Spanish Sports Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of words related to sports translated from English to Spanish. Useful for beginners learning Spanish.

dar una patada

The Spanish phrase 'dar una patada' directly translates as 'give a kick'. In English usage, we simply say 'kick'. This phrase can be used in various contexts just like in English. It's often used to describe the action in sports such as football, or in a physical altercation where one person might 'kick' another. So if you hear or read 'dar una patada', you can be sure it refers to the act of using the foot or leg in a swift motion to hit or strike something or someone.


The word 'deporte' in Spanish translates to 'sport' in English. Its usage is similar to English, being used to talk about physical activities in which individuals or teams compete against each other. For example, 'Futbol es un deporte popular en España' translates to 'Football is a popular sport in Spain'. Like in English, the noun 'deporte' can also be used in general to discuss the concept of physical exercise and activity.

Example sentences with  deporte
deporte de competición
sport of competition

The Spanish phrase 'deporte de competición' translates to 'sport of competition' in English. It is used to refer to any sport that involves competition between players or teams. This could range from traditional sports like football and basketball, to less conventional sports like competitive gaming or chess. The emphasis is on the element of competition that is inherent in these activities.

deporte de equipo
sport of equipment

The Spanish phrase 'deporte de equipo' does not translate to 'sport of equipment'. It actually translates to 'team sport' in English. In Spanish, 'deporte' means 'sport', 'de' means 'of', and 'equipo' means 'team'. So, collectively, 'deporte de equipo' refers to any sport that involves multiple players working together as a unit or team, such as soccer, basketball, or baseball.

deporte de invierno
winter sport

The phrase 'deporte de invierno' in Spanish translates to 'winter sport' in English. It refers to any sports or athletic activities that are typically played during the winter season. These can include sports that are played in snow or ice conditions like skiing, snowboarding, ice hockey, and figure skating. The phrase may also be used to refer to indoor sports events that are typically scheduled during the winter season due to weather constraints.

deporte de riesgo
sport at risk

The Spanish term 'deporte de riesgo' translates to 'extreme sport' or 'adventure sport' in English. It refers to sports activities perceived as involving a high degree of risk due to inherent dangers associated with the activity. These sports often involve speed, height, a high level of physical exertion, and highly specialized gear or spectacular stunts. Examples of 'deporte de riesgo' might include activities like rock climbing, white-water rafting, or base jumping.


The Spanish word 'deportista' translates to 'sportsman' in English. This term refers to someone who is skilled in sports, particularly those who participate in it professionally or competitively. However, it can also be used casually to refer to anyone who enjoys or frequently engages in sports. This word is often used to respect and acknowledge an individual's physical abilities and dedication to their chosen sport.


The Spanish word 'derrotado' translates to 'defeated' in English. Its use is in the context of losing a battle, game, contest, argument or other instance of competition. It can refer to both physical and metaphorical defeat. An example sentence could be 'El equipo fue derrotado en el partido de ayer', which translates to 'The team was defeated in yesterday's match'.

disputar un encuentro
dispute a meeting

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un encuentro' translates to 'dispute a meeting' in English. However, in a wider context, it can also mean to 'contest a match or game' in sports events or 'debate in a gathering' for non-sporting context. The phrase is generally used in settings where there is a need to express a challenge or disagreement. It is quite formal and used mostly in written Spanish. Another point of note is that it may not be understood in all Spanish-speaking countries in the same way due to regional differences in language usage.

disputar un partido
dispute a party

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un partido' actually translates to 'play a match' in English, not 'dispute a party'. It refers to participating in a competitive game or sport. For example, it might be used to describe a soccer team playing a match against another team.

disputar un torneo
to play a tournament

The Spanish phrase 'disputar un torneo' translates to 'to play a tournament' in English. This is often used in the context of sports or games, where multiple participants compete in a structured event or series of events, with the intent to rise through the ranks and potentially emerge as the champion. It can also be used more metaphorically to describe any situation that involves competition or struggle against others for a specific goal or reward.


The Spanish word 'eliminatoria' translates to 'elimination' in English. In a competitive context, it generally refers to a stage in a tournament where participants are progressively eliminated after each round, until a winner is determined. It can also refer to the process of removing or getting rid of something or someone. It's important to understand the context to accurately translate this word.


The term 'encuentro' in Spanish translates to 'meeting' in English. The word 'encuentro' is primarily used to denote a gathering of people, usually convened for a particular purpose, such as business, social, or entertainment purposes in English. Interestingly, 'encuentro' can also depict an accidental or chance meeting between people.


The word 'entrenador' in Spanish translates to 'coach' in English. A 'coach' refers to someone who instructs or trains a team or individual in a sporting activity. Similarly, an 'entrenador' in Spanish-speaking countries may be responsible for everything from training amateur athletes to managing professional teams. It can also refer to a private trainer who assists with personal fitness goals. The term can be used in various contexts, not just in sports but also in any area where guidance and instruction are needed.


