Spanish Sports Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of words related to sports translated from English to Spanish. Useful for beginners learning Spanish.

llevarse la copa
to win the cup

The Spanish term 'llevarse la copa' directly translates to 'to take the cup', however, in colloquial English it is commonly interpreted and used as 'to win the cup'. This expression is often used in contexts related to competitions, most frequently in sports, but can also refer to any situation where there is a winner and a prize or award to be won. Therefore, when someone 'se lleva la copa', it means that they have outperformed others to claim the top prize.

llevarse la victoria
take the victory

The Spanish phrase 'llevarse la victoria' translates to 'take the victory' in English. This is commonly used when a person, team, or group becomes a winner in a competition or achieves success in a particular endeavor. Effective usage of the said phrase often conveys triumph, achievement, or success.

llevarse mal
get hurt.

The Spanish phrase 'llevarse mal' does not mean 'get hurt' in English. In fact, this phrase is better translated as 'to get along poorly'. It is often used to describe social relationships, particularly when there are disagreements or conflicts. For example, you may use 'llevarse mal' to describe two friends who are constantly arguing and have a strained relationship.


The Spanish word 'lucha' translates to 'fight' in English. It is primarily used to denote a struggle or a conflict. 'Lucha' can refer to a physical fight, such as a boxing match, or it can be metaphorical, as in a fight or struggle for rights or justice. Use it in the same manner as you would use 'fight' in English.

Example sentences with  lucha

The Spanish word 'montañero' translates to 'mountaineer' in English. A 'montañero' is a person who practices or is interested in mountaineering, which refers to the sport, hobby or profession of walking, hiking and climbing up mountains. It is often associated with outdoor activities and exploration in high mountainous areas.

Example sentences with  montañero
montar en bicicleta
bike ride

The Spanish phrase 'montar en bicicleta' translates to 'bike ride' in English. It is often used when referring to the activity of riding a bicycle for leisure, exercise, or transportation. In this phrase, 'montar' means 'to ride', 'en' means 'in', and 'bicicleta' signifies 'bicycle'. Therefore, when combined, the phrase means 'to ride a bicycle' or simply a 'bike ride' in English.


The Spanish word 'músculo' translates as 'muscle' in English. It refers to a band or bundle of fibrous tissue in a human or animal body that has the ability to contract, producing movement in or maintaining the position of parts of the body. Muscles are the driving force behind physical activity, whether it be voluntary, such as walking or talking, or involuntary, such as breathing or heartbeat.

to swim

'Nadar' refers to the act of moving through water by moving the body.

Example sentences with  nadar
nadar a braza
swim breaststroke

The phrase 'nadar a braza' in Spanish translates to 'swim breaststroke' in English. This refers to one of the swimming styles where the swimmer is on their chest and extends their arms in a manner similar to a bird flying, while their legs perform a whip-like kick. This style is originally known for being taught to beginners for its simplicity and is also used in professional swimming competitions.

Example sentences with  nadar a braza
nadar a crol
swim front crawl

The Spanish phrase 'nadar a crol' translates to 'swim front crawl' in English. The front crawl, also known as freestyle, is a swimming style usually regarded as the fastest and most efficient of the four front primary strokes. It involves alternate over-the-top arm strokes and a flutter kick. 'Nadar' is the Spanish verb that means to swim, while 'a crol' refers to the specific style of swimming, in this case, it's the 'front crawl'. Thus, 'nadar a crol' essentially means to swim using the front crawl technique.

Example sentences with  nadar a crol
nadar de espaldas
swim on your back

The Spanish phrase 'nadar de espaldas' translates to 'swim on your back' in English. This is a term often used in swimming instructions or advisories, typically referring to a method of swimming where the swimmer is face-up in the water. This is a common swimming style and an essential survival swimming technique, providing the benefit of being able to breathe and see while swimming, which can be especially useful in rough water or survival situations.

Example sentences with  nadar de espaldas

Swimming is a sport or activity of propelling oneself through water using the limbs. It can be done either competitively or leisurely for exercise.

Example sentences with  natación

The Spanish term 'navegar' translates to 'sail' in English. It refers to the action of traveling or moving in a watercraft, specifically in a boat or a ship, across a body of water such as an ocean, lake, or river. This could include activities like steering, navigating, or managing a boat or ship. 'Navegar' could also imply the act of surfing or browsing the internet.

Example sentences with  navegar

The Spanish word 'olimpiada' translates to 'olympiad' in English. An olympiad is a period of four years between the games of the Olympic tournament that serves as a unit of time in historical dating systems of many ancient civilizations. It is also used in a more general sense to refer to a variety of sport competitions including various Olympic Games, such as Summer, Winter, and other international competitions.

palacio de deportes
sports palace

The Spanish term 'palacio de deportes' translates to 'sports palace' in English. This term is often used to refer to a large, typically domed building that is designed to host large scale sporting events and competitions. It can also be used for non-sporting events such as concerts or exhibitions. The term is used to refer to structures that have facilities for various sports and other amenities like locker rooms, equipment storage, and refreshment areas. An example of a 'palacio de deportes' in use would be 'El Palacio de Deportes de la Comunidad de Madrid', a sports complex located in Madrid, Spain.


