Spanish Spanish Vocabulary: Space

A collection of Spanish terms related to space such as planets, stars, and more terms related to the cosmos.

agujero negro
black hole

The term 'agujero negro' is a phrase in Spanish that translates to 'black hole' in English. A black hole is a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even particles and electromagnetic radiation such as light, can escape from it. The term 'black hole' is largely attributed to the fact that it absorbs all the light that comes towards it, and it reflects nothing, rendering it effectively invisible and giving it a dark appearance.

Example sentences with  agujero negro
año luz

The term 'año luz' in Spanish translates to 'light-year' in English. It is a unit of astronomical distance equivalent to the distance that light travels in one year, which is approximately 5.88 trillion miles or 9.46 trillion kilometers. This concept is often used in astronomy to describe vast distances between stars and galaxies.

Example sentences with  año luz
apagarse (una estrella)
go out (a star)

The Spanish term 'apagarse (una estrella)' translates to 'go out (a star)' in English. Used often in the context of astronomy, it describes the process when a star loses its brightness and eventually disappears or dies. This phrase can also be used metaphorically in other contexts to depict the end or disappearance of something bright or prominent.

Example sentences with  apagarse (una estrella)

The Spanish word 'astro' translates to 'star' in English. This can refer to a celestial body consisting of a mass of gas held together by its own gravity in space. Stars are visible from Earth during the night when they are not obscured by clouds or light pollution. The term 'astro' can also be used metaphorically in both languages to refer to a person who stands out for their exceptional talent or notability in a particular field.

Example sentences with  astro

The Spanish word 'astrología' translates to 'astrology' in English. Astrology is a pseudoscience that claims to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events by studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects. It has been used for centuries and throughout different cultures as a form of entertainment, a part of religion, and a part of daily life.

Example sentences with  astrología

The word 'astronauta' is a noun in the Spanish language, originating from the combination of the Greek words 'astro', meaning star, and 'nauta', meaning sailor. In English, this word translates to 'astronaut'. An astronauta/astronaut is a person who is trained by a human spaceflight program to command, pilot, or serve as a crew member of a spacecraft. Although generally reserved for professional space travelers, the terms are sometimes applied to anyone who travels into space, including scientists, politicians, journalists, and tourists.

Example sentences with  astronauta

Astronomy is a science that studies celestial objects and phenomena. It uses mathematics, physics, and chemistry in order to explain their origin and evolution. Such objects and phenomena include planets, moons, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and comets.

Example sentences with  astronomía

The Spanish word 'aterrizar' translates to 'landing' in English. It is most commonly used in the context of aviation to describe the action of an aircraft coming down onto the land or water at the end of a flight. However, it can also be used metaphorically to describe coming back down to reality after a period of excitement or elation, similar to the English expression 'to come back down to earth'.

Example sentences with  aterrizar

The Spanish word 'atmósfera' translates to 'atmosphere' in English. It refers to the layer of gases surrounding a material body of sufficient mass, especially the ones like our planet Earth. It can also refer to the ambiance or mood in a particular environment or setting. For instance, the atmosphere at a party or any social gathering. This term is commonly used in contexts relating to environmental science, meteorology, aviation, and space exploration.

Example sentences with  atmósfera
brillar (una estrella)
glow (a star)

The Spanish term 'brillar (una estrella)' is translated as 'glow (a star)' in English. This term originates in the physical sciences and it is often used to describe the luminous effect seen in observational astronomy when a star shines in the night sky, emitting light or radiating energy. As such, it may be used both literally, to express the visual phenomenon, as well as metaphorically, to signify the shining, standout appearance or performance of a person or object.

Example sentences with  brillar (una estrella)
cielo estrellado
Starry sky

The Spanish term 'cielo estrellado' translates to 'starry sky' in English. It is a phrase used to describe a clear night sky filled with visible stars. This can often refer to circumstances where urban light pollution is minimal, allowing for the celestial bodies to be more observable. It carries the same feelings of wonder and beauty as its English counterpart.

Example sentences with  cielo estrellado

The Spanish word 'cohete' roughly translates to 'rocket' in English. This can be used in a similar context to the English word. It can be seen quite often in science, technology and space exploration areas where propulsion is used to move an object directly upwards from the Earth's surface. For example, phrases such as 'Un cohete fue lanzado al espacio' translate to 'A rocket was launched into space' in English.

Example sentences with  cohete

The word 'cometa' in Spanish translates to 'kite' in English. It mainly refers to a lightweight object, typically made from paper or plastic, that is designed to fly in the air while being held at the end of a long string. It is a common toy for children who enjoy flying it on windy days. The term can also be used to refer to a comet in an astronomical context, but the most common translation is 'kite'.

Example sentences with  cometa

The Spanish word 'constelación' translates to 'constellation' in English. In astronomy, a constellation is commonly understood to mean a group of stars that have been given a name, typically related to a mythological figure. There are 88 recognized constellations in total. The word can also be used more broadly to refer to any group of things or even ideas that are related or share some common feature. In Spanish, just like in English, it's commonly used in a literal astronomical context, but can also figuratively refer to a notable group of people or things.

Example sentences with  constelación
eclipse de luna
Moon eclipse

The Spanish phrase 'eclipse de luna' translates to 'moon eclipse' in English. This represents a celestial event that occurs when Earth comes between the Sun and the Moon, thereby creating a shadow that falls on the Moon. This phenomenon is also known as a lunar eclipse in English.

Example sentences with  eclipse de luna
eclipse de sol
solar eclipse

The term 'eclipse de sol' in Spanish translates to 'solar eclipse' in English. A solar eclipse is a natural phenomenon that happens when the Moon passes between the Sun and the Earth, causing the Sun to be fully or partially obscured. This can only happen during a new moon phase. The type and length of a solar eclipse depend upon the Moon's location relative to its orbital nodes.