The Spanish word for 'training' is 'entrenamiento'. It is primarily used in the context of sports or physical education, but it can also define any form of organized activity designed to increase skills or knowledge. 'Estoy en entrenamiento para la maratón' translates to 'I am in training for the marathon'. However, it should be noted that Spanish may use different words or phrases for the concept of training depending on regional usage and context.

Example sentences with  entrenamiento
equipo de baloncesto
basketball team

The Spanish phrase 'equipo de baloncesto' translates to 'basketball team' in English. This term refers to a group of players, typically 5 on the court at a time, who work together in the sport of basketball. These teams can vary in level from amateur to professional, and include both men's and women's teams. In a game, they compete against each other to score points by getting a ball into the opposing team's basket.

equipo de fútbol
football team

The Spanish phrase 'equipo de fútbol' translates to 'football team' in English. A 'football team' is a group or a squad of players unified by the same goal of winning a match of football - a popular sport played worldwide. The term is universally used in sports and could be professional or amateur football players who train and play together. The term 'equipo de fútbol' carries the same meaning and usage in Spanish-speaking cultures and nations.


The word 'esquiar' is a verb in Spanish, which translates to 'ski' in English. As in English, it can be used both in terms of the action of skiing and the sport itself. For example, similar to saying 'I love to ski' in English, in Spanish you would say 'Me encanta esquiar'. Note that, like all verbs in Spanish, 'esquiar' can be conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense.


The Spanish word 'esquíes' translates to 'skis' in English. 'Esquíes' is a noun, pronounced 'es-KEE-es', and it's typically used in the context of snow activities, winter sports or skiing equipment. As Spanish nouns are gendered, 'esquíes' is masculine and plural. For example, in a sentence, it could be used as 'Los esquíes están en el garaje', which means 'The skis are in the garage'.


An 'Estadio' is a large structure or venue for sports, concerts, or events. It usually has a field or stage surrounded by tiers of seating for spectators.

Example sentences with  estadio
explicar las reglas del juego
explain the rules of the game

explicar las reglas del juego is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'explain the rules of the game' in English. It is often used in context of games, sports, or any competition where certain rules need to be explained or clarified to the participants. It can be divided into four parts: 'explicar' (explain), 'las' (the), 'reglas' (rules), and 'del juego' (of the game).


The Spanish word 'extremo' translates to 'extreme' in English. This word is generally used in contexts or situations that represent the highest degree or maximum level of something. For example, the phrase 'extremo peligro' would mean 'extreme danger'. The adjective 'extremo' can describe various phenomenons, states, or attributes, such as temperature, difficulty, necessity, etc., signifying they are at their utmost or highest level.


Football, known as soccer in some countries, is a team sport where two teams consisting of 11 players each compete to score goals in each other's nets. It's the most popular sport worldwide.

Example sentences with  Fútbol

The Spanish word 'ganador' translated to English means 'winner'. This term can be used in various contexts such as sports, competitions, or games to refer to a person, group, or entity that has achieved victory or a favorable outcome. For instance, 'el ganador del partido de fútbol' translates to 'the winner of the football match'. It denotes someone who outperForms others in a given activity or endeavor.


The Spanish word 'ganar' translates to 'win' in English. It is a verb that can be used in several contexts such as winning in a game, competition or lottery. Similar to English, 'ganar' can also relate to earning something, like money in a job. Just like other Spanish verbs, 'ganar' can be conjugated differently depending on the subject and tense.

ganar la copa
win the cup

The phrase 'ganar la copa' in Spanish is interpreted in English as 'win the cup'. This phrase is often used in a competitive context to describe a team or an individual who triumphs in a sports competition or any other form of contest, where a cup or similar trophy is often provided to the winner as a symbol of their achievement.

ganar una medalla
win a medal

The Spanish phrase 'ganar una medalla' translates to 'win a medal' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of sports, competitions, tournaments, and similar events. When someone 'gana una medalla', it means they have been awarded a medal for their performance or achievement in their respective field. This phrase uses the verb 'ganar' which means 'to win' and the noun 'medalla' which refers to 'a medal'. So, 'ganar una medalla' directly implies winning a medal.


Gimnasia in Spanish is gymnastics in English. It involves the performance of exercises requiring strength, flexibility, balance, and control.

Example sentences with  Gimnasia

The Spanish word 'gimnasio' translates to 'gym' in English. 'Gym' is a place where people go to exercise and stay fit. It can include areas for aerobic exercise, weightlifting, and various sports activities. In many cases, a gym is a membership-based commercial establishment, but it can also refer to a public or school facility.


Golf is a sport where players use various clubs to hit balls into a series of holes on a course using the fewest number of strokes. It's typically played individually or in teams.

Example sentences with  Golf
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