Spanish Sports Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of words related to sports translated from English to Spanish. Useful for beginners learning Spanish.

quedar campeón del mundo
become world champion

The Spanish phrase 'quedar campeón del mundo' translates to 'become world champion' in English. This phrase is often used in sports and competitive contexts to refer to someone who achieves the highest honor or acclaim in their field on a global scale. It signifies great accomplishment, prestige, and recognition.


The term 'raqueta' in Spanish translates to 'racket' in English. Primarily, it's used to denote the sporting equipment consisting of a handled frame with an open hoop, which a network of cord is tightly stretched. This equipment is commonly used in games such as tennis, badminton, and squash. The user swings the 'raqueta' to hit a ball or shuttlecock in the respective sport.

retirarse un deportista
withdraw a sportsman

The Spanish expression 'retirarse un deportista' can be translated into English as 'a sportsman withdraws'. This essentially refers to a scenario where a sports person, like an athlete or a footballer, decides to quit or step back from their sports career. This could be due to various reasons that could range from injuries, personal issues, age factor or simply the desire to pursue other areas of interest. Also, 'retirarse' can imply retiring from a single event or match, not only from the entire sports activity.


Rugby is a team sport that involves running with the ball in hand. It's played between two teams each seeking to win by scoring more points through tries, conversions, penalty kicks, and field goals.

Example sentences with  Rugby
salir de juerga
get out of play

The Spanish phrase 'salir de juerga' does not translate directly to 'get out of play' in English. It is typically used to describe the act of going out, particularly for a night of partying or having fun. In this context, a more accurate English translation of 'salir de juerga' might be 'to go out partying' or 'to go out on the town'.

to jump

'Saltar' corresponds to the act of leaping or hopping, typically by launching oneself into the air.

Example sentences with  saltar
saltarse las reglas del juego
break the rules of the game

The Spanish phrase 'saltarse las reglas del juego' translates to 'break the rules of the game' in English. It refers to the action of not following established protocols or rules, particularly in a game, but it can be applied in a broad range of contexts as well.


The Spanish word 'sancionar' translates into 'sanction' in English. It primarily refers to a threatened penalty or measure imposed as a result of an action, behaviour, or policy considered by others to be inappropriate or unacceptable. This could include economic restrictions or limitations, disapproval or consequence levied by an organization or country, or a punishment decided by law or regulation. The term can be used in various contexts, including political, economic, educational, and sports environments, among others.


The Spanish word 'seguidor' translates to 'follower' in English. It can be used in various contexts. For instance, in the context of social media, 'seguidor' refers to a follower or a subscriber of an account. In general, it may refer to someone who supports or admires a particular person, group, or cause. The term can also denote a person who continues the practices, traditions, or works pioneered before by another individual or group.

seguir las reglas del juego
follow the rules of the game

The Spanish phrase 'seguir las reglas del juego' translates directly to 'follow the rules of the game' in English. This phrase can be dissected into individual words wherein 'seguir' means 'follow', 'las' is 'the', 'reglas' is 'rules', 'del' is a contraction of 'de' and 'el' translating to 'of the', and 'juego' means 'game'. This phrase is often used metaphorically to denote adhering to established norms or practicing fairness in different aspects of life, similar to its usage in English.


The Spanish word 'semifinal' is directly translated into English as 'semifinal'. It is used in sports or any other competitive events as a phase prior to the final round. It denotes one of two matches, races, etc., that decide who will compete in the final round of a championship. It can also refer to something related to or connected with these matches or races.

ser campeón
be champion

The Spanish phrase 'ser campeón' translates to 'be champion' in English. It is often used to describe someone who has won or is victorious in a competition or contest. It can be metaphorically used to describe someone who is successful or accomplished in a particular area or field. 'Ser' is a verb that means 'be', and 'campeón' is a noun that means 'champion'. The phrase expresses a state of being or identity, suggesting an inherent or permanent characteristic rather than a temporary condition.

ser de un equipo
being of a team

The Spanish phrase 'ser de un equipo' translates directly to 'being of a team' in English. However, in a more natural English phrase context, the meaning of 'ser de un equipo' represents the idea of 'belonging to a team' or 'being a member of a team'. This phrase is commonly used in Spanish to refer to someone's participation or involvement in a specific team, such as in sports or work environments. This phrase implies a sense of belonging and identity within the context of a team.


