Spanish Television and Radio Vocabulary

Learn important Spanish vocabulary related to television and radio. Ideal for beginners looking to expand their language skills.

antena parabólica
parabolic antenna

A 'antena parabólica' is a Spanish term that translates to 'parabolic antenna' in English. It refers to a high-gain type of radio, television, or radar receiving antenna which functions by using a parabolic reflector, a curved surface that has the form of a parabola, to direct the radio waves to a focal point. The main purpose of this type of antenna is to collect and focus weak signals into a strong signal to allow for better reception in a specific direction. It can be typically found in installations that require a large amount of signal gain, such as satellite television receivers.


The Spanish word 'anuncios' translates to 'ads' in English. It is used to refer to advertisements that are designed to encourage the purchase of a product or service. These can appear in various formats and through different channels, including newspapers, television, radio, websites, and public spaces. The concept of 'anuncios' is a fundamental part of the marketing and communication strategy for many businesses, helping them to promote their offerings and reach their target audience.


The Spanish word 'audición' translates to 'audition' in English. This term generally refers to a sample performance by an actor, singer, musician, dancer or other performing artist. It is usually given in the context of a rehearsal, demonstration or evaluation of the artist's suitability for a role, a performance, or for admission into a performing arts school. The word 'audición' may also refer to the process of hearing, which is the sense or faculty by which sound is perceived.

cadena nacional
national network

The term 'cadena nacional' in Spanish can be translated to 'national network' in English. The term is frequently used to describe a mandatory nationwide broadcast used by government authorities to transmit information of national importance. Typically, all the radio and television stations in the country must simultaneously broadcast this content. It might be used for various purposes, ranging from delivering a speech by the President, or other high-ranking officials, to informing about urgent news or important nationwide initiatives.

cadena privado
private network

The term 'cadena privado' is Spanish, directly translated to English as 'private chain'. However, in terms of network and technology, this term can refer to a 'private network'. A private network is a type of network where the access and use are restricted, typically within an organization. This allows enhanced security and control over data shared, reduced traffic, boosted speed, and improved network efficiency.

cadena público
public network

The Spanish term 'cadena pública' translates to 'public network' in English. It typically refers to a system of radio, television, digital media, or other platforms that are operated by the public sector. Unlike private networks that are often funded through subscriptions or advertisements, a public network usually receives funding from the government or through public donations. It's commonly used for providing non-commercial programming focusing on public interest, such as educational content, arts, culture, and public affairs programming.

cadena regional
regional network

The Spanish term 'cadena regional' translates to 'regional network' in English. In the context of broadcasting, this term refers to a network of radio or television stations that are only available in a specific region or area. For instance, it could be a group of radio stations that only broadcasts to a particular province or part of the country.

cambiar de cadena
change network

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de cadena' translates to 'change network' in English. It is often used in the context of broadcasting or telecommunications, where you may want to switch from one network provider to another. Just as we might say 'change channels' on a television, 'cambiar de cadena' could also reflect this action of change or transition in Spanish.

cambiar de canal
change of channel

The Spanish term 'cambiar de canal' translates directly to 'change of channel' in English. This phrase is most commonly used in the context of television viewing, especially when referencing the action of switching from one TV channel to another via a remote control or TV controls.

cambiar de emisora
change of station

The Spanish phrase 'cambiar de emisora' translates to 'change of station' in English. It typically refers to changing the radio or television station. For instance, if you're listening to a radio station and you decide to tune into a different one, in Spanish, you would be said to 'cambiar de emisora'. It could also be used more broadly to indicate a change in the source of something or a transition of some sort.


The Spanish word 'canal' translates to 'channel' in English. It can be used to refer to a natural or artificial body of water allowing passage of boats or ships. Also, it can imply a television or radio frequency, or a medium of communication. 'Canal' can be used metaphorically as well, referring to the concept of making or finding a way through something or towards something.

canal nacional
national channel

The Spanish phrase 'canal nacional' translates to 'national channel' in English. It is used to describe a television or radio channel that is broadcasted throughout the entire country, and is accessible to people living in any region of the nation. It can also refer to a communication or transportation route that serves a national interest or is of national significance.

canal privado
private channel

The term 'canal privado' in Spanish translates to 'private channel' in English. This could refer to a communication channel that is only open or available to specific individuals or a group, thus ensuring a level of confidentiality. Examples of usage in context could be a private discussion forum on the internet or a television channel that requires a special subscription to access. Its usage can be broad and can apply to various contexts based on the situation.

canal público
public channel

The Spanish term 'canal público' translates to 'public channel' in English. This phrase is often used in contexts involving broadcasting and communications, typically referring to a television or radio channel that is controlled and funded by the public. These channels are often tasked with serving the public interest and are not motivated by profit. Since they are publicly funded, public channels are obligated to be transparent and accountable to the public. In Spanish societies, a 'canal público' is an integral part of the media landscape, providing a source of news, entertainment, and educational programming to the Spanish-speaking community.

canal regional
regional channel

The Spanish phrase 'canal regional' translates to 'regional channel' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of television or radio broadcasting, where it refers to a channel or station that is broadcasted and available to a specific region or locale. For example, a canal regional in Spain may only be available to viewers in Madrid or Barcelona, not the entire country. The term is used to describe a way for media companies to target their broadcasts to specific geographic areas.