Example sentences with  eclipse de sol
eclipse parcial
Partial eclipse

The term 'eclipse parcial' is a Spanish phrase which translates to 'partial eclipse' in English. In the context of astronomy, an eclipse is a natural event that occurs when an astronomical object, like the Moon or a planet, moves into the shadow of another astronomical object. When the term is paired with 'parcial', it specifies the type of eclipse. A partial eclipse refers to an eclipse in which the eclipsing body is only partially obscured or blocked. This term is often used when referring to phases of solar or lunar eclipses, when only a portion of the Sun or the Moon is obscured.

Example sentences with  eclipse parcial
eclipse total
Total eclipse

The Spanish term 'eclipse total' translates to 'total eclipse' in English. A total eclipse is a natural event that occurs when one celestial body, like the moon or a planet, moves into the shadow of another celestial body. In context, this term is most commonly used to describe the phenomenon where the moon completely covers the sun as observed from Earth, which is known as a total solar eclipse.

Example sentences with  eclipse total
entrar en órbita
enter orbit

The Spanish phrase 'entrar en órbita' translates to 'enter orbit' in English. This is commonly used in astronomical context to describe a spacecraft or any object that starts to move around another object in a continuous, elliptical path under the influence of the other object's gravity. However, like any language, depending on the context, this phrase might also be used figuratively.

Example sentences with  entrar en órbita

In Spanish, 'espacio' translates to 'space'. This could refer to physical space in a room or in the universe, the space between objects, or metaphorical space. Just as in English, it is used in a variety of contexts and can also refer to a blank part in a document, a period of time, or the capacity of a place.

Example sentences with  espacio
espacio exterior
outer space

The term 'espacio exterior' in Spanish translates to 'outer space' in English. Outer space is a vast expanse that exists beyond the atmosphere of celestial bodies, including the Earth. It is a vacuum filled with celestial bodies like galaxies, stars, and planets. The concept of 'space' is a significant part of study and exploration in the field of astronomy. 'Espacio exterior' conveys the same vastness and infinity in the Spanish language.

Example sentences with  espacio exterior
estación espacial
Space station

The Spanish term 'estación espacial' translates to 'space station' in English. A space station is a large spacecraft that remains in low Earth orbit for extended periods of time. It is a home where astronauts live and work. The International Space Station, known as 'la Estación Espacial Internacional' in Spanish, is a space station inhabited by astronauts from around the world, conducting scientific research and experiments in a variety of fields.

Example sentences with  estación espacial
estrella fugaz
shooting star

The Spanish term 'estrella fugaz' translates to 'shooting star' in English. A shooting star, scientifically known as a meteor, is a small, rapidly moving celestial object that burns up in the Earth's atmosphere, creating a streak of light visible from our planet. This spectacular natural phenomenon can often be seen on a clear night sky. The term 'estrella fugaz' is often used in literature and poetry, symbolising fleeting moments or transient beauty.

Example sentences with  estrella fugaz
expandirse (el universo)
expand (the universe)

The Spanish phrase 'expandirse (el universo)' translates to 'expand (the universe)' in English. It is used in the context of explaining phenomena in physics and cosmology. 'Expandirse' is a reflexive verb, indicating a process or change happening to the subject itself, in this case, the universe. It's derived from 'expandir' which means to expand or to spread. 'El universo' refers to 'the universe'. Combined, 'expandirse (el universo)' is used to describe the action of the universe expanding.

Example sentences with  expandirse (el universo)
extinguirse (una estrella)
extinct (a star)

The Spanish term 'extinguirse (una estrella)' translates to 'extinct (a star)' in English. This phrase is often used in the context of astronomy, where it refers to the process by which a star exhausts its nuclear fuel and ends its life. This could occur in a number of ways, such as collapsing under its own gravity, or exploding as a supernova. The phrase conveys a sense of finality and the irreversible end of existence.

Example sentences with  extinguirse (una estrella)

The word 'galaxia' is a noun in Spanish. It corresponds to the English word 'galaxy'. In astronomy, a galaxy is a huge collection of gas, dust, and billions of stars and their solar systems, all held together by gravity. The word 'galaxia' is used in Spanish-speaking cultures to refer to such a celestial body.

Example sentences with  galaxia
girar (un planeta)
spin (a planet)

The Spanish word 'girar' translates to 'spin' in English. Specifically, when used in the context of 'un planeta', it refers to the rotation of a planet. Just as a planet spins on its axis in our galaxy, 'girar' describes this astronomical phenomenon. It is commonly used in both scientific and everyday conversations to talk about the motion of celestial bodies. In a larger context, it can also be used to describe the movement around an axis or center point.

Example sentences with  girar (un planeta)
lanzamiento espacial
Space launch

The Spanish term 'lanzamiento espacial' is a compound noun that directly translates to 'space launch' in English. It is used within the context of aeronautics and space exploration, and refers to the process by which a spacecraft or satellite is propelled and directed up from Earth's surface into space. This term can be used in a variety of contexts, typically to describe the launching of telescopes, satellites, or manned missions into orbit or beyond.

Example sentences with  lanzamiento espacial

The Spanish word 'Leo' translates to 'Leo' in English. It is a proper noun and is often used as a first name, just as 'Leo' is frequently used as a first name in English. The name originates from Latin, where 'leo' means 'lion'. This name is often given to people born under the Leo zodiac sign, which is represented by a lion. 'Leo' possesses the same spelling and pronunciation in both Spanish and English.

Example sentences with  Leo

'Luna' is the Spanish noun for moon. The moon is the natural satellite of the earth, visible at night by reflected light from the sun.

Example sentences with  luna
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