Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Space

A collection of Spanish terms related to space such as planets, stars, and more terms related to the cosmos.

luna llena
full moon

The Spanish phrase 'luna llena' translates to 'full moon' in English. The word 'luna' means 'moon' and 'llena' means 'full'. So, when combined together, 'luna llena' represents the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from Earth. This happens when the Earth is located directly between the Sun and the Moon, making the latter fully visible and appearing as a beautiful, bright circle in the night sky.

Example sentences with  luna llena

Mercurio is the Spanish name for Mercury, which is the smallest and innermost planet in our solar system. This term may not only refer to the celestial body itself, but also to the chemical element with the symbol Hg and atomic number 80 on the periodic table, which is known for its silvery, fluid-like appearance at room temperature. In Roman mythology, Mercurio (Mercury) is a major god, serving as the messenger to the gods, guide of dead souls to the underworld, and patron of commerce, among other roles.

Example sentences with  Mercurio

The Spanish word 'meteorito' translates to 'meteorite' in English. This refers to a small piece of a meteor that survives its passage through the Earth's atmosphere and lands on its surface. Meteorites can vary in size, ranging from dust particles to massive rocks. They are mainly composed of rock and metal, and their study helps scientists understand more about our solar system and the universe beyond.

Example sentences with  meteorito

The Spanish word 'mundo' translates to 'world' in English. It is used in similar contexts as it is in English, such as when referring to the entire Earth or to the general public. It is also used in idiomatic expressions in Spanish such as 'El mundo es un pañuelo' which translates to 'It's a small world'.

Example sentences with  mundo

The Spanish word 'observatorio' translates to 'observatory' in English. An observatory is a location used for observing terrestrial or celestial events such as astronomy, climatology, or for weather forecasts. Therefore, when you say 'observatorio' in Spanish, you are referring to a place continually monitoring a particular set of activities or phenomena.

Example sentences with  observatorio

The word 'órbita' in Spanish translates to 'orbit' in English. An orbit refers to the gravitationally curved trajectory of an object, such as the trajectory a planet follows around a star or a moon around a planet. In general terms, 'orbit' could also represent a sphere of influence or activity. In Spanish, 'órbita' hold the same implications.

Example sentences with  órbita

The Spanish word 'planeta' translates to 'planet' in English. It's used in the same context as in English, referring to any of the large solid objects that orbits a star (like the Earth around the Sun). It is a noun in Spanish as it is in English. The pronunciation in Spanish is slightly different, pronounced as 'plah-net-ah'.

Example sentences with  planeta
ponerse el sol
Get the sun

The phrase 'ponerse el sol' in Spanish does not actually mean 'get the sun' in English. It is a metaphorical term used to describe the occurrence of sunset. It is basically equivalent to 'the sun sets' in English. The verb 'ponerse' in this context means 'to go down' or 'set' when used in relation to the sun, hence the term 'ponerse el sol' metaphorically signifies the time of day when the sun disappears below the horizon, indicating the approach of night.

Example sentences with  ponerse el sol
salir el sol

The Spanish phrase 'salir el sol' translates to 'sunrise' in English. It refers to the moment when the upper rim of the sun appears on the horizon in the morning. This phrase is often used in expressions related to the beginning of a new day or the start of an activity

Example sentences with  salir el sol

The word 'satélite' in Spanish translates to 'satellite' in English. A satellite is an object in space that orbits around a larger object. There are two kinds of satellites: natural (like the moon orbiting the Earth) and human-made. Human-made satellites provide a variety of services, such as weather information, television and radio broadcasts, and navigation data.

Example sentences with  satélite

The word 'Saturno' in Spanish corresponds to 'Saturn' in English. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun in our solar system and it is recognized for its extensive ring system composed primarily of ice particles with a smaller amount of rocky debris and dust. It is named after the Roman god of wealth and agriculture. In Spanish-speaking cultures, 'Saturno' retains the same meaning and refers to the same astronomical body.

Example sentences with  Saturno
signo del zodiaco
sign of the zodiac

The phrase 'signo del zodiaco' in Spanish translates to 'sign of the zodiaco' in English. It refers to any of the twelve equal sectors that the celestial sphere is conventionally divided into, represented by symbols and designated by names of the constellations that roughly coincide with the sectors. This term is often used in the context of astrology and horoscopes, where it pertains to a prediction of someone's future based on the position of the stars at their time of birth.

Example sentences with  signo del zodiaco

The Spanish word 'sol' translates to 'sun' in English. It is a masculine noun frequently used in various contexts. Some examples include 'el sol brilla' which means 'the sun is shining', and 'el sol está muy caliente hoy' which means 'the sun is very hot today'. The word 'sol' is also used in idiomatic expressions such as 'hace sol' which means 'it's sunny'. Another important thing to notice is that in Spanish, 'el sol' is used more frequently than just 'sol', which is equivalent to 'the sun' in English as opposed to just 'sun'. It is one of the basic terms in Spanish vocabulary, making it essential for any beginner.

Example sentences with  sol

'Sol' is the Spanish noun for sun. The sun is the star at the center of the solar system which Earth and other planets revolve around.

Example sentences with  sol

The Spanish word 'telescopio' translates to 'telescope' in English. A telescope is a device used to observe remote objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation, typically visible light. The first known practical telescope was invented in the early 17th century by Dutch mathematician and astronomer, Hans Lippershey. Since then, the design, power, and capabilities of telescopes have evolved significantly. Now they are integral devices for exploring the universe, enabling humans to observe celestial bodies such as stars, planets, galaxies, and other phenomena.

Example sentences with  telescopio

The Spanish word 'universal' translates directly to 'universal' in English. It's an adjective that describes something that applies to all members within a particular group or to all instances of a particular situation or circumstance. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including but not limited to, science (universal law), philosophy (universal truth), and everyday conversation (universal appeal).

Example sentences with  universal

The Spanish word 'universo' translates to 'universe' in English. It refers to all existing matter and space considered as a whole, which includes the earth, stars, galaxies and all other forms of energy and matter. This word is often used in a variety of contexts, including astronomy, physics, metaphysics and theology.

Example sentences with  universo

The Spanish word 'Venus' translates directly to 'Venus' in English. It is a proper noun referring to the second planet from the sun in our solar system. As it is the brightest natural object in the night sky, it is often called the morning star or evening star. The planet is named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty, Venus. In both Spanish and English, 'Venus' carries the same connotations and astrological associations.

Example sentences with  Venus
viaje espacial
space travel

The Spanish phrase 'viaje espacial' translates to 'space travel' in English. This term is used to describe the activity of traveling beyond the Earth's atmosphere, potentially to other planets or celestial bodies. It is a term often used in the fields of astronomy and space exploration.

Example sentences with  viaje espacial
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