Spanish Sports Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of words related to sports translated from English to Spanish. Useful for beginners learning Spanish.


The word 'grada' does not mean graduate in English. It actually means 'stand, step, or tier' in Spanish, specifically referring to seats in a stadium or any similar structure arranged in levels or layers.

guantes de boxeo
Boxing gloves

The Spanish phrase 'guantes de boxeo' translates to 'boxing gloves' in English. These are special gloves that boxers wear during their matches to protect their hands and to cushion the impact when they hit their opponents. They can be made of various materials, such as leather or synthetic materials, and come in different weights and sizes. Apart from professional boxing, these gloves are also widely used in other martial arts and fitness training activities.

hacer atletismo
do athletics

The Spanish phrase 'hacer atletismo' translates to 'do athletics' in English. It is commonly used to express the act of participating or engaging in athletic activities, such as track and field events. This may involve running, jumping, throwing and other physical exercises. The verb 'hacer' means 'to do' and 'atletismo' is the term for 'athletics', and they come together to form 'hacer atletismo'. This phrase could show up in various contexts, such as talking about one's hobbies and interests or discussing professional and sporting events.

hacer ciclismo
go cycling

'Hacer ciclismo' is a phrase in Spanish that, when translated into English, basically means 'go cycling'. This phrase is commonly used when discussing outdoor activities and sports. It is a combination of the verb 'hacer', which means 'to do', and the noun 'ciclismo', which means 'cycling'. Therefore, someone saying 'me gusta hacer ciclismo' is expressing that they enjoy going cycling.

hacer descenso de barrancos
decrease of ravines

'Hacer descenso de barrancos' is a Spanish phrase that may not translate directly into English very well. A more accurate translation could be 'canyoning' or 'gorge-walking'. This phrase refers to the outdoor adventure sport that involves travelling down creeks or streams within a canyon by a variety of means including hiking, jumping, rappelling, and swimming. Despite the English translation given as 'decrease of ravines', its meaning is more associated with the adventurous activity rather than any geological changes.

Example sentences with  hacer descenso de barrancos
hacer ejercicio

The Spanish phrase 'hacer ejercicio' translates to 'exercise' in English. It is a common phrase used to refer to the act of engaging in physical activity or sports for the purpose of maintaining or improving physical fitness and health. This can include anything from going to the gym, running, swimming, to even simple activities like walking or doing household chores. It is considered a regular verb phrase in Spanish grammar, with 'hacer' meaning 'to do/make' and 'ejercicio' standing for 'exercise'.

hacer escalada

The Spanish term 'hacer escalada' translates to 'climbing' in English. It's a verb phrase commonly used to refer to the physical activity of climbing, particularly in the context of outdoor sports or activities. This can involve scaling structures such as mountains, cliffs or artificial climbing walls. In certain contexts, it may also refer to metaphorical or figurative climbing, such as opening one's way to success.

Example sentences with  hacer escalada
hacer gimnasia
do gymnastics

'Hacer gimnasia' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'do gymnastics' in English. It is a verb phrase used to denote the activity of participating in gymnastics, which is a sport that involves exercises requiring balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination, and endurance. The practice of this sport can take place in various contexts such as recreational, school, or competitive environments. Similar to English, the phrase 'hacer gimnasia' may also be used metaphorically in Spanish to refer to any complex or difficult situation requiring agility or careful maneuvering.

hacer senderismo

The Spanish phrase 'hacer senderismo' translates to 'hiking' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of outdoor recreational activities, where individuals or groups walk or march for long distances, particularly in rural or wilderness settings. A person who does this activity is commonly known as a 'senderista' in Spanish, or a hiker in English.

hacerse socio de un club
become a partner of a club

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse socio de un club' translates to 'become a partner of a club' in English. It's used when somebody wants to join a club, often with rights of ownership or voting privileges. This can apply to any kind of club, for example a sports club, a hobby club, or a business club. This phrase emphasizes the intention to actively participate, not just to receive the benefits associated with membership.

hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)
become a partner of an association (sport)

The Spanish phrase 'hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)' translates to English as 'become a partner of an association (sport)'. It is used in the context where an individual chooses to join or become a member of an organization, often specific to sports. For example, if you want to join a local football club, you would 'hacerse socio de una asociación (deportiva)'. Thus, it signifies active participation and partnership in any association or club, particularly those related to sports.


Hockey in Spanish is translated as hockey in English. It is a sport where two teams play against each other by trying to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent's goal using a hockey stick.

Example sentences with  Hockey
instalaciones deportivas
sports facilities

The Spanish phrase 'instalaciones deportivas' translates to 'sports facilities' in English. This term is used to describe a building, place, or establishment equipped for sports training, physical education, or competitive sports. Sports facilities can include sports complexes, swimming pools, football fields, tennis courts, gyms, and more.


The word 'juego' is used in Spanish just like 'game' is used in English. It can stand for a form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck. It could also mean a complete episode or period of play, typically ending in a definite result. Also, don't forget about the other use of '-game' like 'video juego' which means 'video game'.

