio.

programa televisivo
Television programme

The Spanish term 'programa televisivo' translates to 'television programme' in English. It's typically used to describe a scheduled broadcast on television, which can consist of a variety of content such as news, documentaries, sitcoms, dramas, or reality shows. The term can be applied to both individual episodes or to an entire series as a whole. Understanding this term is crucial when discussing entertainment or media in a Spanish-speaking context.

programación (apta) para todos los públicos
programming (suitable) for all audiences

The Spanish phrase 'programación (apta) para todos los públicos' translates to 'programming (suitable) for all audiences' in English. It's a term widely used in broadcasting, indicating that the programming is appropriate and understandable for different age groups and types of audiences. It's akin to the English term 'family friendly programming', meaning the program contents incur no harm or offense to any audience regardless of age or background. It also carries a cultural nuance, as it appeals to a general public rather than a specific or niche group.

programación cultural
Cultural programming

The Spanish term 'programación cultural' has a direct literal translation in English as 'cultural programming'. It entails the organized planning and implementing of culture-related activities, events or programs. It can include various forms of arts, performances, exhibitions, and events that reflect cultural expressions or traditions, planned or organized by cultural organizations, institutions, or communities with the aim of promoting, preserving, and enhancing cultural heritage and diversity.

programación de calidad
quality programming

The Spanish phrase, 'Programación de calidad', translates to 'Quality programming' in English. This term is often used in the tech industry to describe software or applications that are well-made and efficient, resulting in fewer errors or bugs. The 'quality' refers to the degree of excellence the programming exhibits, which could include things like user-friendly design, speed and responsiveness, and overall functionality. 'Programación de calidad' is a key term for anyone involved in or studying software development or coding in Spanish-speaking contexts.


The Spanish word 'publicidad' translates to 'advertising' in English. It is a noun and is used to refer to the activity of making products or services known about and persuading people to buy them. It is an essential function in the business industry, used commonly in media such as television, radio, newspapers, online, and on billboards. It is also used for non-commercial purposes, like in political campaigns.

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