Spanish Sports Vocabulary in Spanish

A collection of words related to sports translated from English to Spanish. Useful for beginners learning Spanish.


The word 'aficionado' in Spanish translates to 'amateur' in English. It usually refers to someone who is enthusiastic about a particular hobby, sport, or pastime but does not engage in it professionally or with the same level of expertise as a professional. The word is also often used to describe a person who is a big fan or a great admirer of something or someone.


The Spanish word 'árbitro' translates to 'arbitrator' in English. In more detail, it refers to someone who has been officially chosen to make decisions in a dispute or competition, particularly in contexts like sports, law, and business. This individual is seen as a neutral party who can fairly decide or resolve disagreements. So, in different settings, an 'árbitro' may serve as a judge, a referee, or a mediator.

balón de fútbol
soccer ball

The Spanish term 'balón de fútbol' translates to 'soccer ball' in English. It is a term used in sports, particularly in the popular game of soccer (known as 'fútbol' in Spanish). The soccer ball, or 'balón de fútbol', is the main piece of equipment used in the sport. This spherical ball is kicked, dribbled, and passed among players with the goal of getting it into the opposing team's goal to score points.


Basketball is a sport that involves two teams of five players each who score points by throwing a ball into the opposing team's basket. The team with the most points by the end of the game wins.

Example sentences with  baloncesto

Baseball is a team sport in which two teams take turns batting and fielding, aiming to score the most runs by hitting a thrown ball and running around a series of bases.

Example sentences with  Beisbol

Boxing is a combat sport involving two contenders fighting against each other using their fists, that are protected by gloves. The aim is to weaken and dismiss their opponent with their punches.

Example sentences with  Boxeo

The Spanish word 'campeonato' translates to 'championship' in English. A championship, in the context of sports or other competitive activities, signifies a contest held to determine a champion, often the final event in a series. 'Campeonato' can be used in various contexts just like 'championship', making it a versatile word to add to your vocabulary.

campo de fútbol
football field

The Spanish phrase 'campo de fútbol' translates to 'football field' in English. In many Spanish-speaking countries, football—known as 'soccer' in the United States—is a very popular sport, hence the term is widely used. A football field refers to the specific playing surface where football games are held. It is characterized by its rectangular shape, grassy surface, and the presence of two goals on opposite ends of the field. It is here where players, often in teams, compete to score the most goals by getting a ball into the opponent's goal.


The word 'carrera' in Spanish is commonly used in the context of a foot race, car race, or any sort of competitive event involving speed. However, it's important to note that it can also refer to a course of study in a university or college in the same way 'degree' is used in English.

Example sentences with  carrera
carrera ciclista
Cycling career

The Spanish phrase 'carrera ciclista' translates to 'cycling career' in English. This term is used to describe the professional path chosen by someone in the field of cycling. It involves participating in cycling races and events, either as an individual or as a part of a team. The career may include different types of cycling like road racing, mountain bike racing, track cycling, cyclocross, and more. It usually requires extensive training, skills in riding different types of bicycles, and a deep understanding of the rules and strategies of cycling races.

carrera de coches
car race

The Spanish term 'carrera de coches' translates to 'car race' in English. It is often used to denote any competition of speed between cars. This term may be used in various contexts, including sports, entertainment, and lifestyle. Variations of car races can occur on different types of tracks, such as road racing on public roads, drag racing on straight tracks, or off-road racing on rugged terrain. The participants in a 'carrera de coches' strive to be the first to complete a set course or distance.

carrera de motos
motorcycle race

The term 'carrera de motos' in Spanish translates to 'motorcycle race' in English. This is a sporting event where riders on motorcycles compete against each other on a specified course. The race generally involves speed, endurance, and skillful navigation of the course. Notable motorcycle races include the famous 'MotoGP' and 'Dakar Rally'. Motorcycle races consist of professional and amateur events and are held on diverse surfaces, like asphalt, dirt, and sometimes even ice or snow.


The word 'certamen' in Spanish does not directly translate to 'certamen' in English. The Spanish term 'certamen' is often used to refer to a competition or contest. It generally denotes an event where individuals or teams compete against each other to determine a winner. It's used in various contexts including sporting events, beauty pageants, academic contests and more.


The Spanish word 'chándal' translates to 'tracksuit' in English. This is a type of comfortable, casual clothing that typically consists of a loose-fitting jacket and trousers, often made of soft, flexible materials like cotton or polyester. It is primarily used for sport activities but has also become a popular choice for casual everyday wear. The equivalent term in American English might be 'sweatsuit' or 'sweat suit'.


Cycling is the sport or activity of riding a bicycle. It can be done for transportation, recreation or for competitive racing.

