Spanish Society Vocabulary

A collection of Spanish words related to the society. Great for beginners hoping to expand their vocabulary.


The given word 'sociabilidad' doesn't actually mean sustainability in English. Instead, it translates to 'sociability', which refers to the quality of being sociable. This refers to being willing to engage in social interactions and showing friendliness towards others. This term can be used to describe people, animals as well as organizations or contexts that encourage comradeship and communal relationships.

Example sentences with  sociabilidad

The word 'social' in Spanish is also 'social', pronounced slightly different with an emphasis on the last syllable. It is used in the same way as in English, often to refer to society or community-related concepts, interactions, gatherings, or issues. It can be used in a variety of contexts, including social networks ('redes sociales'), social life ('vida social'), or social problems ('problemas sociales').

Example sentences with  social

The word 'sociología' is a noun in Spanish that translates into English as 'sociology'. Sociology is the study of human behavior within society, including societal cultures, practices, and organizational structures. It's a social science that uses various methods of empirical investigation and critical analysis to develop a body of knowledge about social order and acceptance. In Spanish, the word 'sociología' is used in a similar context, referring to the examination and analytical understanding of social behaviors and structures.

Example sentences with  sociología

The Spanish term 'sociólogo' directly translates to 'sociologist' in English. A 'sociólogo' is an expert in or a student of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings. It encompasses the study of social institutions and their interlocking nature, as well as various social, cultural, political, economic, and historical forces that mold human behavior in society.

Example sentences with  sociólogo
tendencia ideológica
ideological tendency

The Spanish term 'tendencia ideológica' translates to 'ideological tendency' in English. This refers to a common or prevailing inclination in ideology, or a person's or group's set of beliefs or principles. It is often employed within political or social contexts, indicating the predominant thought pattern that influences an individual's or group's actions or viewpoints.

Example sentences with  tendencia ideológica
tendencia social
social trend

The phrase 'tendencia social' in Spanish translates to 'social trend' in English. A social trend can be understood as a pattern of change over time in the behavior, attitudes, or characteristics of a society as a whole. It reflects shifts in societal norms, values, or priorities. Just as in English, 'tendencia social' in Spanish can refer to various contexts such as fashion, economics, politics, and more, indicating a large-scale movement or direction in which society is progressing.

Example sentences with  tendencia social
tener ética

'Tener ética' is a phrase in Spanish which translates to 'to have ethics' in English. It is often used to refer to the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an activity. This can apply to various fields like business, healthcare, politics, and everyday life. When someone is said to 'tener ética', it means that they always try to do what is right - according to their moral code or the principles of their profession.

título honorífico

'Título honorífico' is a Spanish term that translates to 'title' in English. It often gets used in formal contexts to denote a rank, distinction, or ceremonial title conferred upon an individual as a mark of honour, recognition, academic or professional achievement. Such could be royal, scholarly, or chivalrous titles like 'Sir', 'Professor', or 'Doctor'. The usage could vary depending on cultural or societal conventions.

Example sentences with  título honorífico
título nobiliario

The Spanish term 'título nobiliario' does not translate directly to 'qualification' in English. Rather, it refers to a hereditary title bestowed upon an individual by a sovereign as a mark of nobility which includes ranks like Duke, Marquis, Count, Viscount, and Baron among others. These nobility titles served as a recognition of service or loyalty to the crown, often granted to those providing military service or other significant contributions.

Example sentences with  título nobiliario
título vitalicio

The Spanish term 'título vitalicio' does not directly translate to 'vitality' in English. It is comprised of two words - 'título', which means 'title', and 'vitalicio', which means 'for life'. Thus, the term 'título vitalicio' is commonly understood to mean 'title for life' or 'lifelong title'. This is often used in the context of a position or honor that someone holds for their entire life, similar to a 'lifetime achievement'.

Example sentences with  título vitalicio

The Spanish word 'tolerancia' translates to 'tolerance' in English. It is a noun and it is used in contexts where acceptance, patience or endurance is implied. It can refer to the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. It can also refer to the capacity to endure continued subjection to something such as a drug, pain, or environmental conditions without adverse reaction.

Example sentences with  tolerancia

The Spanish word 'traición' translates to 'betrayal' in English. This noun can be used in many different contexts, generally referring to unfaithfulness or disloyalty. It can also imply a breaking of trust in a relationship whether personal, business, or political. This could include traitorous acts that seriously harm or even destroy the relationship in question.

Example sentences with  traición

The Spanish word 'urbanidad' translates to 'urbanity' in English. It refers to the characteristic of being urban, or of an urban area. 'Urbanidad' represents the sophistication, manners, and refinement typically associated with urban living. It is often used in reference to cities or individuals who possess qualities associated with city life such as cosmopolitanism, modernity, and cultural sophistication.

Example sentences with  urbanidad

The Spanish word 'vecino' translates to 'neighbor' in English. The term refers to a person living next door to or very near to the speaker or person referred to, essentially an inhabitant of a particular place or a person living or located nearby. It can be used in several contexts, just like in English. An example of how 'vecino' might be used in a sentence is: 'Mi vecino tiene un gato' which translates to 'My neighbor has a cat'.

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