The Spanish term 'socio' translates to the English word 'partner'. It can have a variety of uses depending on context, but often refers to a business partner or someone with whom one shares a significant responsibility or undertaking. For example, someone might refer to their business collaborator as their 'socio'. In a more casual setting, 'socio' can also refer to a partner in the sense of a life partner or spouse. However, this use is less common. As with all translations, understanding the intended meaning depends greatly on the context in which it's used.

subir al podio
climb the podium

The Spanish phrase 'subir al podio' is a verb phrase that directly translates to 'climb the podium' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports or competitions, where winners are usually invited to 'subir al podio' or 'climb the podium' in order to receive awards or recognition. It symbolizes achieving a high ranking or significant achievement.


The Spanish word 'sudar' translates to 'sweat' in English. It is a verb that describes the process of excreting a salty liquid from the skin's pores, typically as a response to heat, physical exertion, or stress. In a colloquial or figurative sense, 'sudar' also means to work hard or to worry about something.

sufrir una lesión
suffer injury

The Spanish phrase 'sufrir una lesión' translates to 'suffer injury' in English. This expression is typically used in a medical or sports context, when someone sustains physical harm or damage. It can be used to describe various kinds of injuries, from minor ones like cuts or bruises to major ones like fractures or wounds. It's important to note that this is a fairly formal way to convey the idea of getting injured in Spanish.

tener una lesión
having an injury

The Spanish phrase 'tener una lesión' translates into English as 'having an injury'. It is a commonly used phrase in Spanish and it is used in the context of physical health or sports. It is important to note 'tener' means 'to have', 'una' means 'a' and 'lesión' means 'injury'. Therefore, if you say in Spanish 'Yo tengo una lesión', you are saying 'I have an injury' in English.


Tennis is a sport played either between two individuals or two teams of two players each. Players use a racket to strike the ball over a net into the opponent's court.

Example sentences with  Tenis

The Spanish word 'torneo' translates to 'tournament' in English. A 'torneo', which can be used both literally and figuratively, refers to a competition involving a relatively large number of competitors, all participating in a sport or game. More broadly, it can mean a series of contests in a specific period of time.


The Spanish word 'tribuna' translates to 'tribune' in English. It is a noun that is commonly used in a journalistic context to refer to a newspaper column or a platform where speakers stand to address a crowd. It can also refer to a raised area or platform in a theater, classroom, or other public venue from where people can view a performance or event. While the specific connotations can vary slightly depending on the context, the essential meaning of 'tribuna' as a place, space, or means for public speaking or viewing remains constant.


The Spanish word 'vencer' corresponds to 'defeat' in English. It's used in a context where one person or team wins a competition or battle, effectively overpowering another. For instance, in a game or sport, the team that scores the most points would 'vencer' their opponents. Therefore, 'vencer' can also often signify a triumph or victory over a challenge, competitor, or adversity.


The Spanish word 'victoria' translates to 'victory' in English. It is commonly used in any context pertaining to winning, or coming first in a competition, battle, or any other sort of contest. It symbolizes triumph or success over an opponent or adversarial situation. It's derived from the Latin name, 'Victoria', who was the Roman goddess of victory. So you could use 'victoria' in any situation where you would use 'victory' in English.


Volleyball is a sport played by two teams of six players each on a court divided by a net. The objective is to send the ball over the net in a way that the opposing team is unable to return it.

Example sentences with  Voleibol
zapatos deportivos
Sport shoes

The Spanish term 'zapatos deportivos' translates to 'sport shoes' in English. This term is generally used to refer to footwear designed specifically for sports or other forms of physical exercise. They can also serve in everyday casual wear. These shoes often have features that provide additional support, comfort, and protection to the feet during high-impact, strenuous activities. However, the design and aesthetics of these shoes vary greatly based on the specific sport or activity for which they are intended.

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