Example sentences with  juego
juego limpio
fair play

The Spanish term 'juego limpio' translates to 'fair play' in English. It is often used in situations where the adherence to rules, honesty, and sportsmanship are highlighted. In sports, it refers to the idea of playing in a just and consistent manner. The concept extends beyond sports and can be applied in daily life where it represents fairness, decency, and respect for others.

juegos olímpicos (JJ. OO.)
Olympic Games (JJOO)

The word 'juegos olímpicos (JJ. OO.)' is Spanish for 'Olympic Games (JJOO)'. This refers to the major international multi-sport event, held every four years, where athletes from around the world participate in a variety of competitions. The Olympic Games are considered the world's foremost sports competition and more than 200 nations participate. The phrase 'juegos olímpicos' directly translates to 'Olympic Games' and 'JJ. OO.' or 'JJOO' is a common abbreviation used in Spanish.


In Spanish, 'jugador' is used to refer to someone who plays, usually related to sports or games. It can be used in the same context as 'player' in English, such as a football player or a chess player. Like in English, it's gender-neutral when written, but when spoken it can change to 'jugadora' for a female player.

Example sentences with  jugador
jugar al baloncesto
play basketball

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al baloncesto' translates to 'play basketball' in English. This verb phrase is composed of the infinitive 'jugar', which means 'to play', and the object 'al baloncesto', which means 'basketball'. Therefore, when you say 'jugar al baloncesto', you're expressing the action of playing basketball. This phrase can be used in various contexts, such as talking about hobbies, discussing sports, and so on.

jugar al béisbol
play baseball

The phrase 'jugar al béisbol' in Spanish translates to 'play baseball' in English. In this phrase, 'jugar' is a verb that means 'to play', and 'béisbol' is a noun that means 'baseball'. In Spanish, the preposition 'al' is often used when we talk about playing a sport. So 'jugar al béisbol' is a common phrase used in Spanish to describe the action of playing baseball.

jugar al fútbol
play football

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al fútbol' translates to 'play football' in English. It's a common phrase used to refer to the act of playing the sport of football (soccer in American English), which is one of the most popular sports in Spanish-speaking countries. The verb 'jugar' means 'to play,' and 'al fútbol' specifically means 'football.' Therefore, if you're ever in a Spanish-speaking country and someone asks you if you want to 'jugar al fútbol,' they're inviting you to play a game of football.

jugar al tenis
play tennis

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al tenis' translates to 'play tennis' in English. This verb phrase will be used when referring to the act of playing tennis. In this phrase, 'jugar' represents the verb 'to play', 'al' is a preposition akin to 'to' or 'at' in English, and 'tenis' stands for the noun 'tennis'. Applying the phrase in a sentence could be: 'A Pedro le gusta jugar al tenis', which is translated as 'Peter likes to play tennis'.

jugar al voleibol
play volleyball

The Spanish phrase 'jugar al voleibol' translates in English to 'play volleyball'. This is a common phrase used to refer to engaging in a game or match of volleyball, a popular sport in many countries. The word 'jugar' means 'to play' and 'voleibol' represents the name of the sport itself - volleyball. Hence, 'jugar al voleibol' implies participating in a volleyball game.

jugar sucio
to play dirty

Jugar sucio is a Spanish phrase which in English means 'to play dirty'. It is often used in the context of sports or games, suggesting that someone is not following the rules or is using underhanded tactics to try and win. However, it can also be applied to other situations in life where someone might be acting dishonestly or unfairly to gain an advantage.


The Spanish word for 'throw' is 'lanzar'. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as throwing a ball ('lanzar una pelota'), discarding or getting rid of something ('lanzarlo a la basura') or even launching a new product ('lanzar un nuevo producto'). Just like in English, 'lanzar' is a versatile verb in Spanish usage.

Example sentences with  lanzar
lesión crónica
chronic injury

The Spanish term 'lesión crónica' translates to 'chronic injury' in English. In the medical field, a chronic injury refers to a long-lasting condition that may not be completely curable. This type of injury is often caused by doing the same motion repetitively over a substantial period of time, leading to stress and damage on particular body part or parts. 'Lesión crónica' carries the same meaning in Spanish, referring to an injury or damage to the body that persists for an extended duration.

lesión grave
serious injury

The term 'lesión grave' in Spanish is translated to mean 'serious injury' in English. It consists of two words: 'lesión', which means 'injury', and 'grave', which means 'serious'. This term would be used in medical or legal contexts to denote a severe physical injury that significantly affects an individual's health or well-being. Be sure to note the pronunciation of the accent on 'lesión', as it's often a point of difficulty for non-Spanish speakers.

to injure

The Spanish verb 'lesionar' translates to 'to injure' in English. It is commonly used to refer to causing harm or damage to a person's body, often in the context of physical activity or an accident. Like most Spanish verbs, 'lesionar' can be conjugated in various ways to indicate tense, mood, and aspect. For instance, 'yo lesiono' (I injure), 'tu lesionaste' (you injured), 'el lesionará' (he will injure), and so on.


The Spanish translation for leader is 'líder'. It is used similarly in both Spanish and English to denote a person who leads a group, team, or organization. It can apply to various contexts, ranging from a team leader in sports, a leader in a business organization, to a political leader.

Example sentences with  líder

The Spanish word 'liga' translates to 'league' in English. In most contexts, it is used to refer to a group or a series of teams that compete against each other in a sport. For example, La Liga is a popular Spanish football league. The word can also refer to a union or association formed for mutual benefit, especially in political or business matters. Thus, 'liga' can be used in various contexts and its meaning can slightly change based on that.

llevarse el trofeo
take the trophy

'Llevarse el trofeo' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'take the trophy' in English. It's often used in sports or competitive situations to indicate someone claiming a hard-fought victory or achievement. It can have a more general meaning of 'to emerge victorious' or 'to attain success in an endeavor'.

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