The Spanish word 'parapente' translates to 'paragliding' in English. Paragliding is a recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness or lies supine in a cocoon-like 'speed bag' suspended below a fabric wing. It is a popular activity and offers a sense of freedom and excitement.

Example sentences with  parapente
participar en el entrenamiento
participate in training

The phrase 'participar en el entrenamiento' in Spanish translates to 'participate in training' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of attending or taking part in a training session or course. It involves the action of being actively involved or engaged in a learning process or activity. This phrase can be used in various contexts such as in sports training, business training sessions, educational training programmes, and others.

partido de baloncesto
basketball game

The Spanish phrase 'partido de baloncesto' translates into English as 'basketball game'. It is used to refer to an event where two teams play the sport of basketball against each other, typically in a structured competition. This might be in a formal setting, such as a professional league or tournament, or a casual context, like a community game or school sports event. The length of the game can vary, but it is typically composed of four periods or quarters of game time.

partido de fútbol
football game

The Spanish term 'partido de fútbol' translates to 'football game' in English. It implies a competitive event where two teams play against each other in the game of football. Each team tries to score more goals than the other during a prespecified duration.


Pelota is the Spanish term for ball, something a child might play with.

Example sentences with  pelota
pelota de golf
golf ball

The term 'pelota de golf' in Spanish translates to 'golf ball' in English. This means a small, hard ball used in the game of golf. The golf ball is typically white, covered in dimples, and designed to be hit by golf clubs across a course and into a hole.

pelota de tenis
tennis ball

The term 'pelota de tenis' is Spanish for 'tennis ball'. In many sports and games, a tennis ball, which has a uniformly fuzzed surface and is bright in color, typically yellow, is used. This ball is typically 6.7 – 6.9 cm in diameter, made of rubber, and covered in a fibrous felt. The term can also be used metaphorically to denote back-and-forth movements or exchanges in conversations or debates similar to the back-and-forth play in a tennis match.


The Spanish word 'perdedor' translates to 'loser' in English. This term is generally used to describe someone who tends to lose in games, contests, or life situations, but can also be utilized in a more figurative sense to refer to a person who is unsuccessful or lacks achievement in their everyday existence. It is important to note that like in English, 'perdedor' can carry a negative connotation in Spanish.


The Spanish word 'perder' means to 'lose' in English. It is used in similar circumstances as in English. For example, it could be used to express the loss of an item, to lose oneself in a place, or losing a game. Like 'lose' in English, 'perder' is a verb and would change forms depending on tense and subject.

Example sentences with  perder

The Spanish word 'piscina' translates to 'pool' in English. It's commonly used to refer to a structure that is designed to hold water for leisure activities like swimming. It can be found in public places like parks and recreational centers, but also in private residences. The word 'piscina' can also be used to describe a specific type of pool known as a 'swimming pool'.

pista de tenis
tennis court

The Spanish term 'pista de tenis' translates directly to 'tennis court' in English. It's a venue where the sport of tennis is played. It consists of a rectangular surface with markings and a net in the middle. It can be made from different materials such as clay, grass, hard court, or artificial grass. It is a common term used in sports and is integral to the game of tennis.


The Spanish word 'portero' translates to 'doorman' in English. A doorman is an employee of a building (often a residential building or hotel) who stands at the door, greets residents and guests, and may perform services such as receiving mail or luggage. Similarly, a 'portero' performs the same duties in Spanish-speaking countries.

practicar un deporte
practice sports

'Practicar un deporte' in Spanish translates to 'practice sports' in English. This phrase is typically used in conversation or written text to express the act of partaking in a physical exercise or game typically conducted in a competitive nature. Just like in English, it may denote the regular engagement in a sport for skill improvement, physical strengthening, or pleasure.

quedar campeón de copa
become cup champion

The Spanish phrase 'quedar campeón de copa' translates to 'become cup champion' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports, and particularly in football (or soccer, as it is known in the US), to refer to the achievement of a team or individual emerging as the victor in a tournament or competition that rewards the winner with a cup or similar trophy. For example, if a football team wins the World Cup, they 'quedan campeones de copa'.

quedar campeón de liga
become league champion

The Spanish phrase 'quedar campeón de liga' translates to 'become league champion' in English. It is often used in the context of sports to describe a team or individual that has won a league championship. The verb 'quedar' can have different meanings, but in this phrase it is used to indicate an outcome or result. 'Campeón' is the Spanish word for 'champion', and 'liga' is a term for a sports league.

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