Example sentences with  Ciclismo

The word 'ciclista' originates from the Spanish language, referring to a person who rides bicycles. This could be for various purposes such as sports, recreation, or transportation. A 'ciclista' can be of any age or gender, and it is synonymous with the English term, cyclist.

Example sentences with  ciclista
clasificarse para el campeonato
qualify for the championship

'Clasificarse para el campeonato' is a Spanish phrase that translates to 'qualify for the championship' in English. This is often used in the context of sports, referring to the process or achievement of meeting the required standards or criterion to enter into a championship competition. It can also be applied metaphorically in other domains like business or academia, symbolizing the act of reaching a high standard or level of achievement.

clasificarse para la (semi)final
qualify for the (semi)final

The Spanish phrase 'clasificarse para la (semi)final' translates to 'qualify for the (semi)final' in English. It's usually used in the context of sporting events or competitive activities where participants must meet specific criteria or win earlier rounds in order to proceed to the final or semifinal stages of the competition.

clasificarse para la eliminatoria
qualify for elimination

The Spanish phrase 'clasificarse para la eliminatoria' translates to 'qualify for elimination' in English. It's commonly used in competitive contexts, typically in sports or games, where participants compete against each other until there is one final winner. If you 'clasificarse para la eliminatoria', it means that you have done well enough in the previous stages of competition to proceed to the elimination rounds, where competitors will be progressively eliminated until there is a final winner.


In Spanish, 'club' is also used as in English to refer to a group of people organized for a common purpose such as a sports team, or a place where people go to dance and listen to music. It is also used to describe a heavy stick or a card suit in a standard deck of cards. Usage in sentences remains the same as it is in English.

Example sentences with  club
coche de carreras
racing car

The Spanish phrase 'coche de carreras' translates to 'racing car' in English. The phrase is composed of two parts: 'coche', which means 'car', and 'de carreras', which translates to 'racing'. Thus, it refers to a fast, high-powered car that's specially designed for racing competitions. Such cars are generally equipped with advanced features for accelerating, braking, and maneuvering, and their performance far exceeds that of ordinary road cars.

Example sentences with  coche de carreras
Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI)
International Olympic Committee (IOC)

The 'Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI)' is a Spanish term that translates to 'International Olympic Committee (IOC)' in English. The International Olympic Committee is a non-governmental sports organisation based in Switzerland. It is responsible for organising the summer and winter Olympic Games.


Competition refers to the rivalry between companies selling similar products and services with the goal of achieving revenue, profit, and market share growth. This term is used often in business strategy discussions.

Example sentences with  competencia
conseguir la copa
get the cup

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir la copa' is translated to 'get the cup' in English. It is usually used in the context of achieving or winning something, exactly like how we say, 'Getting the trophy' in English. The verb 'conseguir' means to get or achieve, 'la' is the definite article 'the', and 'copa' is translated to 'cup' or 'trophy'. It is a common phrase, often used in competitive situations.

conseguir una medalla
get a medal

The Spanish phrase 'conseguir una medalla' translates to 'get a medal' in English. It can be used in various contexts, either literally as in winning a medal in a competition or figuratively as in achieving a significant accomplishment. It's made up of the verb 'conseguir' meaning 'to get or to obtain', 'una' an indefinite article meaning 'a', and 'medalla' which means 'medal'.

contraer los músculos
to contract muscles

The Spanish phrase 'contraer los músculos' translates to 'to contract muscles' in English. It refers to the action of a muscle or a muscle group making a movement by becoming shorter or tighter. This term can be used in a variety of contexts but is most commonly used in the fields of physiology and physical fitness. In these fields, muscle contraction can imply various body movements such as lifting weights, running, or simply doing physical exercises.

to run

'Correr' corresponds to the act of running, hurrying or moving swiftly.

Example sentences with  correr
cuartos de final
quarter final

The Spanish phrase 'cuartos de final' translates to 'quarter final' in English. This phrase is used predominantly in the context of sports or any other kind of competition where the participants are divided into four final stages before the semi-finals and the final. It is a direct indication of the stage in a tournament or competition, referring to the round of the last eight teams or participants.

dar calor

The Spanish phrase 'dar calor' translates to 'to give heat' in English. However, it's also used idiomatically to express the idea of making a place or situation uncomfortably or unpleasantly warm. To understand its use in context, let's consider this sentence - 'El sol daba calor a la habitación', which translates to 'The sun was heating up the room'. In this usage, it's not about transferring heat, but rather the sun causing the room to become warm.

dar un puñetazo
give a punch

The Spanish phrase 'dar un puñetazo' translates to 'give a punch' in English. This phrase is typically used to describe the action of hitting someone or something with a closed hand, similar to its usage in English. It can be used in both a literal sense, such as physically punching someone or something, or figuratively, to represent a strong or impactful action or response.

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