The term 'capítulo' is a Spanish noun that translates to 'chapter' in English. In a book, a chapter is a division of a novel or named parts of a piece of writing, each typically dealing with a certain aspect or theme. In the same manner, 'capítulo' in Spanish literature refers to these specific sections. Additionally, it can also symbolize an episode in a television series in some contexts. In general, it is used to denote segments or parts of a larger body of work.


The Spanish word 'concurso' translates to 'contest' in English. It is often used to refer to a competition where an individual or a team competes against others to win something. This can apply to many contexts, including sports, academics, arts, and more. An example of this in a sentence might be, 'El concurso de cocina será la próxima semana', which translates as, 'The cooking contest will be next week'.

consultar la programación
consult the programming

The Spanish phrase 'consultar la programación' translates to 'consult the programming' in English. This phrase might be used in a context where one needs to check or review the programming, which could refer to a number of things such as a TV schedule, a computer program's code, or even the planning of an event or activity. It encompasses a sense of seeking information on the structure, plan, or arrangement of the thing being programmed.


The Spanish word 'corresponsal' translates to 'correspondent' in English. A correspondent refers to a person who writes letters or who communicates for a newspaper, often from a foreign country. In the field of journalism, a correspondent is an on-the-field reporter who delivers reports, usually through broadcast media. The term 'corresponsal' can also be used in a more general context to indicate a person who is involved in regular communication with another person or institution.

soap opera

The Spanish word 'culebrón' translates to 'soap opera' in English. A 'soap opera' is a type of television drama series that traditionally is shown in the afternoon or evening, typically five days a week. The narrative world in soap operas consists of a small group of characters that are interrelated by family, work, and friendships. Soap operas usually focus on situations like family affairs, romance, and personal conflicts. They are characterized by their open-ended narrative structure, melodramatic style, and ensemble cast.

cuota de audiencia
hearing fee

The Spanish term 'cuota de audiencia' can be somewhat misleading when translated directly into English. It doesn't refer to a 'hearing fee', but it is better understood as 'audience share'. This term commonly appears in the field of television or radio broadcasting where it represents the percentage of a total potential or in-use audience that is tuned in to a specific program or station at a given time. It provides an indication of the popularity of a program or station.


The word 'debate' in Spanish translates directly to 'debate' in English. It is used to describe a formal discussion or argument, typically in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are advocated. It can also refer to a discussion of a specific topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which the participants present and discuss their views on the topic.


The Spanish term 'dirección' translates into English as 'address'. This could refer to a residential or business location. It is used in a similar context as in English, for identifying a specified place or arrangement of a building or a place on a map. An example of usage can be '¿Cuál es tu dirección?', translating to 'What's your address?'.


The word 'documental' in Spanish translates to 'documentary' in English. This term is often associated with factual, non-fiction films or television programs that are created to document an aspect of reality, such as historical events, wildlife, or other real-world topics. They are designed to inform, educate, or entertain audiences. The Spanish word 'documental' is similar in usage, pertaining to this category of media content.


The Spanish word 'emisión' translates to 'emission' in English. It is used mainly in scientific contexts to refer to the process of discharging or expelling matter, energy or radiation. It can also broadly mean the act of producing and releasing something, especially gas or radiation, either naturally or as a byproduct. In a financial environment, it might refer to the release or circulation of shares or currency by a company or a government. This term is often used in the context of environmental discussions, as in 'emisión de gases'.

emitir un programa
issue a program

The Spanish phrase 'emitir un programa' directly translates to 'issue a program' in English. However, in context, the phrase is often used to mean 'broadcast a program'. This can refer to airing a television show, radio program, or any other type of media production. It is an action usually carried out by television, radio stations or streaming platforms.

emitir una noticia
issue news

The term 'emitir una noticia' in Spanish can be translated into English as 'issue news'. It is generally used to refer to the action taken by media outlets to broadcast news or disseminate information to the public. Journalists, news channels, radio stations, and online news platforms often use this term to indicate the release of news or information.

enviado especial
Special envoy

The Spanish term 'enviado especial' translates to 'special envoy' in English. A special envoy is a diplomat appointed for a specific task or mission, often temporary, and is typically used in diplomatic discussions or negotiations. These individuals are usually appointed by a government or an organization to undertake diplomatic tasks to represent their interests. The term 'enviado especial' encompasses this idea and is used in similar political or diplomatic contexts in the Spanish language.


The Spanish word 'episodio' directly translates to 'episode' in English. The term is generally used to refer to a distinct portion or segment within a more comprehensive text, story, or sequence of events, often within a serialized form of narrative like a TV show or radio program. 'Episodio' can also refer to a distinctive or significant occurrence or event within a series of related events or happenings.

escuchar la radio
listen to the radio

The Spanish term 'escuchar la radio' translates to 'listen to the radio' in English. This phrase is typically used when you want to express or tell someone about your intention or act of tuning into a radio station for news, music, broadcasts, and other programs. Including 'escuchar', which means 'to listen', and 'la radio', which means 'the radio', the phrase can be used in various contexts relating to the use of a radio.

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